a. Review
Nthawi yomaliza yomwe tidakumana tidaphunzira za chilengedwe Zosankha zogwiritsa ntchito magawo omaliza othandizira komanso m'mene Mulungu adapangira amuna ndi akazi ndipo adakhala moyo wokongola m'munda wokongola wa Edeni.
Koma chinalakwika ndi chiyani? Ndikukhulupirira kuti mwina mukudziwa kuti njira yotsimikizika yopezera wina kuti achite china chake ndi kuwauza kuti sangachite.
Zakhala choncho kuyambira pachiyambi panthawi. M'malo mwake, ndizomwe timaphunzira lero m'Baibulo.
Review Chichewa Visual aid | |
SKIT Review:
Get three volunteers (maybe the same ones from last sessions skit) to stand in a row, holding a rope. As the Bible verse is read place a sign SPIRIT around the neck of the first child. Give him a deflated balloon to hold.
Optional: Download SPIRIT Visual Aid. |


“ Tsono Yehova Mulungu anawumba munthu kuchokera ku dothi, (BODY place sign around neck of the last child) nawuziramo mpweya wamoyo mʼmphuno mwake; (Blow up SPIRIT's balloon)
Optional: Download BODY Visual Aid. |
ndipo munthuyo anakhala wamoyo." (SOUL place sign around the neck of the middle child). (Genesis 2:7)
Optional: Download SOUL Visual Aid. |

At this stage the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and had fellowship (Take the hand of SPIRIT child and walk, SOUL follows holding onto the rope, and BODY is willing to walk holding the rope as well.) Harmony and unity, fellowship with God in a beautiful garden. But this week we will learn how SIN entered the world and caused a separation from God. (Keep the children standing up front or sitting in the front row to come up front at short notice)
b. Sword Play
Ready…Swords up…Genesis 3: 13 … CHARGE
Tsono Yehova Mulungu anati kwa mkaziyo, "Wachitachi n'chiyani?"
Mkaziyo anati, "Njoka inandinamiza, ndipo ndinadya." (Genesis 3: 13)
Optional: Download Memory Bible Verse |


