Dontho la Chiyembekezo
ya Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ)
Dontho la Chiyembekezo Sukulu Polojekitit
Maphunziro a Ana
Ulaliki wa Ana
Kukula ndi Kupita Maphunziro
Maiko Osankhidwa
Chakudya cha moyo Wonse
Maphunziro a UCT
kunyumba>>kukula ndi kupita >> dontho la chiyembekezo
Dontho la Chiyembekezo
United Caribbean Trust (UCT) ndiwokonzeka kuchita mgwirizano ndi mabungwe a renound International kuti ayambitse Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) m'sukulu za ku Haiti komanso madera akutali monga ku Africa.

M'nkhaniyi UCT yakhazikitsa unduna watsopano ‘Dontho la Chiyembekezo’ kuti ukhazikitse mafakitale opanga zinthu za Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) mu Africa ndi Haiti.
Download Engish Drop of Hope Biosand PowerPoint |
UCT ili ndi cholinga chopereka madzi aukhondo, kuphunzitsa ndi kukonzekeretsa masukulu ambiri omwe tikhala tikugwira nawo ntchito kudzera m'mabungwe athu achifundo ku Africa, Africa Bureau of Children's Discipleship (ABCD) African Training Bible School ndi bungwe lathu lothandiza anthu ku Special Treasures Foundation (STF).
Cholinga chathu chachikulu ndikukhazikitsa 'Dontho la Chiyembekezo Sukulu Polojekitit' m'maiko osiyanasiyana pomwe tinali ndi olumikizana nawo bwino komanso mapulogalamu okhazikika. Maiko omwe adzakhale nawo mu 'Polojekiti Yoyeserera' asankhidwa chifukwa cha maphunziro a 'Kids In Ministry International' (KIMI), kutenga nawo mbali mu 'Africa Training Bible School' ndi mautumiki awo a
'Ulaliki Wamasewera'.

a landlocked country in southeastern Africa, is defined by its topography of highlands split by the Great Rift Valley and enormous Lake Malawi.
1. Karonga
Pastor Sam is our KIMI Karonga Coordinator, Pastor Sam, a retired Principle of a school is committed to teaching children the meat and deeper truths of God's Word by going beyond the basic Bible stories. |


Ichi chikhala njira yotithandiza kuti tidziwitse m’sukulu zimenezi Maphunziro athu a 'Kukula ndi Kupita' m'chinenero chawo. Kuphunzitsa ana momwe zomera zimakulira komanso zomwe zimafunikira kuti zikule bwino - zomwe zimaphatikizapo kuwala ndi madzi. |
Equipping the children for the work of the ministry and creating an atmosphere and opportunities where they can experience the presence of God on a regular basis.
All of our Child Ministers involved in our KDT will be trained in the School of Supernatural Children's Ministry | 
ATBS has a chapter in Karonga and with the numerous Primary Schools it is an ideal location to launch our Malawi 'Drop of Hope School Project' |

Working in association with one of our Goshen Africa Glamping Mission Holiday Malawi lakeside destinations.
Such as the Resort
on the northern shores of Lake Malawi, the Chitimba Camp is for sale. Chitimba is a village situated 122 km south of the Malawi/Tanzania border at Karonga ideally located to our 'Drop of Hope School Project' at Karonga.
The lodge/campsite is set on a beautiful golden sandy beach, amongst banana palms and papaya trees, surrounded by the famous Livingstonia and Nyika mountains. Malawi Real Estate
| |
Activities include day hikes to Manchewe Falls, Livingstonia and Mount Chombe.
Surrounded by lush rainforest in Livingstonia, Manchewe Falls is the highest waterfall in Malawi at 125 metres high. | |
TANZANIA will be subdivided initially into two Phases.
Phase #1
- Dar Es Salam, the capital
- Mbeya in south west
- Tunduma
on the border between Tanzania and Zambia.
Phase #2
Phase #1: Zone #1 - Dar Es Salam, Tanzania Calvary Tabernacle Church hosted the Dar Es Salaam KIMI three day PowerClub leadership training and one day Child Evangelism program. 80 new PowerClub leaders were trained with over 30 new PowerClubs birthed. |


| Maphunziro a ana a Gawo 20 awa amasulira kale mu SWAHILI ku Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, Mozambique, Malawi ndi Zambia. |

