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Community Moringa Project
Permission requested to use information from www.kidsinministry.org

We are believing
God that we will be able to introduce the Caribbean Community
Moringa Project through the children of the Haitian churches,
and throught the PowerClubs in the Caribbean..
are the outreach arm of Kids
in Ministry International, and are local children's ministries
in a wide variety of communities around the world. |
They are started and conducted
by individuals who desire to see children evangelized, filled
with the Holy Spirit, grounded in the word of God, operating
in the gifts of the Spirit, learning to hear God's voice and
be led by His Spirit, and becoming active, functioning members
in the body of Christ while they are still children.
Though some are
a part of local churches, most are held in backyards, neutral
locations, schools, slums, ghettos, and homes. In many places
starting an official PowerClub outside a local church is in
essence "planting a church of children".
The Haiti Community
Benzoliv Project will start in these PowerClubs within the
Les Cayes district where Jenny did a KIMI training in January
The Benzoliv Processing Plant
will be built in Les Cayes under the guidance of Pastor
Pierre Banes Laurore.
The project will be spearheaded
by Pastor Lucner and
Pastor Banes both seen here during the KIMI training in 2012 |

Benzoliv Community Program:
The Benzoliv
seeds will be sourced and planted in discarded water
bottles with the tops removed and holes punched in th bottom..
The children will be taught the Follow Me children's 48 week
curriculum including the Sowers Parable using Benzoliv seeds
as a visual aid being introduced into schools following Hurricane
Matthews devistation where millions of trees were destroyed.
They will be taught about how
to sow and grow Benzoliv
teaching Biblical principles. Colouring Benzoliv books will
teach them the nutritional
value of Benzoliv. |
The little saplings
once established will be taken home and planted outside their
Adult training sessions will
be hosted by the local churches teaching the parents about
Benzoliv, the nutritional and health
benefits |
PowerClub Rabbit Feeding Program:

We are believing God that we
will be able to establish a rabbit feeding program for each
of our PowerClubs.
Benzoliv leaf meal (BLM) can
be used to improve daily weight gain in rabbits
Benzoliv is non-toxic
to rabbits at least at the 20% diet inclusion level.
It has the potential to reduce cholesterol level in blood and
the meat of rabbits.