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coordinator pastor david
David Akondowe - Mbeya KIMI Coordinator

My name is Pastor David Akondowe
I was born in 1979 in Dodoma the capital city of Tanzania.
At age 9 my father was transferred to Mbeya to work, he married
numerous women as is the custom here and unfortunately started
to drink heavily. The pressures of numerous wives and children
caused him to run away and my mother was left to fend for
Pastor David is our UCT Tanzania representative
and newly appointed ABCD Director
for Tanzania.
He is the senior
Pastor of House of Freedom, Tanzania in Mbeya.
Seen here at House of Freedom,
Tanzania and below with his wife Stella outside the church.

Life became so difficult for
us we sometimes went into the milling machine and gleaned left over
flour to enable us to survive. Years later my father became sick,
he returned home and eventually died in 1995.
I attended Sunday school at
the Assemblies of God but my father heard that I was going
to the church he stopped me from going. However the calling
of God on my life was so strong I could not stop going to
church, so went secretly whenever he was out.
Click on pictures to enlarge.

From an early age I have been preaching in
the open air and people were coming to Christ. My ministry
of winning people to Christ continued throughout the Secondary
Seen here receiving his KIMI certificate
from Pastor Laura in Uganda.
Seen here receiving
his KIMI manual and curriculum from Jenny Tryhane, founder
of UCT and a KIMI leadership trainer.
Pastor David is the KIMI Mbeya Coordinator
and we are excited to see how God is using him to nurture
and support the KIMI leaders that have been taught during
Jenny's three month mission trip as new PowerClubs are birthed. .

He is committed to teaching children the meat and deeper truths
of God’s Word by going beyond the basic Bible stories. Equipping
them for the work of the ministry and creating an atmosphere
and opportunities where they can experience the presence of
God on a regular basis. |
Special thanks to Pastor David
who was the translator at the Mbeya Kids in Ministry International
training. He and his Mbeya team translated much of the KIMI
material that we were able to distribute throughout Tanzania
and DR Congo.
Seen here giving out the KIMI material
to one of the new PowerClub leaders who will come under his
Click on pictures to enlarge.
Pastor David accompanied Jenny down to Malawi
where he partnered with Pastor
William (seen here) to host the Uluwa KIMI PowerClub
Leadership training where 86 new PowerClub leaders were trained.
Click on pictures to enlarge.


A KIMI committee
was established in the area with Pastor David (middle)
as the overseer and Pastor William (left) as
the Coordinator and Pastor Gowokani Mangongo,(right) who
is a teacher by profession as the KIMI trainer. They both
speak English and have already started monitoring the new
PowerClubs in the area. Praise God.
Click on pictures to enlarge.
Thanks to the children of Barbados
who so beautifully hand painted these lovely Kisses from Heaven
Tee Shirts that have been designed to share God’s love
in a creative way and to deliver a message to the children
in Africa, bringing Kisses from Heaven.
Click to enlarge. |
I formed my own group known as
YOUTH FOR CHRIST we were dealing with winning our fellow students
to Christ at the same time the school appoint me as a chair
person to lead the Christian school organization
After completing my secondary school I went
to the bible college in Lilongwe Malawi where I studied the
Diploma in Bible and Theology.
Seen here with the Elder who recently
donated these rooms for the House of Prayer Mbeya. Praise
God. |
It has been my vision ever since
to see my fellow Africans knowing the true way of Christ,
this will teach them to stop trusting the witch doctors, offering
their children to spirits commonly known as Mizimu and many
It is my desire one day to see the ministry
winning Tanzania for Christ and not only that but also winning
Africa to Christ - this is possible 'Thy Kingdom come'.
Meet my lovely wife Stella,
she was born in Malawi in 1984,unfortunately before she was
born her father left and Stella has never seen him. With lack
of parental support her life was retched until the day she
accepted Christ to be her Savior.
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