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Africa Appeal
will give you my message in the form of a vision.
Write it clearly
enough to be read at a glance. At the time I have
decided, my words will come true."
2: 2-3 |
Jesus came to them and said 'Go to the
people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptizing them
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach
them to do everything I have told you, I will be with you always,
even until the end of the world.' Matthew 28: 19-20
This is a wake up call for there are still many
who are un-reached - those who have never heard the gospel of Jesus
Christ. These people groups should be on our hearts, for the
task of the church is evangelization.
core of the un-reached people of our world live in a rectangular-shaped
window called The 10/40 Window this window extends from West Africa
to East Asia, from ten degrees north to forty degrees north of the
equator. This specific region encompasses the majority of the world's
Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists. In the year 2000 AD: it was estimated
there were 1.1 billion Muslims; 1.0 billion Hindus; and 600 million
Buddhists - this represents billions of un-reached souls.
Now we live in a new millennium, it is imperative
that our evangelistic efforts be focused among the people who inhabit
the 10/40 Window. We are serious in our commitment to provide a
valid opportunity for every person to experience the true and saving
power of Jesus Christ, we cannot ignore the compelling realities
within this region.
The 10/40 Window confronts us with several important
• first, the historical and biblical significance;
• second, the least evangelized countries
with 6,000 unreached people groups;
• third, the large number of poor and diseased;
• fourth, the least evangelized mega-cities;
• sixth, the dominance of three religions;
• seventh, the strongholds of Satan within
‘The 10/40 Window’.
poor are the lost, and the lost are the poor."
Missions is the heartbeat of God
Hope Resorts - Mission Holiday Village
Approximately 15 acres of fertile agricultural land
on the shore of Lake Malawi has been sourced. A land of outstanding
beauty in an ideal location for the establishment of the Hope Resorts Mission
Holiday Village which will support this project.
It is our dream to see this land house
Mission Holiday Chalets and Youth Hostel type accommodation
plus a Vocational Training Convention
centre.The remaining land will be utilised for the agro
project to feed the missionaries, orphans and other vulnerable
children at the orphan care centre. |
Senator Lynette Eastmond, Barbados' Minister of
Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Business Development, speaking recently
at a business seminar, at United Nations (UN) House, in association
with the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC),
is of the view that the "synergies to be derived from Barbados'
reconnection with Africa, have great potential for culture, the
economy, trade and investment".
Senator Eastmond commented that as part of the foreign
policy, "Barbados has set for itself a goal of reconnecting
with the African continent". She shared several ways in
which the current has achieved this goal.<
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