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Where is the Holy Spirit Series
Stonecroft Ministries
P.O. Box 9609, Kansas City, MO 64134-0609
Many would describe the Christian life as
a roller-coaster experience—full of ups and downs. They enjoy
the uptimes of special closeness with God, but seem unable to avoid
frequent, discouraging downtimes of difficulty with sin.
Jonathan Edwards, known as America’s
greatest theologian, said that the successful Christian life is
not a continual series of mountaintop experiences. Instead, it is
living with an ever-increasing awareness of God’s presence— in the home, the school, the workplace, the church, and the community.
It is delighting in the Lord as a way of life.
That is what this Bible study is all about.
We want to be aware of the Holy Spirit in our lives every day. After
all, if it were possible to live the Christian life on our own,
God would not have given us the Holy Spirit. It is His power that
gives us the desire and the ability to live on an increasingly stable
level without roller-coaster extremes.
We do not use
the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit uses us.
Where is the Holy Spirit? He is living and
working in the lives of those who belong to Jesus Christ. May you
continually enjoy His presence in your life.
Lucille Fern Sollenberger
Seen here Peggy Tryhane the Caribbean
District Consulting Coordinator and Area Rep at Ozarks with Mrs Helen Duff Baugh, the founder and National Chairman of the Christian Business and Professional Women's Councils that grew to become Stonecroft, along with Ms. Lucille Fern Sollenberger, the author of the Bible Studies. |