But Jesus shed
His blood to forgive us our sins.

The children stood
at the line I havd drawn in the dirt and are instructed to
jump to the person dressed as Jesus in a white sheet with
a gold sash and a yellow Jesus crown.
(We ensured that ‘Jesus’
is far enough away that it is impossible to reach in one jump.) |
As they tried to jump but fail I was
able to remind them that we all fall short of God's glory in the
same way they fall short of the mark.
What is sin?...
Sin is anything we think, say, do
or don't do that does not please God”.

Jesus tells us to “Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly
Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)
So Lisa took the children through the Perfection
Egg Test and everyone failed!
This helped the children to remember even though we
try to be perfect like God it is impossible. No one is perfect!
"There must be a
different way - there is...
God solved
the problem by sending His Son Jesus."
They learnt through
drama and skits that:
"Jesus is God, He came from Heaven to earth, He lived
a perfect life, He died on the cross to pay the penalty for
our sins, He rose from the dead and He is in Heaven now offering
us the free gift of eternal life."
That God so loved the world that He gave His one and only
Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have
eternal life.
(John 3:16)
do we get this relationship with God and the gift of eternal
By Faith

"Saving Faith is not
just knowing about God in your head.... Saving Faith is not
just temporary, Saving Faith is trusting in Jesus ALONE for
our eternal life."
The Bible says “Believe
in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved …”
(Acts 16:31) "
It as time to decide, to make
a decision to ask Jesus to come into their lives.


Jesus says ‘I stand at the door
and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come in…”
(Rev 3:20)
All this fun, games, drama and
skits led up to the point where the children were encouraged
to make a decision for Jesus.
CLICK to lean more about Lisa
CLICK to view more child evangelism.