• Black mulberry (Morus
nigra) is a deciduous tree growing
to 12 m (39 ft) tall by 15 m (49 ft) broad.
The edible fruit is dark purple, almost black,
when ripe, 2–3 centimetres (0.8–1.2 in) long,
a compound cluster of several small drupes; it is richly flavoured,
similar to the red mulberry (Morus rubra) but unlike the more
insipid fruit of the white mulberry (Morus alba).
Nutrition chart:
Fresh mulberries contain 88% water and only
60 calories per cup.
Fresh they contain 9.8% carbs, 1.7% fiber,
1.4% protein and 0.4% fat.
Mulberries are often consumed dried, similar
to raisins.
Mulberry Preparation:
Here are some serving tips:
• Fresh mulberries are generally
eaten as they are, without any seasonings/additions.
• They combine well with other berry salads.
• They can be a great snack between meals.
• Mulberries are favored in jams, jellies, tart syrups,
• Dried mulberries can be used in pie fillings, mulberry
muffins, cookies, cakes, etc.
• They are used in ice-creams, smoothies and yogurt.
Health benefits of Mulberry Fruit:
Delicious, fleshy, succulent Mulberries are less
in calories (just 43 calories per 100 g). They compose of health
promoting minerals, and vitamins that are essential for optimum
Consumption of Mulberry berries has potential health effects against
cancer, aging and neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes,
and bacterial infections. Mulberries are considered as a blood tonic.
Mulberries are known to improve blood circulation and are beneficial
as an anti-inflammatory that helps to lower the blood pressure and
makes you less susceptible to blood clots and strokes.
In addition, these berries are an excellent sources of vitamin-C
(36.4 mg per 100, about 61% of RDI), which helps the body develop
resistance against infectious agents. Mulberries strengthen kidneys
and cleanse the liver.
Further, the berries also contain small amounts of vitamin A, and
vitamin E, in addition to the above-mentioned antioxidants. Consumption
of Mulberry provides compounds that help to protect from aging and
various disease processes.
Mulberry protects the eye from the harmful ultraviolet rays through
light-filtering actions.
Mulberries are an excellent source of iron, which is a rare feature
among berries, contain 1.85 mg/100 g of fruits (about 23% of RDI).
Iron, being a component of hemoglobin inside the red blood cells
treating anaemia.
They also good source of minerals like potassium, manganese, and
magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body
fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
Mulberries are rich in B-complex group of vitamins and vitamin
K, and good amounts of vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin and folic
acid. These vitamins help the body in the metabolism of carbohydrates,
protein, and fats.
Mulberries are a good source of nutrient that researchers
believe prevent cancer. It contains high level of anti-oxidants
which stunts the growth of prostrate cells and tumour growth.
Health benefits of Mulberry Leaves:
The mulberry tea leaves has 25 times more
calcium in comparison to milk. It has ten times the fiber
of green tea and more iron than spinach. It was used for
the thousands of years in China as a medicinal herb. The
production process of mulberry leaf is the same as ordinary
tea. Dating back for centuries, mulberry leaf tea was served
as a drink for the Chinese Emperors and also in the royal
courts of Japan and Korea.
Everyone can drink it every day. Mulberry leaf tea
is suitable for young and old because it offers several vitamins that
are useful for health. For patients who suffered from diabetes or
high blood pressure, mulberry leaf tea can help decreasing sugar levels
and blood pressure. The mulberry tea should be consumed daily for
the healthy blood vessels.
What are the benefits for the body? Analysis at the Mulberry Research
Center of Thailand found mulberry leaf contains 18 amino acids,
minerals and vitamins such as calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium,
iron, and vitamin A-B1-2. The most important ingredients are ‘phytosterol’
and ‘gamma-amino acid’ which help to decrease cholesterol
level in the blood and high blood pressure.
The magnesium Mulberry leaf tea is essential for functioning of
nerves, muscles and maintains normal heart. It increases energy
metabolism, strong bones, assist immune system, manage blood sugar
levels and maintains normal blood pressure.
Traditional Chinese doctors have used mulberry leaf for treatment
of fever, coughing and rheumatism, to treat the high blood pressure
and high cholesterol. They refer to it as “amazing medicine
from heaven.”
Weight loss: The mulberry tea prevents the absorption
of carbohydrates. It helps the body to flush out the carbohydrates
and starches from the body so that they do not turn to glucose.
Hunger is reduced by diminishing blood sugar levels. This leads
to weight loss.
Is Mulberry leaf tea safe? Mulberry leaf tea is
a naturally pure herb that is non-toxic and very safe to drink.
It is very good for the elderly to drink everyday and can fend off
disease. Pregnant women, breast feeding mothers and young children
should not drink large amounts unless under the supervision of a
qualified professional.
Medical disclaimer
This information is intended solely for the
general information of the reader. The contents is not intended
to offer personal medical advice, diagnose health problems or
for treatment purposes. It is not a substitute for medical care
provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please
consult your health care provider for any advice on medications.