Banana Preparation:
Bananas come with
nature gifted protective outer layer of skin, and therefore,
less likely to be contaminated by germs and dust.
• Eat banana fruit as it is without
any additions.
• Banana fruit sections are a great
addition in fruit salads.


• Fresh "banana-milkshake"
with sugar syrup is a refreshing drink.
• Bananas have also been used to prepare
fruit jams.
• Grilled banana fruit can be served
on cake/ ice cream in the Caribbean style dessert.
• Banana chips (plantain) enjoyed as
snack .
• Plantains and raw unripe
banana can be cooked as vegetables
• Mashed ripe banana fruits can be added
to cakes, casseroles, muffins, bread-pudding, etc.
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Health benefits of Banana fruit:
Banana is one of the high calorie tropical fruits. 100 grams of
its flesh carries 90 calories. It contains good amount of health
benefiting fiber, simple sugars like fructose and sucrose that instantly
replenishes energy and revitalizes the body, anti-oxidants, minerals,
and vitamins.
The fruit holds a good amount of soluble dietary fiber (7% of DRA
per 100 g) that helps in normal bowel movements; reducing constipation
It contains health promoting compounds. Together, these compounds
help act as protective scavengers against things that cause aging
and various disease processes.
Banana is good source of vitamin-B6; provides about 28% of daily-recommended
allowance. Important B-complex vitamins that are beneficial for
the treatment of anemia. Further, it helps treat coronary artery
disease preventing strokes.
The fruit is also a moderate source of vitamin-C (about 8.7 mg
per 100g). Consumption of foods rich in vitamin-C helps the body
develop resistance against infectious diseases.
Fresh bananas provide adequate levels of minerals like copper,
magnesium, and manganese. Magnesium is essential for bone strengthening
and has a cardiac-protective role as well. Copper is an essential
trace element in the production of red blood cells.
Fresh banana is a very rich source of potassium. 100 g fruit provides
358 mg potassium which is an important component of cell and body
fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Potassium
makes a person very alert; the fruit is often called a brain tonic
The high content of iron in bananas increases the production of
hemoglobin in the blood -therefore they are very good for anemia.
Bananas can be eaten frequently to treat ulcers as they neutralize
acidity in the stomach. This soft and smooth fruit cannot irritate
the stomach walls.

Benefits of Banana Stem
The banana stem has fiber – this is very beneficial
for those on a weight-loss program. It is also a rich source
of potassium and vitamin B6 which helps in the production
of insulin and hemoglobin. Eating banana stem once a week
keeps high blood pressure in control. Banana stem also maintains
fluid balance within the body. It is a diuretic and helps
detoxify the body.
The popular belief is that eating banana stem is
very good for kidney stones. The stem is chopped into small bits
and soaked in milk or yogurt for half hour. It can be cooked as
a vegetable and eaten with rice.
Benefits of Banana Flower
The banana flower grows at the end of a bunch of bananas.
It is a leafy maroon colored cone with cream colored florets
layered inside. These florets need to be cleaned well before
they are cooked as a vegetable. The banana flower is rich
in vitamins, flavonoids and proteins.

The flower has been used in traditional medicine
to treat bronchitis constipation and ulcer problems. It eases menstrual
cramps. The extracts of banana flower have antioxidant properties
that prevent free radicals and control cell and tissue damage.
Health Benefits of Banana
Banana leaves are used like aluminum foil. They
are used to wrap food prior to steaming and grilling. The leaf makes
an excellent platter and food served on these leaves tastes delicious.
The leaves are not eaten but while steaming food some of the goodness
is imparted to the food.
Medical disclaimer:
This information is intended
solely for the general information of the reader. The contents is
not intended to offer personal medical advice, diagnose health problems
or for treatment purposes. It is not a substitute for medical care
provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please
consult your health care provider for any advice on medications.