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Bishop Shandwe
Luanda Pinos is the founder of CERAO.
In 1996 he was elected as the President in
Goma City working to coordinate the program for ‘Child
Seen here with Pastor
Martina translating for him in the CEPCI church in Kampala. |
Bishop Pinos is an ABCD Trustee, seen here
with Rev Kisembo Abraham the Uganda Director
It has been decided to transfer the ABCD
Headquarters to Nairobi Kenya and we are delighted to welcome
another new Trustee, Bishop Ogala, he will soon appoint
his Kenya Director.
Jenny Tryhane will be, God willing, travelling
to Kenya to meet Bishop Ogala mid May and officially welcome
him as ABCD hosts its first annual board meeting with Directors
from all six countries involved in ABCD. We are hoping Bishop
Pinos will join us for this occassion.
Below middle seen left to right, Jenny
Tryhane, founder of UCT, Liz and Pastor
Laura on either side of Bishop when the KIMI team worshiped
at the church on the first sunday prior to the start of the KIMI
Mission Trip 2011.
In 2000 he joined
other Congolese political leader who struggled to pacify the
country from armed conflict and civil war.
The first war in 1996 began as a direct result
of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
The second began in 1998 and involved the armed
forces of at least seven countries.
Bishop Pinos left the army with a rank of Colonel.
In 2002 he was nominated as Minister of Health,
Social Affairs and National Solidarity, and then he was appointed
by the European Union to become the senior Facilitator within the
armed groups in the commission of Peace and National Reconciliation.
In 2003 he was also appointed as the 1st Secretary
of the National Commission of High Authority of Media to strengthen
peace and democracy in the DR. Congo.
Bishop is now the trustee of ABCD
along with Jenny Tryhane the founder of United Caribbean Trust.