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United Caribbean Trust
Acacia Saligna
is the most successful species of Acacia due to its tolerance
to drought, ability to grow in salty soil, higher production
of green biomass, higher crude protein content and good nutritive
value. |
Acacia saligna appears to have
a good potential as a fodder plant if lines of higher potential
feeding value are selected. The phyllodes, young shoots, pods
and seeds, whether fresh or dry, are protein-rich and non-toxic
and palatable to both sheep and goats. |
Acacia saligna is one of the promising species in
southern Australia as a source of seed for human food. The seeds
had reportedly been consumed by Aborigines; they were probably ground
into flour and eaten with pounded root bark from various eucalypts
This study indicates that feeding Awassi lambs on
diets including up to 40% of the TDN requirements from acacia did
counter act their feedlot performance. Therefore, the use of acacia
tested in the current experiment can be recommended for use by local
farmers for lamb production under North Sinai conditions which should
reduce their cost of meat production. During the dry season acacia
remain green and maintain a relatively high crude protein content
and is commonly used as protein and energy supplements for small
ruminants during this period. Acacia saligna shrubs showed a great
potentiality as fodder for growing sheep under arid and saline conditions
of Egyptian desert.
The acute shortage of meat supply especially in
Nigerian diets can be bridged by the production of highly prolific
animals with short generation interval such as rabbits. The increase
in the world population and high cost of conventional animal feed
ingredients and low protein intake in most developing countries
has necessitated Animal nutritionist to search for alternative sources
of non-conventional feed ingredients that are cheap and readily
available. Forages are cheap and can be used in rabbit diet since
they utilize grasses and legumes efficiently. Optimum growth performance
can be obtained by feeding forages with or without concentrates
in their diets. Forages contain appreciable amount of protein, fat,
minerals and carbohydrates that can support growth and production.
The reviewed revealed that different forages inclusion levels from
30 to 100% enhance rabbit production and can help overcome the protein
intake deficiency in the country. Therefore, the use of different
forages for feeding rabbit is recommended.
This study was conducted to determine the utilization
of Acacia saligna in feeding growing rabbits from the desert and
newly reclaimed areas.
From the nutritional and economical efficiency viewpoints,
Acacia leaf meal (ALM) could be used successively. It was safe for
the formulation of a diet for weaning rabbits to include Acacia
leaf meal up to 20% without adversely affecting their performance.
Sourced: www.cabdirect.org