1. Fruit are low in fat provided you don’t fry them in oil,
so eating them can help you maintain a healthy weight and keep your
heart healthy.
2. Fruit are low in calories. Enjoy lower calorie snacks by choosing
fruit instead of other sweet foods.
3. Fruit contain lots of water. In fact certain fruits like watermelon
contain over 90% water.
4. Fruit have relatively low carbohydrate content in comparison
to rice, cereals and pasta. This means less calories resulting in
your body producing less insulin.
5. Fruit contain soluble fibres. This can help to make you feel
full. Fibre also helps maintain a healthy gut and prevents constipation
and other digestion problems.
6. Including lots of different fruits in your diet can help you
to eat a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Eating a diet rich
in fruits lowers levels of certain cancers, heart disease and stroke.
7. Fruits are naturally low in sodium or salt. If you eat too much
salt, the extra water stored in your body raises your blood pressure.
8. Fruits like bananas and avocado are good sources of potassium,
which can help you to maintain a healthy blood pressure. High blood
pressure can increase your risk of stroke.
9. Fruit contains Folic Acid (Folate). Many fruits contain folic
acid, but citrus fruits rank the highest, other folate-rich fruits
include papaya. Pregnant women need to ensure they take a folic
acid supplement. Folate reduces the risk of birth defects during
your baby’s development.