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Mwongozo Somo #1
Women's Empowerment  Program
Sports Bible Club
Living Water Bible Club



Lucille Sollenberger. B.S., M. A.

Stonecroft Ministries
P.O.Box 9609, Kancas City, MO 64134-0609

Download Swahili Guidebook Introduction

Lesson #1 Swahili Guidebook (Only partly translated)

Purpose of the Lesson
• Introduce the lesson in a nonthreatening manner.
• Learn the procedures and how to prepare for each lesson.
• Present what the Bible says about Jesus and consider who
He really is.

When the people are seated, introduce yourself and have everyone give their names and tell two or three non-religious things they would like to have the others know about themselves

Dear God, we want to learn what the Bible says about Jesus. Open our eyes and hearts to understand what we read from Your Word. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

Guide’s Comments
To help us benefit from this Bible study, let’s take a few minutes to review the Mwongozo Utakaotuongoza

Stonecroft Bible Study Guidelines

Since this is a Bible study, our goal is to learn what the Bible says and how it applies to our lives. The Study Book and Bible will be the only books we need for our study.

It is recommended that we prepare for the lesson by completing the questions in our Study Books prior to the study. This will enhance our weekly discussion. We’ll do Lesson 1 together.

Our Bible study will start on time and lasts 60 to 90 minutes. We will leave when the study is finished so we don’t impose on our host.

Since we are from various backgrounds (including assorted churches), we will respect each other’s opinions and beliefs.

In a few weeks, we would like to start new Bible studies in new areas including new people. Start thinking of someone you would like to invite.

Sauli, huyu alikuwa ni myahudi ambaye alikuwa anawafunga na kuwatesa wakrito wa awali, aliuliza swali la muhimu na zuri sana. Kiukweli na kwamba ni swali ambalo ni la muhimu sana na ambapo tunaweza hata sisi wenyewe tunaweza kujiuliza. Aliuliza, “wewe ni nani, Bwana?”

Alipokea jibu kwa haraka sana :
“Naye akasema mimi ndimi Yesu unayeniudhi wewe.……” (Matendo 9:5)

Wakati huu mtu (aliyeinua havoic katika kanis ala kwanza la yerusalemu) alipata taarifa taarifa sahihi, na aliweza kubadilika. Alikuwa anasukumwa na imani potofu. Alifikiri kuwa alikuwa anamfurahisha Mungu kwa Matendo yake mabaya lakini ukweli ni kwamba alikua anamkasirisha sana Mungu.

Nasi tunafanya vivyo hivyo, hasa pale tunapoamini vitu ambavyo ni vya uongo. Tunafanya vitu ambayo ni hatari kwetu sisi wenyewe na hata kwa watu wengine. Njia pekee ya kuwa na taarifa ambazo ni nzuri na za kumpendeza Mungu ni kugundua na kuamini kweli.

Kujifunza Biblia kutasaidia katika kujua taarifa ambazo ni za kweli. Kwa hiyo Biblia yenyewe ndio chanzo cha kweli yote, amabalo ni neno la Mungu ambalo ndio kweli yenyewe. Neno la Mungu linasema hivi

“mbingu nan chi zitapita; lakini maneno yangu hayatapita kamwe.”
Mathayo 24:35

Neno la Mungu ni kweli na litasimama milele.

Watu wengi wana mitazamo tofauti sana kuhusu Yesu. Hii inatokana na kwamaba tabia zetu zinasukumwa na kile tunachokiamini, ni kweli kuwa tuna taarifa nzuri sana kuhusu Yesu kuwa ni nani, na Mungu yukoje na sisi kuwa tukoje. Tukimaliza kusoma somo hili utajua kuhusu Yesu zaidi na kiuhalisia.

