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home >>kimi leadership
training>> bugiri teacher patrick
Bugiri teacher Patrick
The seventh KIMI
PowerClub Leadership Training took place in Bugiri,
Uganda with many new PowerClub leaders trained.
Paul (seen below right) was the host pastor and
God raised up a teacher, Patrick, to assist him to corodinate
the KIMI program in this region.
Patrick seen below receiving his
certificate and KIMI manual and curriculum from Mama Pinos, (left)
and Jenny (right) and Pastor Paul.
They are committed to teaching
children the meat and deeper truths of God’s Word by going
beyond the basic Bible stories.
Equipping them for the work of
the ministry and creating an atmosphere and opportunities
where they can experience the presence of God on a regular
Click on the pictures to
Patrick caught the vision of KIMI
and threw himself into the training, leading the praise and
worship, he was selected as the leader for the demo PowerClub
and can be seen below leading the games (left) doing his review
of 'Praying for our leaders' (right) and praying for the Nations
using the globe as a visual aid. |
