God raised up a teacher, Patrick,
to assist Pastor Paul coordinate the KIMI program in this
Seen here with Jenny
Tryhane his teacher presenting him with his KIMI curriculum.
Seen below praying for the nations.
Click on the pictures to enlarge.


The demo PowerClubs were a great
success as the student proved they had grasped the basic KIMI
Ministry principles. Getting involved in fun guessing, welcoming
games before going on to team or competitive games, leading
straight into active praise and worship before the teaching.
Patrick seen here teaching about 'Praying
for our Leaders' using a visual aid of the President of Uganda.
Each teaching followed by a time of experiencing God in the'
Holy of Holies.'
Following the three day KIMI
training the Uganda teaching was wrapped up with a rousing
Child Evangelism outreach, with hundreds of children from
the local schools attending.
Many raised their hands to give their lives
to King Jesus - Praise be to God. |

Pastor Abraham has already returned to Bugiri to
launch 'The King's

Pastor Abraham seen here taking the children
into the Holy of Holies. All children went on their knees
and personally experienced the love of Jesus who died for
them on the cross. Thereafter some of them testified having
seen Jesus in a white cloth and others said they felt Jesus
touching them on the head.
Click on the pictures to
PowerClub Moringa Project
We are believing God that we
will be able to introduce the Moringa Project through the
children of the African PowerClubs.
Black grow bags will be purchased
and Moringa seeds will be sourced. The children will be taught
the Sowers Parable using Moringa seeds as a visual aid.
They will be taught about how
to sow and grow Moringa teaching Biblical principles. Colouring
Moringa books will teach them the nutritional value of Moringa.


The little saplings once established
will be taken home and planted outside their homes.
Adult training sessions will
be hosted by the local churches teaching the parents about
Moringa, the nutritional and health
PowerClub Rabbit Feeding
We are believing God that we
will be able to establish a rabbit feeding program for each
of our African PowerClubs.
Moringa leaf meal (MOLM) can
be used to improve daily weight gain in rabbits |
Moringa is non-toxic to rabbits at least
at the 20% diet inclusion level.
It has the potential to reduce cholesterol level in blood
and the meat of rabbits.
Moringa leaf meal (MOLM)could be used to replace soyabean
meal (SBM) partially or completely in rabbit diets as a
non-conventional protein source,
A major constraint
to livestock production in developing countries is the scarcity
and fluctuating quantity and quality of the year-round feed
supply. To be able to substitute with leafy plants like Moringa
is a great benefit.
The children and parents will be educated
on Moringa's suitability as animal
fodder. |
Help us to
sponsor our Uganda PowerClubs.
Your US $30 per month will enable us to:
- Feed your sponsored child at the church PowerClub
three times a week, after school utilizing Moringa as a dietary
- It will enable him/her to attend the Uganda PowerClub
three times a week.
- It will supply all necessary materials needed
to host the PowerClub
- It will enable us to train more teachers in the
KIMI program and get this excellent program into the schools of
Uganda once a week
- It will enable us to print KIMI curriculums and
handbooks for local churches and schools including teaching and
training more Pastors and Sunday School teachers.
- It will allow us to host teacher refresher classes
once a quarter to update them on new KIMI curriculums
- It will allow us to build rabbit pens and purchase
rabbits and all that is needed to establish a rabbit feeding program
for the PowerClubs.
First Caribbean International Bank Bds Ltd
Super Centre Complex, Warrens
St. Michael, Barbados
Account number 1001092544
Email united_caribbean@yahoo.com