Unaamini kuwa Yesu ni nani? Leo hii tunasikia mawazo tofauti tofauti kuhusu Yesu kuwa ni nani. Wengine wanasema kuwa yeye ndiye mwanzilishi wa dini…… wengine wanasema kuwa yeye ndio kiongozi mkubwa sana wa waKristo….. wengine wana sema ni mwalimu wa maadili… wengine husema ndiye mtu katika karne ya kwanza aliyefanyiwa ukatili.
Tutaweza kupata ukweli woote pale tutakapo amini taarifa sahihi Kutoka katika chanzo sahihi. Kuna chanzo kimoja tu ambacho ambacho ni MUNGU. Mungu ametupatia kitabu , ambacho kinatuambia sisi jinsi ya kujua yeye na jinsi ya kuishi maisha ambayo yanapendeza yeye na sisi pia.

Yesu siyo tu kuwa ni kiongozi mkuu wa dini katika ulimwengu. Pia sio tu kuwa ni mtu mkubwa sana katika Biblia kama Abraham, musa, au mfalme Daudi. Mara nyingi huwa tunaandika tarehe na mwaka ,pia tunatambua kuwa miaka 2000 iliyopita Yesu Kristo alikuja duniani na alieneza historia katika njia kuu mbili. K.B –Kabla ya Kristo na B.K – Baada ya Kristo.

Now, let’s see what the New Testament says about Jesus.
In the early part of Jesus’ ministry, even His disciples asked who He was.
Turn to Mark 4:41. . . . . His disciples realized He was not just an ordinary man.

(Use your Bible or Africa Bible Verse Handbook)

Even in those days, people had strange ideas about who Jesus was.
Read Matthew 16:13-16 . . . . . People knew He was not an ordinary man. They knew He was someone special. They thought John the Baptist, who had been beheaded, had come back to life (Mark 6:14-16). Others thought He was Elijah, an Old Testament prophet who was taken up into heaven without dying (2 Kings 2:11). Since the Jews were expecting Elijah to return, they believed Jesus was Elijah returned to earth. Others thought Jesus to be Jeremiah—another Old Testament prophet who had been killed many years earlier. They were all wrong.

Biblioa inatumbia vitu vingi sana na tena vya kushangaza kuhusiana na Yesu Kristo. Kwa mfano Yesu alikuwepo tangu mwanzo hata kabla ya muda kuwepo. Sehemu mbalimbali ndani ya bbilia zinazungumzia kuiwa Yesu alikuwepo kabla ya mbingu na nchi kuumbwa. Biblia inaema

“ naye amekuwako kabla ya vitu vyote,
na vitu vyote hushikana katika yeye.”
Wakolosai 1:17

Jesus existed before He was born as a man. He has always existed and will live forever. No other religious leader everclaimed to be eternatl, but Jesus did, He said,

“… Before Abraham was born, ‘I Am’.”

John 8:58

Yesu alikuwepo hata kabla hazaliwa kama mwanadamu wa kawaida. BIKO lilikuwa ni jina la MUNGU.

Katika kitabu cha Kutoka 3:14, miaka 2000 kabala Yesu hajazaliwa, MUNGUalijidhihirisha mwenyewe kwa musa kwamba “ MIMI NIKO AMBAYE NIKO”. Kwa waebrania hili jina linamaanisha kuendelea kuwepo.

Pia Yesu naye alisema sawasawa na Mungu katika (Yohana 5:18).

Jesus Christ’s teaching was ultimate truth. He never had to retract or change what He said. He never supposed, guessed, or spoke with uncertainty. A study of His life reveals He had all the attributes of God. He was without sin. He forgave sin. He accepted worship. All these facts show us that He is God.

Jesus is unique. His uniqueness is revealed in His conception and miraculous birth from a virgin, His sinless life, and His powerful teachings that gave the world new heights of spiritual understanding. All this and much more reveal His unparalleled life.

Kugundua ukweli

The Bible is the world’s most important book. Reading the Bible and meditating on what you read has a vital influence on your spiritual life. As you read it, remember that it is God’s message to you as an individual.

Fikiri vizuri na uombe sana kuhusiana na hili somo unalosoma.
Hebu ujiulize wewe mwenyewe haya maswali matatu:

Je kifungu hiki katika Biblia kinasemaje?
Gundua ukweli wa Mungu.

