kunyumba>> dontho la chiyembekezo>> sukulu polojekitit>> zimbabwe
Dontho la Chiyembekezo - Zimbabwe
The ATBS has a Chapter in Zimbabwe and we are working on a Shona for the children.

The Shona people are an ethnic group native to Southern Africa, primarily living in Zimbabwe where they form the majority of the population.
Shona is a language from the Bantu family and is spoken in Zimbabwe. It is the mother tongue of 75% of the people of Zimbabwe. A Grow and God Shaona children's curriculum is being worked on for the children on Zimbabwe.
Christianity is the largest religion practiced in Zimbabwe , accounted for more than 84% of the population. The arrival of Christianity dates back to the 16th century by Portuguese missionaries. Christianity is embraced by the majority of the population. It is estimated 85 percent of Zimbabweans claim to be Christians , with approximately 62 percent regularly attending church services. Christian faith plays a very important role in the organization of Zimbabwean society.

| An English version with SHONA visual aids has been created for the children of Zimbabwi. |
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