The KIMI Dar Es Salaam coordinator - Pastor Imanuel Mwamakola is one such leader.
Seen here on right, with Bishop David Akondowi and Evangelist Jenny
Kwa zaka zambiri tazindikira anthu omwe ali ndi mphatso za Atumiki a Ana monga M'busa Sam, kukhala nawo pa pulogalamu yathu ya Maphunziro a Ana (MA)
M'busa Sam, yemwe anapuma pantchito Mfundo ya pasukulupo ndi wodzipereka kuphunzitsa ana nyama ndi choonadi chozama cha Mau a Mulungu podutsa nkhani zoyambilira za Baibulo.
Tikukhulupirira kuti Mulungu atithandiza kuti pulogalamuyo ifike m'masukulu am'deralo ku Malawi ndikukhala gawo la MA yathu. | |
Maphunziro a Ana (MA)
Kukhazikitsa Likulu la Maphunziro a Ana ku Barbados kuti atsogolere masemina atatu, miyezi itatu pachaka kwa atumiki aku Barbadian, Caribbean, Haitian ndi African ana.
Adathandizidwa kubwera ku Barbados kwa miyezi itatu kuti adzaphunzitsidwe m'malo osiyanasiyana kuphatikiza:
Ophunzitsidwa mu maphunziro athu onse a UCT
Anaphunzitsidwa Ulaliki wa Ana
Anaphunzitsidwa mu Ulaliki wa Masewera a Ana
Anaphunzitsidwa za Ulaliki wa Masewera
To be taught, equipped, empowered and ordained as Children's Ministers.
Then return to Africa to be employed by ABCD to teach others leaders and Sunday School Teachers expanding the scope and advancing the Kingdom of God in Malawi.

2 Ndipo zinthu zimene unamva ine ndikuziyankhula pamaso pa mboni zambiri, uziphunzitse kwa anthu odalirika amene akaphunzitsenso ena.
2 Timoteyo 2:2)
Bishop David is the Dean and the Executive Director of the African Training Bible School (ATBS) now reaching around 400 pastors in four countries of Africa, Tanzania, DR Congo, Malawi and Zambia.
Working with wonderful young men such as Teacher Nicodemus Kasumba who came to Mbeya to go thought the KIMI Leadership training in Mbeya in preparation for his translation duties in Tunduma.
He worked with Jenny in the fifth KIMI PowerClub Leadership Training in Tanzania with 127 new PowerClub leaders trained and over 30 churches represented. |

On the fourth day of training he was actively involved in the Children's Evangelism training of the FunTastic Fun Fair .
Mbeya will be used as our Tanzania Headquarters for training the Children's Ministers from Malawi, Zambia, DR Congo (Southern Zone) for establishing a Printing Press and Curriculum assembly line to enable hundreds of curriuculum to be distributed to the local churches and schools.
SCHOOLS IN MBEYA:  Phase #1 - Zone #3: Tunduma
Pastor Maiko was selected as the KIMI Tunduma Coordinator and he is seen here distributing the KIMI manual and curriculum. Thanks to all that worked so hard to translate this material and everyone that sponsored the printing of this material.

Connections like these will be invaluable when it comes to introducing our 'Drop of Hope School Project' into the many Primary schools in Tunduma.
Phase #2
- Zone #1 Morogoro
- Zone #2 Tukuyu
- Zone #3 Chunya
Phase #2- Zone #1 Morogoro
A city in the eastern part of Tanzania 196 kilometres west of Dar es Salaam. The capital of the Morogoro Region. ATBS has a vibrant chapter and we are considering it as part of our second phase for the 'Drop of Hope School Project' due to the number of schools in the area as well as an Agriculture College |
Phase #2 - Zone #2 Tukuyu
Tukuyu is home to another ATBS, it is a small hillside town that lies about 36 miles south of the city of Mbeya, at an elevation of around 5,000 ft in the highland Rungwe District of southern Tanzania. |
Tukuyu has numerous Primary and Secondary schools it even boasts a Teachers College.
ATBS has a chapter there and we are considering it as part of our second phase for the 'Drop of Hope School Project' |
Working in association with one of our Goshen Africa Glamping Mission Holiday Tanzania Eco destinations.
We are hoping to source around 20 acres in this beautiful area.

