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in Ministry International PowerClubs
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PowerClubs are
the outreach arm of Kids
in Ministry International, and are local children's ministries
in a wide variety of communities around the world. They are
started and conducted by individuals who desire to see children
evangelized, filled with the Holy Spirit, grounded in the
word of God, operating in the gifts of the Spirit, learning
to hear God’s voice and be led by His Spirit, and becoming
active, functioning members in the body of Christ while they
are still children.
Seen here and below, Pastor
Laura during her Africa
2011 Mission Trip in Uganda
Click on pictures to enlarge. |

Though some are
a part of local churches, most are held in backyards, neutral
locations, schools, slums, ghettos, and homes. While some
of the leaders are experienced children's ministers, many
others have never worked with children before, but have caught
the vision of taking children further into the things of the
Spirit. In many places starting an official PowerClub outside
a local church is in essence "planting a church of children"
because it is likely the only church many of these children
will ever have the privilege of going to.
Seen below Jenny
at the beginning of her Africa KIMI leadership training
mission trip in Tanzania. |
What Makes Us Unique?

PowerClubs have been designed
specifically for Pentecostal and Charismatic churches because
of the emphasis on the Holy Spirit.
However, the concepts and principles can be
used for any children’s ministry regardless of affiliation.
Seen above
Pastor David the KIMI Mbeya, Tanzania Coordinator who led the
team into the second country Malawi where the
KIMI Leadership classes held in February 2011.
Seen above right Pastor
William the KIMI Uluwa, Malawi Coordinator handing out the KIMI
The core values of official PowerClubs are:

· Teaching children the meat
and deeper truths of God’s word by going beyond the basic
Bible stories and teaching children biblical doctrine.

· Equipping them for the work
of the ministry making them active, spiritually functioning
members in the body of Christ. |

· Creating an atmosphere and
opportunities where children can experience the presence of
God on a regular basis. |
Information sourced from
KIMI Pattern of Ministry
PowerClubs are conducted weekly
or as regularly as the Holy Spirit leads you and they follow
a simple but effective pattern (which we call the KIMI
Pattern of Ministry) for conducting a full children's
worship service as opposed to a Sunday School format.
Seen here and below the DR
Congo KIMI Leadership Training that took place in March
2011 |

This includes
Opening or Greeting Games
(Number one, the thumb this
reminds us that even if there is only one child present you
can start with your 'Opening or Greeting Game'.) |

Active Competitive Games
(Number two, two
fingers remind us that there are usually two teams to compete
in these fast Active Competitive Games) |
Active Praise Choruses
( Number three, this is the
tallest finger it reaches up to God, this will remind us that
immediately after the games we go straight into our Active
Praise Choruses) |
Intimate Worship Songs
(Number four, this
is the ring finger, if we were married we may wear a ring
on this finger it indicates, love, intimacy and commitment
- this is the same with Worship where we express our love
for God) |
Fast-moving Teaching
a. Review
b. Learn a Bible Verse
c. Teach the Lesson
(Number five, this is represented
by our little finger, reminding us that there will be a little
teaching, one truth that we want the children to learn. It
has three parts just like our little finger has three joints,
Review, Learn a Bible Verse and Fast-moving Teaching)
Encountering God
a. Activity
b. Discussion
(Number six, this includes
the thumb again reminding us that this is a personal encounter
with God, a one on one with God, it involves a time of activity
and a time of discussion.)