Je kifungu hiki cha Biblia kinamaanisha nini?
Elewe kile Mungu anachokisema.

Je Mungu anasemaje kuhususiana na mimi mwenyewe?
Tumia huo ukweli ulioupata ndani ya kusoma katika maisha yako.

Jinsi utakavyoomba ndiko kutasababisha Mungu akuangalie jinsi utakavyoweza kujibu.Je utatii amri au utabadili mtazamo wako.

Have the group take turns reading each of the following paragraphs


Vitabu vya kwanza kabisa katika agano jipya havikuandikwa kuwa viweze kuelezea wasifu wa Yesu. Viliandikwa na watu tofauti tofauti na vikundi tofauti tofauti vya watu na kwa sababu malimbali. Hivi vitabu vine vya mwanzo katika agano jipya ni vitabu vya injili.

Vitabu viwili yaani injili ya Mathayo na injili ya Yohana viliandikwa na watu wawili ambao walitembea na Yesu kwa miaka mitatu. Walikuwa ni sehemu ya wale wanafunzi kumi na mbili ambao Yesu aliwachagua kama mitume.

Mathayo aliandika injili ya Mathayo ili kuwashawishi wayahudi kwamba Yesu ndiye alikuwa messia aliyeahidiwa kuja ambaye wao wayahudi walikuwa wakimngojea.

Yohana aliandika injili ya Yohana ili kuwashawishi viongozi wake kuwa Yesu alikuwa kweli ni mwana wa Mungu.

Katika injili ya Marko ambapo injili hii iliandikwa na kijana mdogo sana ambaye jina lake aliitwa Marko, ambaye alifanya kazi kama mmisionari na Paulo, Barnabas, na mtume Petro. Marko aliwaandikia mataifa kuwaambia kuhusu Yesu na nini Yesu alichokifanya.

Injili ya Luka iliandikwa na dactari wa kigiriki ambaye yeye alifanya utafiti na aliwauliza baadhi ya watu ambao walikuwa wanamjua Yesu.

Kwa sababu kila injili iliandikwa navikundi tofauti tofauti vya watu, kwa hiyo kila waandishi hao wameelezea vipengele vya maisha ya Yesu Kristo.

Now, we’ll see who the Bible says Jesus Christ is. There are many Bible references to examine in both the Old and New Testaments. We will look at just a few in our New Testament right now. Let’s begin with Question 1 in our Study Book.

Choose someone to read Question 1, read the Bible reference, and answer the question. Then give the group time to write the answer in their own words in their Study Books.

1. Yohana alisema nini mwisho wa injili yake? Yohana 21:25 ......

When we get acquainted with people, we want to learn their names. In Bible times, names revealed more than they do in our culture. In the Bible, the name reveals certain traits and characteristics about the person. Our Lord is so great that no one name could tell us all we need to know about Him.

Since there are several verses in Question 2, would several of you be willing to look up a verse and read it to the group?

Assign the following verses for different people to find. Tell them to be ready to read when asked.

a. Matthew 1:21
b. Matthew 1:23
c. Matthew 3:17
d. Matthew 12:8
e. Matthew 16:16
f. Matthew 19:16

After each verse is read, you may write the name or names of Jesus in that
reference in your Study Book.

2. Je ni majina gani ambayo Yesu aliitwa katika kitabu cha Mathayo?
a) Mathayo 1:21......

What is He called? . . . . . (Jesus)

Jesus means “Savior.” The last part of the verse we just looked up tells why He was given the name which means Savior. He would save the people from having to pay the penalty for their own sins.

b) Mathayo 1:23 ......

What was the name that God gave Him? . . . . . (Immanuel)
The verse also told us what the name means. What does Immanuel mean? . . . . . (God is with us.)

c) Mathayo 3:17......

What did God call Him? . . . . . (Son, or dear Son)

That means that He is God’s only, unique Son.

d) Mathayo 12:8 ....