Tukuyu is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Mount Rungwe hiking and birdwatching, Malasusa Falls, Malamba Waterfalls, Henry Mokiwa and the famous Kaporogwe water falls.
Kaporogwe water falls is one of the notable tourist attractions in Mbeya region, where there's a natural huge water drop approximately 18km from the small town of Tukuyu. The falls is well decorated by the presence of a cave which provides an entrance for tourists to enjoy the visibility of these catastrophic falls from within .
Phase #2 - Zone #3 Also included in Phase #2 is the Chunya ATBS, Chunya District one of the eight districts of the Mbeya Region of Tanzania.

| These tribes are un reached tribes according to Joshua projects and the ATBS Chunya Center is very vital in the area. |
We are delighted to include them in this Phase #2 of the 'Drop of Hope School Project' and with the numerous Primary schools in the area it is an excellent choice. |

UGANDA, ikhala yogawidwa m'magawo asanu koyambirira:
Zone #1: The Capital - Kampala
Zone #2: Western Uganda
Zone #3: Eastern Uganda |
Zone #4:
Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement for South Sudan Refugees
Zone #5:Nakivale Refugee Settlement for DR Congo Refugees |
 | |
FPPM is fully registered with the ministry of internal affairs under the Non-Governmental Organizations regulation statute 1989 registration number S.5914/6406.
Kampala will be used as our Uganda Headquarters for training the Children's Ministers for establishing a Printing and Curriculum assembly line to enable hundreds of curriuculum to be distributed to the local churches and schools.
Trained in 2011 in the first KIMI three day leadership training.
Jenny returned in 2015 to do further children's ministers training introducing the 'Sowing Seeds of Success' children's curriculum which will be of great value for the 'Drop of Hope School Project' It has now been translated into Swahili to assist with the teaching in East Africa.

Zone #2: Western Uganda - Kasese.
Not forgetting beautiful Kasese high in the mountains in Eastern Uganda. What an honour to at last meet all the mighty men of God in the Full Gospel Kasese Region . |
Pastor Eric the District Overseer, the Full Gospel Assistant Zone Leader Pastor Jack, the Full Gospel District Assistant Supervisor Pastor George and
Full Gospel Zone Leader Pastor Obed
We look forward to working with all these mighty men of God in Kasese enabling us to train and equip their Child and Youth Ministers to introduce this 'Drop of Hope School Project' into the many Primary schools in this lovely but wounded region.
I can still remember how beautiful it was as my Mission Partner Lisa was able to share the Good News of Salvation with the children on the moutains in Nyangrong in western Uganda. Another area that we are hoping to introduce the 'Drop of Hope School Project'
Zone #3: Eastern Uganda, Three towns have been identified in this Zone.
1. Bugiri spearheaded by Pastors and leaders such as Pastor Paul who was the host Pastor for the Bugiri KIMI training in Uganda assisted by Pastor Patrick Cherop, a teacher by profession and a Pastor by calling. He was my translator at the seventh KIMI PowerClub Leadership Training took place in Bugiri, |

