During this visitation,
I became angry at God for the innocent lives that were being
lost. God used this passion I felt towards those children
to birth in me the desire to make a difference.
Seen here doing children's evangelism
on the mountain in Nyangongo,
western Uganda.

My life took many turns on this journey and many
valuable lessons were learnt along the way. In 2003, as my spiritual
walk with God became my focus, God placed several key persons in
my life as my mentors in order to fulfill this passion for children.
Dr. Rita Voeth was very strategic in keeping me accountable for
my growth and love for the Lord, Pastor Elecius Joseph became my
teacher and father figure for some 12 years, while Sonia Hamilton-Cutting
of Living Hope Children’s Ministries and Pastor Roger Husbands
of Empowered International Ministries added to my community ministry
hands-on training. I personally spent two years in the Bonnetts
Community and two years in there Pine community of Barbados. Most
recently I mentor some children from the Rendezvous area here in
I was introduced to Minister Jenny Tryhane in 20012
and from day one I knew that this was a divine encounter from God.
The vision Miss. Trayhane has for children here in Barbados and
in Africa is almost exactly as that of which the Holy Spirit had
been showing me throughout the years. Our relationship since then
has grown and is now grounded in love, respect and dedication towards
God’s plans for her ministry and work in Africa as we seek
to build His kingdom. I am honored to be a part of her team and
finally to have my life long dream come true.
Through Project Hope, I will be heading off to Africa
under the leadership of Miss Tryhane and words cannot describe the
love and passion I have for God and the children He has allowed
us to be able to impact for the kingdom.
Now unto Him that os able to keep me from falling
and to present me faultless before the presence of His Glory with
exceeding joy;
To the only God, My Savior be Glory and Majesty,
Dominion and Power both now and forever
Jude 24-25.
God Bless!!
Lisa-Marie Gardier.