These are two names Jesus called Himself. What are they? . . . . . (Son of Man and Lord of the Sabbath.)

Jesus was revealing that He was both man and God. He called Himself both the Son of Man and the Son of God in other Bible passages.

e) Mathayo 16:16......

What did Peter call Jesus? . . . . . (Messiah, the Son of the living God)

In verse 17, Jesus said that God had revealed this name to Peter. To the Jewish mind, Messiah meant that Jesus was God’s appointed Ruler. The Son of the living God meant Jesus was co-eternal and co-equal with God.

f) Mathayo 19:16 .....

What was He called? . . . . . (Teacher) A teacher reveals truth, and Jesus reveals absolute truth.

The next question gives us more names for Jesus Christ. Each new name reveals some trait or characteristic that describes Him more fully. Write these names in your Study Book as we go along.

Since there are several verses in Question 3, let’s each choose one to look up and read:

a. Mark 5:6-7
b. Luke 5:5
c. John 1:35-36
d. John 1:49
e. 1 Corinthians 1:6-7

Would the first one like to begin by reading Question 3 and the Bible reference in part “a.”?

3. Yesu aliitwaje katika vitabu hivi vifuatavyo?
a. Marko 5:6-7......

What is Jesus called? . . . . . (Jesus, Son of the Most High God)

Jesus is His earthly name. As Son of the Most High God, He is worthy of all of our worship.

b. Luka 5:5......

What did Simon Peter call Him? . . . . . (Master)

Jesus is the One whom Christians serve. He is the Master. As believers, we are
His servants.

c.Yohana 1: 35-36.....

What did John the Baptist call Him? . . . . . (Lamb of God)

This name revealed Jesus as the Perfect Sacrifice sent to die for the sins of all people everywhere. The Bible says in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death. The sacrifice of the lamb in the Old Testament (Leviticus 14:12-13) symbolized the death of Jesus Christ. God had said He would send the Perfect Sacrifice to die in the place of sinners. That’s why Jesus is called the Lamb of God.

d. Yohana 1:49 .....

What are the two new names Nathanael called Jesus in this passage? . . . . . (Son of God, King of Israel)

e. 1 Korintho 1:6-7....

What did Paul call Him here? . . . . . (Lord Jesus Christ)

These are His three most commonly used names and titles, but here the three are used together as one complete name. When we call Him Lord, it means that we submit to His lordship or leadership.

There are many more names and titles we could look at to see who Jesus really is. The disciples called Him Master, Teacher, and Lord. They had surrendered their lives to His control.

You may ask, “Is the Bible the only ancient book that tells us about Jesus?”

No, there are ancient history books that give us information about Him. We are not limited to the Bible to learn about Him—although it is the most complete and accurate reference. There are many early secular historians who wrote about Jesus and the life-changing effect He had on the people of His time. If you want to pursue this topic, refer to the book Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell.

Whenever difficult names or words appear in the Guide’s Comments, do not be overly concerned about pronouncing them correctly. Do your best and continue on.

We can learn who Jesus is by using both secular and Jewish sources. Many secular historians mention Jesus, the man, as an accurate fact of history. There are three main ancient secular historical books: Epistles by Pliny (PLEHN-ee), who was a governor in Asia Minor; Annals, by Tacitus (TAS-ih-tuhs), who was a leading lawyer of his day; and Lives of the Caesars by Suetonius (swee-TOH-nee-uhs), who was a scholar and biographer. These important Roman historians wrote about both Jesus and His followers.