60 people completed the three days training represented 24 different churches, and again Pastor Patrick was translator on the 2015 Mission Trip.
There are numerous Primary and Secondary schools in Bugiri another perfect location to pilot our 'Drop of Hope School Project' |
20 acres have been identified in Bugiri to be purchased as part of our Goshen Africa Agro Glamping Mission Holiday Uganda destination.
A Moringa Processing Plant will also be established as part of the Mission Holiday humanitarian work experience.
Less than an hour and a half away is Jinja a great place for a day trip.
Jinja is commonly regarded as " the adventure capital of East Africa " due to the very many activities in town that one could engage in, especially for tourists. Local attractions include white-water rafting, the "Source of the Nile", and bungee jumping. |
Bugiri Real Estate
2. Busia: Jenny
the founder of UCT was joined by Lisa
and traveled to Busia a town in Eastern Uganda.
It is the main municipal, administrative and commercial center
of Busia District and the district headquarters are located
17 acres of fertile agriculture land on the outskirts of Busia to be purchased as part of our Goshen Africa Agro Glamping Mission Holiday Uganda destination.
A BioSand Production site will also be established as part of the Mission Holiday humanitarian work experience.
Just an hours drive to Yala Swamp,
a complex of wetlands in the delta of the Yala River, on the north-east shore of Lake Victoria. Yala is a birdwatchers paradise with sightings of the blue breasted bee eater, papyrus gonolek, swamp flycatcher, papyrus canary, white winged warbler, great snapper and baillor's crane. |
Busia Real Estate

3. Tororo, a town in the Eastern Region of Uganda . It is the main municipal, administrative, and commercial center of Tororo District. Tororo has numerous Primary and Secondary schools. ATBS has a Chapter there and this is a perfect location to establish a 'Drop of Hope School Project' pilot programme. |
20 acres of Farm Land for sale in Tororo, easily accessible by both road and railway o be purchased as part of our Goshen Africa Eco/Agro Glamping Mission Holiday Uganda destination.
Tororo Real Estate
The main tourist attraction is a visit to Tororo Rock a rock formation that serves as the defining feature of the town. It is also a tourist attraction being climbable in around an hour |
Baibulo lachingelezi lokhala ndi NUER zowoneka lapangidwira ana aku South Sudan ndi anthu othawa kwawo ku Uganda |

Komanso mtundu wa Chifalansa wokhala ndi LINGALA zothandizira
zowonera za ana a ku Central African Republic ndi anthu othawa kwawo ku DR Congo ku Uganda |

A French 'Heal a Hurting Heart' Post Traumatic Stress curriculum for Child Soldiers has been created to help in the healing process of the many child soldier refugees in this Settlement |


DR CONGO, will be subdivided initially into three Zones.
- North Kivu
- Idjwi Island Lake Kivu
- Katanga in the south (Lumumbashi)
North Kivu Zone #1 is a region from Goma in the south to Beni in the north where
KIMI leadership training was hosted by CEPCI and mobilized by Pastor Abraham to make it a wonderful success with 75 people attending representing 46 different churches.
Working alongside the 'Centre for Empowerment of Refugees And Orphans' (CERAO) is a Congolese non-governmental organization, founded on March 30th 1996 in Goma.
The Chief Executive Officer is Bishop Shandwe Luanda Pinos who is also a Trustee of ABCD. |
With the number of Primary schools in Beni this is aother area that we are hoping to introduce the 'Drop of Hope School Project'
Zone #2: Idjwi Island Lake Kivu
Komanso mtundu wa Chifalansa wokhala ndi 'KIHAVU' zothandizira zowonera za ana a ku Central African Republic
Zone #3 is located in Katanga one of the 21 new provinces of DR Congo located in the deep south. The African Bible Training School has a Chapter in Lumumbashi

RWANDA,will be subdivided initially into three lakeshore Zones in Western Province.
French curriculums with Kinyarwanda Bible Verses and Visual Aids for the children of Rwanda are being developed.
The ATBS has a Chapter in Zimbabwe and we are working on a Shona for the children.


| Baibulo lachingelezi lokhala ndi SHONA zowoneka lapangidwira ana aku Zimbabwi. |
Zone #1 Isoka
Isoka is a town located in the Muchinga Province of Zambia near the borders with Tanzania and Malawi.
The team from Zambia traveled to Dar Es Saleem for the KIMI Leadership training which was hosted in Calvary Tabernacle Church thus spearheading the PowerClub move into the Zambian churches coming under the cover of Bishop and a pilot project in the school owned and run by his wife also present at the training seen here receiving her curriculum. A Chichewa translation is being worked on as well. |

