
Following the
earthquake United Caribbean
Trust distributed over 250 Sawyer PointOne filters.
Each filter is capable of generating
up to 500 gallons of potable water a day, cleaner than US
bottled water anywhere in the world!
Permission requested to use
information from www.sawyer.com
The Sawyer Point One Filter is the fastest,
easiest and most cost efficient way to get potable water.

- Up to 500 gallons of potable water a day,
cleaner than US bottled water anywhere in the world!
- Millions of gallons for a onetime cost
- Simple gravity operated design
- Easy to maintain and use
- Providing clean water to 50 countries and
Since 1984 Sawyer has dedicated
itself to finding the best solutions to outdoor protection:
sun, bugs, water, and injuries.
Seen here Don Warren, Founder of Equipping
Ministries International in Jacmel with the team distributing
20 water filters. |
Sawyer specifically dedicated
ourselves to addressing the two biggest causes of deaths in
the world, mosquito bites and bad water.
Sawyer Products is introducing a new water
filtration technology adapted from kidney dialysis filters.
Seen here Danny
Warren from One Village Planet

Not only do they offer the highest
level of filtration available but are low cost, easy to use
and will absolutely change the way people treat water in developing
Seen here Don Warren, Founder of Equipping
Ministries International, Pastor Pierre Banes Laroure the
Kids' EE Haiti
National Director and Jenny Tryhane, founder of United
Caribbean Trust in Jacmel during a water filter distribution. |
technology taken from kidney dialysis, Sawyer® water filters
use Hollow Fiber Membranes. Our filters are comprised of tiny
"U" shaped micro tubes that allow water to enter into their
core through tiny micro pores.
Seen here Pastor
Paul demonstrating the use of the filter and the connection
technique. |
The pointONE Filter's™ pores
are so small (0.1 micron absolute) that no bacteria, protozoa,
or cysts like E.Coli, Cholera and Typhoid can get through.
Each filter is certified for ABSOLUTE microns. Simply put,
it is impossible for bacteria to pass through the 0.1 micron
filter and impossible for bacteria and viruses to pass through
the 0.02 micron purifier.
Seen here Janel
getting involved in the drilling of the buckets at the Yolanda
Thervil Foundation Sawyer PointONE Filter distribution.
Information sourced from www.sawyer.com
10 main established distribution
depots have been identified, these represent ministries or
churches from different departments of Haiti each capable
of feeding 150 children per day.
All of these churches have undergone Kids'
EE or Adult EE training. Some assistance will be required
to increase their capacity to handle the additional requirements
of the internally displaced peoples. |
Kids' EE committees were established
in 2009 in over 11
Kids' EE Summer Camps, as Jenny Tryhane and Pastor Banes
trained 500 key persons, from around 300 different ministries,
churches and orphanages including pastors, Sunday school teachers,
principles of schools and school teachers in Kids' EE. |

These key persons
will now take responsibility to administer this program through
out their local community.
What a pleasure to be able to
bless these committee's with Sawyer PointONE water filters.
Seen here Jenny with the
team at YWAM, Goniave.

This water filter system added
to the possibility of our PowerPlay Child Care Centres will
enable us to see our dream become a reality as we bring
Spiritual food and Living water to thousands of suffering
children around Haiti.
Praise God, He is faithful.
Partnering with GAIN
we are privileged to be one of their arms of distribution
within the Port au Prince area and eventually throughout Haiti
throughout our Kids' EE ministry network.
Seen here on right Dave Kanaga, head of
the GAIN water project in Haiti |
the body of Christ to lead the way in this clean water program.
Bringing clean water and living water to children in a desperately
poor situation.
Pastor Banes with the team of Kids' EE
teachers in YWAM in Goniave. Click on picture to enlarge. |
The filters continued to be
distibuted along with the Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes all around
Seen here on of our Sawyer PointOne Community
filters at a Church of God school in Les Cayes. |
The Sawyer
PointOne Community Water Filter Unit being donated to the
Bethel Assemblee Chretienne church. |

Just to prove the Sawyer Point
One Filter is the fastest, easiest and most cost efficient way
to get potable water Pastor Banes took the first drink.
- Up to 500 gallons of potable water a day,
cleaner than US bottled water anywhere in the world!
- Millions of gallons for a onetime cost
- Simple gravity operated design
- Easy to maintain and use
- Providing clean water to 50 countries and
Click on picture links to view distribution
of the filters
United Caribbean Trust
At any branch of CIBC First Caribbean
Account number 1001092544
United Caribbean Trust
P O Box 5123
St. Michael