House of Prayer and Freedom Church
United Caribbean Trust (UCT)
Tanzania KIMI Co-ordinators
Tanzania KIMI Teachers
Tanzania Ministry
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My name is Stella, the wife
of Pastor David. I was
born in Malawi in 1984,unfortunately when my mother was pregnant
with me my father left her and to this day I have never seen
When I was about five my mother
remarried but he left as well. This cycle repeated itself
until there were six children all from different fathers.
With lack of parental support my life was retched until I
accepted Christ to be my Savior, this helped me so much since
I was encouraged by my fellow Christians.
At an early age my mother through me out of
the house in the early hours of the morning. I had to travel
23 KM to my aunt who accepted me into her home. |
One year later I heard about a certain school which
was assisting children who were living in the difficult situation.
I went and explain to them, they accepted me, whilst there I studied
However my desire is to study the computer so I
can assist my husband, Pastor David
in his ministry at House of Freedom Tanzania. My husband has a great calling on his life and I am there to help
him in any way I can.