NIGERIA: Cross River
Partnering with the
Foursquare Churches in Cross River we are believing God to establish numerous Drop of Hope School Projects in this south east region.
Foursquare is an International Evangelical Pentecostal Christian denomination founded in 1923 by preacher Aimee Semple McPherson. | |
English curriculums with Efik Bible Verses and Visual Aids for the children of Cross River Nigeria are being developed.
NIGERIA: Akure, Ondo State Akure is a city in south-western Nigeria. It is the capital and largest city of Ondo State
Partnering with Pastor Blessing P. Johnson the Founder and President of RoyalGold Global Sports Outreach Ministry nurturing sports superstars in a Godly way. Another excellent connection for advancing the Kingdom in Akure, south west Nigeria.
English curriculums with Yoruba visual aids for the children of Nigeria are being developed.
'Grow and Go' English/Yoruba Curriculum

Portuguese curriculums for the children of Mozambique are being developed.
Dontho la Chiyembekezo - Sukulu Polojekitit

Gawo #1 likhala lokhazikitsa pobowo potsatira kafukufuku wa geological kuti atsimikizire kupezeka kwa madzi. Asanayambe kubowola, bore-bore amafunika chilolezo choboola komanso lipoti la chilengedwe. Akabowola, bowolo liyenera kumangidwa ndi chitsulo chotchinga kuti bowolo litsekeke komanso kuti tichotse tinthu tambiri ta mchenga kuti tisalowe mu mpope. |
Kuyika pampu:
Mtengo wa solar watsika kwazaka zambiri kotero zosankha zazikuluzikulu tsopano ndi ma solar verses grid magetsi. Mtengo wokwera woyambira wa solar udzachepetsedwa kwa nthawi yayitali chifukwa chotsika mtengo. Kuwala kwadzuwa ku Africa ndi kodalirika komanso kodziwikiratu. Mayiko a ku equator sakusowa kuwala kwa dzuwa!

Dzuwa limatulutsa madzi kokha pakakhala dzuwa kapena kuwala. Kuti mufanane ndi zomwe zimafunikira, nthawi zambiri mumawonjezera matanki amadzi. Pankhaniyi, akasinja 2 anawonjezedwa, onse 5000L aliyense. Thanki yapamwambayi imagwiritsidwa ntchito kudyetsera madzi kusukulu ndipo thanki yapansi panthaka imatulutsa madzi kumipopi ya anthu ammudzi. Ngati matanki onse ali opanda kanthu, patenga tsiku limodzi la kuwala kwa dzuwa kuti mudzaze. |
Solar panel ndi controller.
Ikani ndalama mu 40 'Energy Container' kuti isasokonezedwe ndi magetsi akunja
'Intech Energy Containers' ndi yankho loperekera mphamvu kumadera akumidzi. Chidebe chilichonse chili ndi dongosolo la photovoltaic ndi zosunga zobwezeretsera za lithiamu-ion. Dongosolo lililonse lili ndi njira yowunikira yomwe imalola makasitomala komanso mainjiniya a Intech kuti azitha kugwiritsa ntchito intaneti. |

Ma 'Intech Energy Containers' onse amasonkhanitsidwa, kuyesedwa ndi kukonzedwa kale asanatumizidwe zomwe zimatsimikizira kukhazikitsidwa kwachangu komanso kopanda mtengo. |
Zambiri zachokera
Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) - Mawu Otsogolera

DAWUNILODI: Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) - Mawu Otsogolera |
Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) ndi sefa ya madzi apakhomo yomwe imapangitsa madzi akuda kukhala abwino kumwa. Zosefera zamtunduwu zimatengera zosefera zapamchenga zochedwa, zomwe zakhala zikugwiritsidwa ntchito poyeretsa madzi ammudzi kwa zaka pafupifupi 200.
ZMZ ndi yaying'ono ndipo imasinthidwa kuti igwiritsidwe ntchito pakanthawi kochepa, ndikupangitsa kuti ikhale yoyenera m'mabanja, nthawi zambiri pafupifupi anthu asanu. Pankhani ya sukulu iyenera kuthandiza ana 10 mpaka 15 kwa nthawi yayitali kusukulu.
Banki ya ZMZ iyenera kukhazikitsidwa kuti ithandize ana |