Josephus (Joh-SEE-fus), mwanahistoria wa uyahudi aliyezaliwa mwaka A.D 37, amabaye alikuwa sio mwamini, alitupa ukweli kuhusu kusuluiwa kwa Yesu Kristo. Ingawa Josephus hakuwa anaamini kuwa Yesu ndiye messiah, aliandika taarifa zifuatazo kuhusiana na Yesu;

“Sasa, kulikuwa muda kama huu Yesu, mtu mwenye busara, ingekuwa halali hata kumwita mtu, kwani alikuwa anafanya kazi nyingi za ajabu, na mwalimu anayefundisha kweli na unaipokea kwa furaha. Aliweza kuwa pamoja na wayahudi hata mataifa pia wasio wayahudi. Alikuwa ni Kristo, hata pale pilato alipo amua kumhukumu kwa kuangikwa msalabani, kwa wale waliompenda tangu mwanzo hawakuweza kumuacha , na pia akawatokea siku ya tatu tangu alipokufa kwa sababu utabili ulitakiwa kutimia maana aliwaambia ya kuwa siku ya tatu baada ya kufa atafufuka na aliwwambia kuhusu vitu vingi sana vya ajabu kuhusiana nay eye mwenyewe. Na ukoo wa kiKristo ambao uliitwa jina hilo nay eye mwenyewe hauko tena leo hii."

- Antiquities

In his book Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell says that a non-Christian who has researched the facts about Jesus would know without a doubt that the New Testament can be relied upon. An honest researcher would never promote a Christ-myth theory of Jesus. Josh McDowell says this accurate portrait of Jesus “cannot be rationalized away by wishful thinking . . . or literary maneuvering.”

With so much evidence available, we should feel very confident concerning the accuracy of the information the Bible gives us about the life of Jesus.

The whole Bible is about Jesus Christ. The first 39 books, the part of the Bible which is called the Old Testament, gives numerous prophecies about Him. The rest of the Bible, the New Testament with 27 books, gives us the report of His life on earth, as well as His life after His resurrection. The four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—make up almost one half of the New Testament. They contain our main source of information about Jesus.

Other powerful evidences about the accuracy of the Bible are seen through
Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in the New Testament. The Old Testament
contains several hundred distinct predictions3 concerning the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Now we will take turns reading the chart in our Study Books. I’ll read the prophecy and the Old Testament reference, and you can take turns reading the fulfillment and New Testament reference in response.

Unabii mchache kati ya mwingi kuhusu messiah.

Kutimia kwa unabii
Atazaliwa kwa mwanamke bikira.
Isaya 7:14 (742 B.C).
Kwa hiyo Bwana mwenyewe atawapa ishara. Tazama bikira atachukua mimba, atazaa mtoto mwanaume, naye atamwita jina lake Immanuel.
Yesu anazaliwa Kutoka kwa mwanamke bikira.
Mathayo 1:22-23.
Hayo yote yamekuwa, ili litimie neno lililonenwa na Bwana kwa ujumbe wa nabii akisema, tazama, bikira atachukua mimba, naye atazaa mwana; nao watamwita jina lake Immanuel yaani Mungu pamoja nasi.
Eneo atakapozaliwa.
Mika 5:2 (710 B.C)
Bwana anasema “ Ewe Bethlehemu efrata uliye mdogop kuwa miongoni mwa elfu za yuda; Kutoka kwako wewe utanitokea mmoja atakayekuwa mtawala katika Israeli; ambaye matokeo yake yamekuwa tangu zamani za kale, tangu milele.”
Yesu anazaliwa bethlehemu.
Mathayo 2:1a
Yesu alipozaliwa katika bethlehemu ya uyahudi zamani za mfalme Herode.
Atakataliwa na watu wake.
Isaya 53:3 (712 B.C)
Alidharauliwa na kukataliwa na watu; mtu wa huzuni nyingi, ajuaye sikitiko; na kama mtu ambaye watu humficha nyuso zao, alidharauliwa wala hatukumhesabu kuwa kitu.
Yesu alikataliwa.
Yohana 1:11
Alikuja kwake, wala walio wake hawakumpokea.
Zaburi 41:9 (1062 B.C)
Msiri wangu tena niliyemtumaini, aliyekula chakula change, ameniinulia kisigino chake.
Yesu alisalitiwa.
Marko 14:10
Yuda iskariote, Yule mmoja katrika wale thenashara, akaenda zake kwa wakuu wa makuhani apate kumsaliti kwao
Atafufuka Kutoka kwa wafu
Zaburi 16:10 (1040 B.C)
Maana hatukuachia kuzimu nafsi yangu, wala hutamtoa mtakatifu wako aone uharibifu.
Yesu alifufuka Kutoka katika wafu baada ya siku tatu Kutoka kaburini.
Mathayo 28:5-6
Malaika akajibu akawaambia wale wanawake, msiogope ninyi; kwa maana najua ya kuwa mnamtafuta Yesu aliYesulubiwa, 6 hayupo hapa; kwani amefufuka kama alivyosema. Njoni, mpatazame mahali alipolazwa.

