Peggy started Video 1 by sharing the mission of Stonecroft Ministries
which is to equip and encourage women to impact their communities
with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ
and to make Him know by presenting the Biblical message of Salvation.

Peggy introduced Janice McKay who is a Guide
and our Prayer Coordinator, she shared on Stonecroft Ministries
vision, past history and the present management.
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Janis shared the Vision of Stonecroft Ministries to provide global
leadership in reaching women for Jesus Christ.
Stonecroft Ministries equips and encourages women in making Jesus
Christ known. Evangelism is our focus-central to every ministry
Our passion is to reach women of every age, every stage, and every
face with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Janice as a Barbados Stonecroft Guide and Prayer Coordinator shared
that prayer is the foundation and backbone of everything we do at
Jesus said, "Apart from me, you can do nothing"

June Moore, a Barbados Stonecroft Guide and Bible
Study Coordinator introduced the Stonecroft Bible Studies to
her sisters in Africa.
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"Welcome to Stonecroft Bible Studies we make the Word of God
accessible to everyone, no matter where they may be on their spiritual
We pray and expect that these studies will open up many opportunities
for you to be equipped and encouraged to impact your community with
the Gospel of Jesus Christ"

Joyce Walters, who is also a Guide and one of our
previous Prayer Coordinators, started off Video 3 by introducing
the Stonecroft Statement of Faith.
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Statement of Faith:
• Stonecroft Ministries believes in the supernatural and total,
full, complete inspiration of the Scriptures— the Bible is
free from error and its teachings and authority are absolute, supreme
and final.
• We believe the Trinity of the Godhead—God, the Father;
God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit;
• We believe the personality of God; the personality and deity
of Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ and God are one; Jesus Christ is God
incarnate in the flesh), begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of the
Virgin Mary, very God and very Man; the personality of the Holy
• We believe the resurrection of Jesus Christ—that His
body was raised from the dead, according to the Scriptures and that
He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God as the
believer’s Advocate;
• We believe in the sinfulness of man—that all human
beings are born with a sinful nature, are totally depraved, and
need a Saviour from sin;
• We believe in the atonement—that Jesus Christ became
the sinner’s sacrifice before God when He shed His blood and
died as the payment for the sins of the whole world;
• We believe the necessity of the new birth—salvation
is by grace, through faith, and not of works. Saving faith will
maintain good works in the life of the believer;
• We believe in the literal resurrection of the body—both
of the just and the unjust;
• We believe in the everlasting blessedness of the saved and
the everlasting punishment of the lost;
• We believe in the evangelization of the world—the
supreme mission of God’s people in this age is to preach the
Gospel to every person;
• We believe in the second coming of Christ, according to
the Scriptures.
Finally Jenny introduced the Africa Women’s Empowerment
Program (AWEP)
Under normal circumstances lessons should not
exceed 1 hour particularly if the Bible Study is part of the
Africa Women’s Empowerment Program (AWEP) because the
ladies will have to leave and start their Vocational Training
At the same time as the AWEP students are enjoying their Bible Study
their child will be attending our Hope Early Life Learning Organization
(HELLO) Club to be trained in the Ways of God through the Africa
Bureau of Children's Discipleship (ABCD) curriculum and Kids in
Ministry International program.
As many of you may know, Jenny Tryhane spent many months in Africa
introducing this excellent children’s curriculum and this
will be very much a part of the AWEP children’s ministry along
with Kids Evangelism and Youth Discipleship Programs.
Initially the locations will be:
1. Tanzania – House of Freedom
2. Uganda– Faith Power Pentecostal Ministries
3. Malawi – Africa Training Bible School
4. DR Congo - Africa Training Bible School
5. Idjwi Island in DR Congo
6. Mozambique - Africa Training Bible School
7. Nigeria
Royal-Gold Global Sports
Ministries 8. Cross River Nigeria
9. Kenya - Kisumu and Nairobi Thanks to Stonecroft for allowing us to use their excellent Trinity
Series and reach the unreached with such good solid Bible Study
Pray for those who will be attending the Bible Study.
Dear Lord, we come before you with praise and thanksgiving, we
worship and glorify your mighty name.
We thank you for the ministry of Stonecroft in providing this video
that will train the Guides necessary to take the Gospel of Jesus
into many African countries.
I pray that the people’s hearts will be willing and receptive
to receive from you.
I pray that everyone will be challenged, changed and edified by
the ministry of Your Holy Word
Give them the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to practically apply
the truth they hear in their daily lives and may they be strengthened
by the ministry of Your Word.
Bless the people of Africa and bless all who assisted with this
video in Jesus name we pray.