Optional: Download English Introduction to the BioSand Filter video |
Munda wa khitchini wachilengedwe udzakhazikitsidwa kuseri kwa shedi ya ZMZ, madzi amchere kuchokera padenga atha kugwiritsidwa ntchito kuthirira mundawo.
Pulogalamu ya Munda wa Khitchini ndi pulogalamu yosangalatsa, yogwira ntchito yophunzira yopereka maphunziro osangalatsa a chakudya.
Ndi maphunziro amphamvu komanso cholinga cha kuchuluka kwa
ophunzira, mgwirizano ndi utsogoleri, ophunzira amaphunzira kukula,
kukonzekera chakudya chatsopano, chopatsa thanzi - kupanga
zakudya zabwino za moyo.
What a wonderful way to introduce a School Meals Programme. |

million children
are no longer receiving nutritious school meals, reducing their resistance to illness.
Giving us the opportunity to partner with International organizations such as Foursquare Disaster Relief
Introduce our Food For Life, school, 'Kisses from Heaven,' feeding programme with the dehydrated food packages.

Ichi chikhala njira yotithandiza kuti tidziwitse m’sukulu zimenezi Maphunziro athu a 'Kukula ndi Kupita' m'chinenero chawo. Kuphunzitsa ana momwe zomera zimakulira komanso zomwe zimafunikira kuti zikule bwino - zomwe zimaphatikizapo kuwala ndi madzi. |
Kuphatikizapo kuyambitsa Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) ndikuwaphunzitsa za kagwiritsidwe ntchito ndi kasamalidwe m'njira yosangalatsa yomwe ili yoyenera pamlingo wamaphunziro a ana.
Kutithandiza kuwadziwitsanso za 'Madzi Amoyo' ndi 'Kuunika kwa Dziko'
Maphunziro a ana a Gawo 20 awa amasulira kale mu SWAHILI ku Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, Mozambique, Malawi ndi Zambia. |


Tikugwira ntchito pa mtundu wa PORTUGUESE kwa ana a Mozambique ndi ana a Brazil ndi Venezuela |
Ndipo CHIFALANSA m'chinenerochi chovomerezeka ku Burundi, Cameroon, Central Republic of Congo komanso ku Haiti, komwe mavidiyo aku Haiti adapangira ana a Haiti. |


Komanso mtundu wa Chifalansa wokhala ndi LINGALA zothandizira
zowonera za ana a ku Central African Republic ndi anthu othawa kwawo ku DR Congo ku Uganda |
Komanso mtundu wa Chifalansa wokhala ndi 'KIHAVU' zothandizira zowonera za ana a ku Central African Republic
Komanso mtundu wa Chifalansa wokhala ndi 'KINYARWANDA' zothandizira zowonera za ana a ku Rwanda
Baibulo lachingelezi lokhala ndi NUER zowoneka lapangidwira ana aku South Sudan ndi anthu othawa kwawo ku Uganda |


| Baibulo lachingelezi lokhala ndi SHONA zowoneka lapangidwira ana aku Zimbabwi. |
Komanso mtundu wa Chilankhulo Chachingerezi wokhala ndi YORUBA 'Dagba ki o Lo' zothandizira zowonera za ana a ku Nigeria

Komanso mtundu wa Chilankhulo Chachingerezi wokhala ndi 'EFIK' zothandizira zowonera za ana a ku Nigeria
Zothandizira zowoneka DUTCH zamalizidwa kudikirira kuti zigwiritsidwe ntchito ku Suriname ndiponso m'tsogolo muno m'madera monga Aruba, Curaçao ndi St Maarten.

