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Kicking AIDS Out! - Haiti
Permission requested to use information from www.toolkitsportdevelopment.org
In July 2003, UK Sport in partnership with CGC and
NIF and with the co-operation of Right to Play have become the founding
members of the International
Kicking AIDS Out! Network.
Kicking AIDS Out! is an international network of
organisations working together using sport and physical activity
to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and motivate behavioural change.
Being a member of this network presents opportunities
for the UK to support projects at grassroots level in a number of
African countries that use sport to tackle the growing problem of
HIV/AIDS as well as opportunities to support the development of
an international network looking to share best practice and knowledge
in the use of sport as a development tool.
African initiative
Kicking AIDS Out! is an African initiative, brought about by people
directly affected by the disease. African sport organisations are
mobilising their communities and, in partnership with organisations
in the north, developing innovative new approaches to address HIV/AIDS
and some of the related social issues. The network shares information
and best practice, promotes policy development and supports local
projects. It provides a forum for exchange between different organisations
from different countries and continents - as equal partners - with
different contributions.
Southern partners include, EduSport Foundation,
Zambia, Education, Sport and Physical Activity Promotion Programme
(EMIMA), Tanzania, Mathare Youth Sport Association (MYSA), Kenya,
National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ), Zambia, Physically Active
Youth (PAY), Namibia, Sport and Recreation Commission of Zimbabwe
(SRCZ), Zimbabwe, Sport in Action (SIA), Zambia and Sports Coaches'
OutReach (SCORE), South Africa.
Kicking AIDS Out! Activities include:
- Clinics and workshops
- Peer coaching / education
- Movement games and traditional games
- Formation of groups, clubs and leagues
- Leadership development and capacity building
activities (e.g. training trainers, sports leader courses, etc.)
- Central to success and sustainability is capacity
building. Kicking AIDS Out! develops programmes and resources
to train coaches, trainers and leaders, building capacity at the
individual, organisational and community level.
Permission requested to use information from www.sportanddev.org
- To help prevent future HIV/AIDS infections by
providing a fun, innovative approach that offers accurate HIV/AIDS
and healthy lifestyle information and a forum for discussion for
youth and others at risk
- To reach those most at risk of contracting the
virus, and provide them the knowledge to protect themselves
- To provide inclusive sporting programs and movement
games, integrating those affected and infected with the virus,
to help reduce the stigma of HIV/AIDS
- To train local coaches, sport leaders and youth
leaders in the community with Kicking AIDS Out! training, equipping
them with the skills to integrate accurate HIV/AIDS information
in their programs
- To train leaders within the community to increase
local capacity and to enhance the skills within the local sporting
- To provide a framework through Kicking AIDS Out!
that can be adapted to local needs
Permission requested to use information from www.uksport.gov.uk
General Project Information
HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Kicking AIDS OUT! Network, which is an African initiative and
was brought about by people directly effected by the disease, uses
sport and physical movement to help breakdown stigmas attached to
HIV and AIDS, as an outreach tool for communication and peer education
on this taboo subject and to foster capacity building at an individual,
organisational and community level.
The network supports projects such as the following: clinics and
workshops, peer coaching and education, movement and traditional
games, the formation of clubs, and leagues and leadership development
activities. Recent activities include HIV/AIDS workshops with sports
coordinators in Namibia and South Africa in late 2004 and in Kenya
in 2005
- Establishment of an efficient, effective and
influential network to coordinate and promote Kicking AIDS Out!
activities and strengthen the capacity of its members
- Development and maintenance of policy, and quality
methods, materials and standards for the network in work using
sport and physical activity to address HIV/AIDS
- Stimulation of the sharing and
exchange of ideas, experiences and resources among the members
and with other stakeholders
- Promotion of the health and empowerment
of communities and individuals, especially those that are vulnerable
The Kicking AIDS OUT! Network on:
Tel: + 47 21 02 91 18
Kicking AIDS Out! - Africa
Tanzania is one of the countries most severely affected
by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
< Read more
UCT working in association with
Pastor William Silwinda
has establish an AIDS/HIV educational program - YOUTH
ALERT and we are researching the ability to introduce
a sports development program to compliment his ministry.
Pastor William seen here with the mountain
bike donated by UCT to start the Youth Alert AIDS educational
program at Liberty School. |
UCT-YOUTH ALERT was founded
in Malawi initially, within the Nyungwe Karonga District,
located on the shores of Lake Malawi. In this region there
are many fishermen and business men from afar who come to
buy fish. Prostitution is very high especially among young
Seen here Pastor Lafleur (blue shirt on
the left) our Haiti coordinator and Jenny Tryhane (yellow
shirt on the right) Founder of UCT with the team in Haiti
receiving their footballs, nets, trophies and football
kit all donated by companies in Barbados. |

The Youth
in Action programme in Africa aims at reducing HIV/AIDS
infection in Malawi
and to increase opportunities for out-of-school youth to
play a positive role in society and to boost their self-esteem.
Youth workers and teachers have been provided with training
in coaching for male and female athletics, basketball, football,
volleyball, netball and table tennis. |