All of these Old Testament prophecies were literally fulfilled in Christ, even though they were totally beyond the human control of Jesus. Look at Question 4.

4. Maneno na marejeo yafuatayo ya vitabu yanazungumzia vizuri kuhusu Yesu. Angalia maswali haya ambayo yanajitosheleza na uonisha na maneno yatokayo katika vitabu vya mrejeo ya Biblia .
a. Ukoo wake
b. Ubatizo wake
c. Muujiza wake wa kwanza.

Glance over Mathayo 1:1-17 (a Ukoo wake)

If someone has questions on the genealogy of Jesus, it may help to share the following:

“Matthew 1:16: Because Mary was a virgin when she became pregnant, Matthew lists Joseph only as the husband of Mary, not the father of Jesus. Matthew’s genealogy gives Jesus’ legal (or royal) lineage through Joseph. Mary’s ancestral line is recorded in Luke 3:23-38. Both Mary and Joseph were direct descendants of David.

Matthew traced the genealogy back to Abraham, while Luke traced it back to Adam. Matthew wrote to the Jews, so Jesus was shown as a descendant of their father, Abraham. Luke wrote to the Gentiles, so he emphasized Jesus as the Savior of all people.”

Glance over Yohana 2:1-11 Read verse 11 (c. Muujiza wake wa kwanza)

We will read the next one, because it isn’t as lengthy

Read Marko 1:9-11.....(b. Ubatizo wake)

The New Testament tells of the life of Jesus and how to live the Christian life.

When we need to read parts of the Old Testament refer to the Africa Bible Verse Handbook if you do not have a Bible.

The Lord Jesus Christ is God with us. We can see that He is God when we read a prophecy of His birth in Isaiah 9:6 . . . . . Notice Jesus is called Wonderful, our Counselor, the Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.

Which two names are God’s names also? . . . . .

(Mighty God and Everlasting Father)

The Bible tells us much more about Jesus and one powerful description of Jesus is in the New Testament Colossians 1:15-20. Notice all the things that are said about Jesus as these verses are read. . . . .

The most profound statement in that paragraph is verse 15.

“Naye ni mfano wa Mungu asiyeonekana,
mzaliwa wa kwanza wa viumbe vyote….”

Wakolosai 1:15

Just think what a powerful statement that is!

Next week we will study Lesson 2. We will learn what Jesus said about Himself and what He taught. You will read one of Jesus’ sermons when you read the Weekly Bible Reading. Before you come next week, answer the questions in your Study Book.

Do you have any questions?

Enjoy your study for next week. Let’s thank God for the opportunity to study His Word.

Asante Mungu, nimejifunza sana kuhusu Yesu katika somo hili. Namba Mungu unifundishe zaidi ninapoendelea na masomo haya. Naomba unisaidie kupata muda wa kuweza kufika wiki ijayo kwa ajili ya kuendelea kujifunza. Ninaomba katika jina la Yesu Kristo. AMEN.

This is a translation of Who is Jesus? Stonecroft's Students Study Book Lesson #1 in Swahili, the English version of Who is Jesus? is available online from Stonecroft's website.

Download Swahili Lesson #1 Student Study Book

Download Swahili Lesson #1 Bible Verses Handbook

The Guide has her own Guidebook to help her lead and guide the lesson.

Download Swahili Guidebook Introduction

Lesson #1 Swahili Guidebook (Only partly translated)

Download Swahili Guidebook Bible Verses Lesson #1


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