Kwa zaka mazana ambiri, nzika za kumpoto kwa India zadziwa ubwino wambiri wa Moringa oleifera. Kugwiritsiridwa ntchito kwake kuli kwapadera monga maina omwe amadziwika nawo, monga mtengo wa' Horseradish' ndi mtengo wa 'Drumstick' (kutanthauza makapu akuluakulu ooneka ngati ng'oma) ndipo ku East Africa amatchedwa "bwenzi lapamtima la Amayi" Ku Haiti amatchedwa Biolive. (chifukwa cha mafuta opangidwa kuchokera ku mbewu)
Ku Africa mitengo ya Moringa yagwiritsidwa ntchito polimbana ndi vuto la kuperewera kwa zakudya m'thupi, makamaka pakati pa makanda ndi amayi oyamwitsa.
Mabungwe atatu omwe si a boma makamaka - 'Trees for Life', 'Church World Service'
'Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization' - amalimbikitsa Moringa monga
"Zakudya zachilengedwe kumadera otentha."
Masamba amatha kudyedwa mwatsopano, kuphikidwa, kapena kusungidwa ngati ufa wouma kwa miyezi yambiri popanda m'firiji, komanso osataya thanzi. Moringa ndiwothandiza makamaka ngati gwero lazakudya kumadera otentha chifukwa mtengowo umakhala wamasamba kumapeto kwa nyengo yachilimwe pomwe zakudya zina zimakhala zochepa.
Kufufuza kwa masambawo kwawonetsa kuti ali ndi mavitamini A, B ndi C ambiri, calcium, iron ndi protein. Malinga ndi a Optima of Africa,
Ltd., gulu lomwe lakhala likugwira ntchito ndi mtengowu
ku Tanzania, 25 magalamu tsiku lililonse a 'Moringa Tsamba Ufa' azipatsa mwana zovomerezeka zotsatirazi zatsiku ndi tsiku: |
Mapuloten 42%,
Calcium 125%,
Magnesium 61%,
- Potaziyamu 41%,
Iron 71%,
- Vitamini 272%,
Vitamini C 22%.
Manambalawa ndi odabwitsa kwambiri; poganizira zakudya izi zilipo pamene zakudya zina zingakhale zochepa. Kafukufuku wa sayansi amatsimikizira kuti masamba odzichepetsawa ndi opatsa thanzi.
Gramu ya gramu, masamba a Moringa ali ndi:
- Kuchulukitsa kasanu ndi kawiri vitamini C mu malalanje,
- Kuchulukitsa kanayi calcium mu mkaka,
- Kuchulukitsa kanayi vitamini A mu kaloti,
- Kawiri kuchuluka kwa mapuloteni mu mkaka
- Potaziyamu mu nthochi katatu.
Mtengo wa Moringa umagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri pamankhwala ngati zopewera komanso kuchiza. Umboni wambiri ndi wongopeka chifukwa pakhala kafukufuku wochepa weniweni wasayansi womwe wapangidwa kuti utsimikizire izi. Mwambo wakale waku India of ayurveda akuti masamba a mtengo wa Moringa amateteza matenda 300. Dera limodzi lomwe pakhala kafukufuku wofunikira wasayansi ndiloti mankhwala opha maantibayotiki amtengowu amanenedwa.
Masamba obiriwira amalimbikitsidwa kwambiri ndipo amagwiritsidwa ntchito kwambiri.
Madonthowa ndi opatsa thanzi kwambiri, okhala ndi ma amino acid onse ofunikira komanso mavitamini ambiri ndi michere ina. Mkate wosakhwima ukhoza kudyedwa yaiwisi kapena kukonzedwa ngati nandolo zobiriwira kapena nyemba zobiriwira, pamene nyemba zokhwima nthawi zambiri zimakhala zokazinga ndipo zimakhala ndi kukoma kwa mtedza.
Makokowa amatulutsanso 38 - 40% ya mafuta osawumitsa, omwe amadziwika kuti Ben Oil. Mafutawa ndi omveka bwino, okoma komanso opanda fungo, ndipo sakhala osungulumwa. Ponseponse, zakudya zake zopatsa thanzi zimafanana kwambiri ndi mafuta a azitona. |

