Stonecroft Bible Studies are held in homes, workplaces, churches, schools and even outdoors in places like Africa under the shade of a Tropical tree.
It is our aim in the 'Living Water Bible Club', the outreach arm of a 'Drop of Hope' , to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and experience 'living water'-the gospel of Jesus Christ-which alone satisfies the deepest thirst.
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'Living Water Bible Club' will be located in our 'Drop of Hope School Project' located outside of schools, churches and our 'Africa Goshen Agro and Lakeside Glamping Resorts'.
They are formatted to cover both topical studies and books of the
Bible and are available at the introductory and advanced level.
Stonecroft Bible Studies are easy to use in both small group and
larger settings and offer a variety of study lengths (4-14 lessons).
Most studies include a Guidebook for the Guide to facilitate the
study. The Study Book is used by each participant.
Group discussion is a key element of learning and growing together.
In most Stonecroft Bible Studies, the participants use a Study Book
and the Swahili Union New Testament Bible obtained from the Tanzania
Bible Society or any other translation depending upon the country.
Study groups generally meet once a week for 60 to 90 minutes. If
time is limited, the group often chooses to divide the lessons in
half. Discussion is generated by shared answers to the questions
in the Study Book and by reading Scripture.
In order to expand outreach and discipleship, it is recommended
that the group look for ways to multiply so that others in the community
can be impacted by the truth of God’s Word.
There are three types of Stonecroft Bible Studies:
• Introductory Studies
• Studies for Growing Christians
• Topical Studies
We encourage those who have never participated in a Stonecroft
study to consider starting with an Introductory Study. ‘Who
is Jesus?’, ‘What is God Like?’, and ‘Where
is the Holy Spirit?’ are great resources for both new believers
and those seeking answers to their faith questions.
Bible Study Policy