United Caribbean
Drop of Hope School Project
Ecological Reforestation Moringa Agro Glamping
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Africa Moringa Training 2015
The African Community Moringa Project was
introduced to the teachers in Busia
school, in eastern Uganda.
Seen here Lisa and the Head master of
this school.

| A
Praise Report from Pastor David Cheni in Busia, the Uganda
KIMI Leader:
" 27 churches and 20
schools have been introduced to Moringa and also 13 PowerClubs
have planted Moringa since your Moringa training"
Pastor David Cheni |

From Uganda to Tazania to the Tunduma
ATBS where educational handouts were given out as well
as children's Moringa colouring books in Swahili to the Pastors
as well as English versions to the Zambian Pastors present.
A small selection of seeds were handed out
to enable the teachers to establish mature Moringa trees to
build up seed stock.