Masamba amadyedwa ngati masamba, mu saladi, muzamasamba, monga pickles ndi zokometsera. Akhoza kuumitsa ndi kusinja ndi kuwaza pa chakudya kapena kuwonjezera mkaka. Masamba ndi nthambi zazing'ono zimasangalatsidwa ndi ziweto. M'mayiko amene akutukuka kumene otentha
Mitengo ya Moringa yagwiritsidwa ntchito pothana ndi vuto la kuperewera kwa zakudya m'thupi, makamaka pakati pa makanda ndi amayi oyamwitsa.
Kufesa Mbewu Zopambana
Kutipatsa mwayi woyambitsa gawo lathu la 12 la 'Kufesa Mbewu Zopambana' maphunziro a ana a Moringa m'masukulu omwe akutenga nawo gawo mu 'Dontho la Chiyembekezo - Sukulu Polojekitit '
Baibulo la NUER ikukonzedwa kuti imasuliridwe kuti ana a ku Suriname azitsatira maphunziro athu achi Dutch Kukula ndi Kupita Baibulo
Baibulo la Swahili lamasuliridwa kwa ana aku Tanzania, ndi East Africa. |


Baibulo la Chipwitikizi lamasuliridwa kwa ana aku Mozambique |
Baibulo la Chiyoruba lamasuliridwa kwa ana aku Nigeria.
Written in English with Yoruba Visual Aids and Bible Verses for the ministry in Nigeria. |

| Zothandizira zowoneka DUTCH zamalizidwa kudikirira kuti zigwiritsidwe ntchito ku Suriname ndiponso m'tsogolo muno m'madera monga Aruba, Curaçao ndi St Maarten.
Kutsatira Dutch wathu 'Groeien en Gaan' Maphunziro. |
Dziwani zambiri zantchito za Moringa kuphatikizapo kutsuka madzi.
Sungani madzi anu pogwiritsa ntchito njere
DAWUNILODI: 'Sungani madzi anu pogwiritsa ntchito njere' poster to assist with the teaching.
DAWUNILODI: 'Sungani madzi anu pogwiritsa ntchito njere' Chichewa Educational Handout for the parents or guardian. |

Sungani madzi anu pogwiritsa ntchito njere
Uthenga Wofunika: Mbeu zosiyanasiyana zitha kugwiritsidwa ntchito pochotsa matope m'madzi anu.
Mafunso Otheka:
- Kodi munayamba mwagwiritsapo ntchito njere kuti muchepetse madzi anu?
- Ngati inde, nthawi zambiri mumagwiritsa ntchito bwanji mbewu?
Gawo loyamba pochiza madzi anu ndikuchita sedimentation. Madzi athu akakhala odetsedwa, timafunika kuwatsuka. Tizilombo tating'onoting'ono timakonda kumamatira kumatope, ndiye pochotsa matopewo timachotsa tizilombo toyambitsa matenda.

Tikhoza kukhetsa madzi athu pogwiritsa ntchito njere. Mbewu zosiyanasiyana zimagwiritsidwa ntchito m'mayiko ndi zigawo zosiyanasiyana. Mbeu zina zomwe zingagwiritsidwe ntchito popanga sedimentation ndi: Fava nyemba (Latin America), Moringa (Africa ndi mbali za Asia), ndi Pichesi (Latin America). |
Pali njira zosiyanasiyana zomwe anthu amagwiritsira ntchito njere kuti asungunuke madzi awo. Fotokozani momwe mungagwiritsire ntchito mbewu zomwe zilipo mdera lanu.
Njira imodzi ndikuchita zotsatirazi:
- Aleke mbuto ziume muzuba
- Dulani mbewu
- Onjezani kambewu kakang'ono kakang'ono mumtsuko wamadzi akuda
- Sakanizani madzi ndi supuni kapena ndodo kwa mphindi zingapo
- Lolani kuti ikhazikike kwa maola angapo
- Thirani madzi oyera mu chidebe chosungiramo choyera
Mbeu zidzasiyidwa pansi pa chidebecho. Ayenera kutayidwa ndi zinyalala zonse zapakhomo.
Pogwiritsa ntchito sedimentation, timathandizira kupeza madzi abwino. Timafunikabe kusefa ndi kuthira tizilombo m'madzi athu tikatha kugwiritsa ntchito njere.
Fufuzani Kumvetsetsa:
- Chifukwa chiyani mukufuna kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu?
- Kodi mungagwiritse ntchito bwanji mbeu kuti muchepetse madzi anu?
- Kodi madziwa ndi abwino kumwa pambuyo pa sedimentation?
Zomwe zachokera