United Caribbean
Drop of Hope School Project
Ecological Reforestation Moringa Agro Glamping
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Moringa the Miracle Tree - animal fodder
Goats & Sheep
Moringa is a non-leguminous multipurpose tree and is one
of the fastest growing trees in the world, with leaves high
in crude protein and contains negligible amounts of anti-nutritive
compounds. It has been reported that Moringa leaves contain
good quality protein with high digestibility . Additionally,
the leaves are rich in carotenoids, vitamin C and other
antioxidants . The leaves of Moringa oleifera (MO) leaves
are gradually gaining importance in the West African sub-region
and Nicaraguaas protein supplements to address the observed
crude protein shortages of natural pastures and crop residues
Hence, the objective of this present study was to evaluate
the effect of supplementation with different levels of Moringa
oleifera foliage (MOF) on feed intake, nutrient utilization
and live weight gain of Bengal goats fed a basal diet of
napier grass.
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Moringa inclusion at all levels increased
nutrient intake, improved digestibility and nitrogen utilization
with the highest values being observed with the sole Moringa
foliage diet. Average body weight gain also increased with
increasing levels of Moringa foliage. The highest performances
in terms of feed intake, nutrient digestion, nitrogen utilization
and bodyweight gain was obtained from the sole Moringa supplemented
goat. It can be concluded that Moringa foliage could be
replaced satisfactorily with up to 100% inclusion level.
Research sourced from Evaluation
of Moringa Foliage (Moringa oleifera) as Goat Feed
It could be recommended that Moringa can help small and medium-scale
farmers overcome shortages of good quality feeds and therefore sustain
and improve their livestock productivity, and the Agroforestry can
be adopted as strategic nutrition supplementation as many tree leaves,
flowers and pods are identified as useful for improving milk production,
milk fat, body condition and for the induction of estrus. In situations,
where the available grazing is not generally sufficient to meet
the maintenance requirements of animals, at least for part of the
year, trees can alleviate the feed shortages or even fill up the
feed gaps especially in the summer period when grassland growth
is limited or dormant, due to unfavorable weather conditions.
BIOMASA conducted extensive trials using
Moringa leaves as cattle feed (beef and milk cows), swine
feed, and poultry feed.
With moringa leaves constituting 50% of
feed, milk yields for dairy cows and daily weight gains
for beef cattle increased 30%. Birth weight, averaging 22
kg for local Jersey cattle, increased by 3-5 kg.
The high protein content of Moringa leaves must
be balanced with other energy food. Cattle feed consisting of
50% Moringa leaves should be mixed with molasses, sugar cane,
sweet (young) sorghum plants, or whatever else is locally available.
Care must be taken to avoid excessive protein
Cattle were fed 15-17 kg of Moringa daily. Milking
should be done at least three hours after feeding to avoid the
grassy taste of Moringa in the milk.
With Moringa feed, milk production was 10 liters/day.
Without Moringa feed, milk production was 7 liters/day.
With moringa feed, daily weight gain of beef cattle
was 1,200 grams/day.
Without Moringa feed, daily weight gain of beef cattle was 900
The higher birth weight (3-5 kg) can be problematic
for small cattle. It may be advisable to induce birth 10 days
prematurely to avoid problems. Incidence of twin births also increased
dramatically with moringa feed: 3 per 20 births as opposed to
the usual average of 1:1000.
In addition Mulberry
trees that can be grown under varied climatic condition, including
fallow and wastelands not fit for agriculture can be used, totally
or partly, for producing nutritious green fodder. Feeding mulberry
as part of the daily ration of cows, improved the quality and
quantity of milk and reduced calving intervals.
• Moringa leaf meal (MOLM) could be used to improve
daily weight gain, and dry matter (DM) and crude protein
(CP) digestibility of rabbits.
• Producing similar economic benefits as soya bean
meal (SBM) diet.
• MOLM is non-toxic to rabbits at least at the 20%
diet inclusion level.
• It has the potential to reduce cholesterol level
in blood and the meat of rabbits.
• Moringa leaf meal (MOLM) has the potential to produce
leaner carcass due to reduced fat deposition in the muscles of
• Moringa leaf meal (MOLM)could be used to replace soyabean
meal (SBM) partially or completely in rabbit diets as a non-conventional
protein source,
The high levels of nurtriants intake and digestibility
confirm the high nutritive value of mulberry eaves and their potential
as a forage that can support rabbit production. With comparable
DM intake, digestibility and weight gain as in all-concentrate
ration achieved with up to 50% substitution of concentrate in
rations, rapid growth rate of rabbits can be achieved at less
cost. Where marketing opportunities does not necessitate rapid
weight gains, producers may chose to substitute more concentrate
or even feed mulberry leaves as a sole diet to achieve satisfactory
gains at even lower costs.
Poultry production plays a major role in
bridging the protein gap in developing countries where average
daily consumption is far below recommended standards. However,
the productivity of poultry in the tropics has been limited
by scarcity and consequent high prices of the conventional
chicken food.
Hence, there is a need to search for locally
available alternative sources of protein for use as feed supplement
to poultry.
Feed costs amount to a considerable proportion of production
cost in any intensive livestock production system . It has been
reported that, feed cost represents up to 60-80% of the total
cost of broiler production. Fishmeal, a conventional feed resource,
has been used as the source of animal protein in diets of poultry
in many countries due to unavailability of cheaper alternative
protein sources. With the present trend of rising prices of feedstuffs,
considerable attention has been placed on the search for non-conventional
Various leaf meals have been used in poultry diets, including
not only Mringa but those of Leucaena and Mulberry.
In laying hens, the recommended inclusion rate for leucaena leaf
meal is 10 % Mulberry is another excellent feedstuff plant due
to its good adaptability, long cultivation history, mature planting
techniques, high leaf yield, abundant nutrition, and a great deal
of active substances of health care.
Mulberry leaf powder supplementation at 10% would cut down the
cost of poultry feed. In addition the protein from Moringa leaves
may be fed to poultry in the form of leaf protein concentrate.
Moringa leaf meals do not only serve as protein source but also
provide some necessary vitamins, minerals and oxycaretenoids which
cause yellow colour of broiler skin, shank and egg yolk. Feeding
chickens with Moringa leaves and seeds will improve egg production.
The inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaves meal up to 30% in the
diet of growing traditional Senegal chickens had no negative impact
on live body weight,average daily weight gain, feed conversion
ratio, carcass and organs characteristics, health and mortality
rate in birds compared to their controls.
Considering these results and the high price of raw ordinary
ingredients, particularly protein ingredient sources in poultry
feeding; the recovering of these leguminous leaves in the diets
of chickens is a real opportunity for traditional stockholders
to improve at lower cost, not only the productivity and nutritional
status of their birds but also their income with a 50% saving.
Fattening pigs on 50% Moringa stems and
leaves, 10% Leucaena, 38% maize and 2% nutrient salts will
lead to good growth rates and significant cost savings
leaves and fruit can also be added to the pig diet by as
much as 24% resulting in additional savings.