Utilizing the medium of net-working its Founder, Jenny
Tryhane, has met and instituted partnerships and working alliances
with several NGO’S, churches and individuals in various islands
and countries who all want to play a role in the socioeconomic development
of countries in the Caribbean and Africa and to ensure that the worth-while
‘vision’ of the Trust becomes a reality.
was seen especially as UCT became involved in helping Guyana
following the floods in 2005 in a hope to help aid and enhance
the socioeconomic development and rebuilding of such countries
following natural disasters.
A trip to Guyana in 2005 by the Founder
of the United Caribbean Trust, Ms. Jenny Tryhane and their
Mission Outreach personnel Mr. Tony Garner, to assess the
extent of flood damage in the country. |
This was particularly essential during the Haiti earthquake
in 2010 when Ms. Tryhane was in Haiti during the earthquake
and remained for over 3 months to ensure safe and transparent
distribution of three containers sent up by UCT from Barbados.
Seen here the founder of Equipping Ministries
International with our UCT Haiti representative, Pastor Pierre
Banes (right) during relief work following the 2010 Haiti
UCT sees it as essential to be knowledgeable of
International and Regional Governmental mandates which in essence
will give them insight and guideline on how best to develop their
socioeconomic programs which will boost and compliment the noble
objectives of these Governments and esteemed institutions.
After Research, Consultation and the forming of
strategic Partnerships over the years the Trust now sees itself
poised to fully undertake and bring to fruition its Vision.
Objectives :
- The Care, Nurture and Rehabilitation
of those affected by National Disasters.
- The relief of Poverty
- Improvement to the Environment.
- The advancement of Health
and Education
- The Development of Humane
resources Skills
- To unite the children of
the Caribbean through Faith, Sports, Travel and Music (including
arts, dance and drama)
As time has gone on the UCT’s Objectives whilst
remaining the same has now broaden to include:
Africa Appeal
time has gone on the UCT’s Objectives whilst remaining
the same has now broaden to include the African Initiative
of UCT called African Appeal. This was birthed to bring relief
and assistance to the poor and many who were without food
or necessary supplies within Africa.
African Appeal has not only sensitized
UCT to the needs of our brothers and sisters in the African
Diaspora but has established viable links with Churches, N.G.O’s
and individuals in the numerous countries.
In September 2015
Jenny Tryhane the founder of UCT, led the Barbados arm of
the Mission team to Africa
joined by Lisa Gardier, the Vice Chair. |

At the
end of 2005 UCT sent a representative to Africa for over 6
months to lay the foundation for its endeavors there, to identify
areas of concern, to liaise and form links with organizations,
churches and individuals to bring such projects to fruition.
Meeting took place with Governmental officials
in the Ministry of Education and work started to identify
the needs within schools and orphanages. Lands and other faculties
and infrastructure were identified that would be needed to
bring see the vision become a reality.
Thanks to Ramona Eastmond, seen here,
founder of Set the Captives Free for her help in establishing
our Africa Ministry.
interaction, dialogue and trips have led to established centers
and projects in Malawi and Tanzania including recently the establishment
of the After
School PowerClubs as part of our child sponsorship program
in both countries as well as Uganda, Zambia and DR Congo. |

The objective of UCT is to establish PowerPlay
Child Care Centers throughout Africa and eventually in places
like Haiti, Suriname and Guyana.
Discipline the children utilizing
the KIMI PowerClub curriculums and other character building
The program aims to teach and encourage children
to become active members of their community.
- Strive for excellence.
- Value family relationships.
- Feel loved and valued
Aims and Objectives:
•To purchase 20 acre plots of land in the
various regions throughout Africa to serve as PowerPlay Child Care
•Constructing of low cost buildings and facilities
including PowerPlay Child Care Centers, schools if not available,
youth centers/worship sanctuary and vocational training schools.
•Developing recreational play areas for children's
education and training, and for leisure activities including football
fields to encourage Sports Evangelism and other children's ministries
such as KidsGames and HIV/AIDS educational programs such as Kicking
•Developing enterprising projects such as
farming and animal husbandry to provide sustainability for the residents.
•Planting a range of fodder for livestock
animals, (i.e free range chickens, goats and pigs)
•Developing permaculture gardens designing
human settlements and agricultural systems that are modeled on the
relationships found in natural ecologies.
•Producing income generating crops on the
agricultural land to enable the projects to be self-funding and
sustainability including fish farms.
•Providing training and employment opportunities
on site for older orphans in the form of vocational training
In 2007
UCT established a local Barbadian ministry called the shoebox
Jesus Smile’ project. These shoeboxes
were used as the catalyst that got United Caribbean Trust
into the schools and churches in Barbados, into the hearts
of the Barbadian public and ultimately into places like Haiti,
the Maroons in the interior of Suriname, the Carib Territoriy
in Dominica and the AmerIndians in Guyana.
Make Jesus Smile shoebox project has been a great success
and it has proven that the children on Barbados and we believe
the Caribbean enjoy actively helping children that are less
privileged than them.
Thousands of shoeboxes have been wrapped and
packed by the children of Barbados and shipped up by container
to Haiti.
UCT Founder and
Director Jenny Tryhane has undertaken the task to visit Haiti
many times now, meeting with key personnel including the Mayor
of Jacmel and St Marc. She has established strong links with
churches and schools, identified lands and districts for agro
projects and viable business ventures and environmental projects
that will enhance the Haitian communities and play a pivotal
role in the socioeconomic development of Haiti. |
It is greatly
anticipated that this initiative will bring empowerment and
social mobility to those who were once referred to as being
dis-enfranchised and will seek to alleviate poverty and can
be seen as a small but significant cog in the wheel of economic
change that will help the United Nations achieve its mandate
of eradicating poverty globally by the year 2015. |
Contact UCT united_caribbean@yahoo.com
United Caribbean Trust
First Caribbean International Bank
Bds Ltd
Super Centre Complex, Warrens, St.
Account number 1001092544
United Caribbean Trust
P O Box 5123
St. Michael