Download 'The start of man's sadness' Lesson #2 Bible Verse Reading Video Mute Version to voiceover in Chichewa
Download 'The start of man's sadness' Lesson #2 Bible Verse Reading Video English Audio Version |
c. Teach the Lesson
Download Session #2 Chechewa Visual Aids
SIN entered the world
Read Genesis 3: 1-13
Pachiyambi, Mulungu atalenga zonse, adaika Adamu ndi Hava (Mnyamata ndi msungwana) m'munda wa Edeni (masamba a kanjedza) kuti azisamalire. Iye adati kwa iwo, "Ndinu aufulu kudya zipatso za mtengo uliwonse m'mundamu; koma musadye za mtengo wodziwitsa chabwino ndi choipa; chifukwa mukadzadya umenewo mudzafa ndithu."
Njokayo inali yochenjera, yochenjera kwambiri kuposa zinyama zonse zimene Mulungu analenga. Iye anazemba kwa Hava tsiku lina nati kwa iye, (mnyamata wamng'ono amene anapatsidwa njoka) "Ndikumvetsa kuti Mulungu anakuwuzani kuti musadye za mtengo uliwonse m'mundamu. Kodi ndi zoona?"
"Ayi, si mitengo yonse," anayankha Hava. "Titha kudya zipatso za mitengo Uliyonse kupatula ija yomwe inali pakati mu mundamo. Nthambi ya Mtengo wa pakona Mulungu anatiuza kuti tikadya za mtengowo, tifa." Njokayo inauza Hava, "Simudzafa ayi!Mulungu akudziwa kuti nthawi yomwe mudzadye chipatso cha mtengowo mudzakhala ngati Mulungu.Mudzadziwa zonse - ngakhale chabwino ndi choipa."
Mukudziwa zomwe Hava adachita, sichoncho? Ndichoncho! Anadya chipatso china (Hava adya pang'ono apulo) kuchokera mumtengo umene Mulungu adawauza kuti asagwire.Ankaganiza kuti ndi zabwino, choncho anapatsa Adamu ndipo anadya.Nthawi yomweyo anatseguka maso ndipo anazindikira kuti anali maliseche ndipo anachita manyazi.
DAWUNILODI: Tsamba la Chichewa |
Nthawi yomweyo anatseguka maso ndipo anazindikira kuti anali maliseche ndipo anachita manyazi.Choncho anasoka masamba ena a mkuyu kuti adziphimbe.
Chifukwa chake ndi nkhani yoti Adamu ndi Hava adanye ngedwa ndi njoka yochenjera.Ndikukhulupirira kuti mukudziwa nkhani yonse.
Chosankha: DAWUNILODI: Chichewa Kuphunzitsa makanema |
Mavidiyo osangalatsa a Chingerezi amapezeka ngati ana amalankhula Chingerezi
Chosankha: DAWUNILODI: Chichewa pophunzitsa makanema |
DAWUNILODI: Chichewa Baibulo la ana 'Chiyambi chakukwiya kwa munthu' PowerPoint kuthandiza pophunzitsa |
DAWUNILODI: Chichewa Bible la Ana 'Chiyambi chakukwiya kwa munthu' Masamba ojambula
Chosankha: Makanema anyimbo zaku chingerezi omwe amafotokoza gawo loyamba la chiphunzitso cha kugwa kwa Adamu ndi Hava amapezeka kuti atsitsidwe.
Makanema Achingelezi Achingerezi
16 Ndipo Yehova Mulungu analamula munthu uja kuti, "Uzidya zipatso za mu mtengo wina uliwonse m'mundamu; 17 koma usadye zipatso za mu mtengo wodziwitsa chabwino ndi choyipa, popeza ukadzadya za mu mtengowu udzafa ndithu." (Genesis 2: 16-17)
Object lesson: "Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?"
Sit the children in a circle and have a jar filled with cookies in the middle.
Accuser: Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? (Name child 1) stole the cookies from the cookie jar.
Child 1: Who, me?
Accuser: Yes, you!
Child 1: Not me!
Accuser: Then who?
Child 1 accuses another child calling out her name eg (Mary) stole the cookies from the cookie jar.
Repeat the rhyme again and again with everyone in the circle accusing someone else of stealing the cookies from the cookie jar. At the end of the game the children can have a cookie.
You know, that must be the oldest game in the world – it started in the Garden of Eden . God made Adam and Eve and gave them a beautiful garden in which to live. He told them they could eat from any of the trees except for one tree in the middle of the garden.
Does that sound familiar? How many times have you heard someone that was caught doing something they shouldn't do say, "It wasn't my fault -- he made me do it!"
Extracts taken from www.sermons4kids.com
SKIT: (Bring the children up front again all holding the rope with the signes around their neck, Spirit still holds his big red balloon)
When sin entered the world, the Spirit within man was no longer in control. (Deflate the red balloon and instead of SPIRIT leading BODY turns around and face the opposite directio and takes over control. SOUL scratches his head and wonders what to do but eventually turns to face BODY and SPIRIT is deflated and dragged along behind them)
After the fall of man and before we give our lives to Jesus:
BODY -In control, following it's our desires, totally controlled by sin (BODY is given the bottle, pretends to be drinking and getting drunk. SOUL laughs and goes along, SPIRIT is very sad and is dragged along. “Let’s go to a party” BODY says, “Ya let’s go” says SOUL. And SPIRIT reluctantly is dragged along.)
SOUL -Controlled by body, Influenced by the world by what it sees and hears
SPIRIT - Weak, ineffective in bondage
What is SIN - sin is anything we think, or say or do or don't do that displeases God
BONDAGE SKIT: Learn more in the Child Evangelism teaching
Prayer: Heavenly Father thank you for giving your commands and laws in the Word. We know when sin entered the world man was removed from the garden from Your presence. Sin blinds us from the truth, it stops us from hearing from You, it enslaves us, traps us, trips us up and eventually kills us. Forgive us our sins and cover us with the precious blood of your Son Jesus. Amen.
• SIN SEPERATES US FROM GOD – man was removed from the garden; the garden represents the presence of God.
• SIN exposes us and we feel shame – when we sin we try to cover our sin with lies.
• SIN MUST BE PUNISHED – the wages of sin is death; but Jesus came so that we may be given life
• SIN IS THE CAUSE OF DEATH – we die a spiritual death because our spirit is cut off from God’s spirit; in natural death God’s spirit returns to HIM
• SIN WILL ALWAYS DECEIVE US – we were already created in God’s image and likeness
• A BLOOD sacrifice must be made to cancel out our sins
• God’s original plan for man was for him to live forever in fellowship with God.
But sin entered the world with consequences...
Optional: DOWNLOAD 'The true consequences' English video |
The second session of Lesson #2
SIN has consequences
Mulungu adawathamangitsa mumunda ndipo adazunzika chifukwa chakusamvera kwawo kwa moyo wawo wonse.
Inu ndi ine timakumana ndi mayesero tsiku ndi tsiku, koma Mulungu amatifunira zabwino.Adzatithandiza kulimbana ndi mayeserowa ngati tiwerenga Baibulo ndikuchita zomwe limatiuza kuti tichite.
Tsiku lina Mulungu anayang'ana pansi pa dziko lapansi lomwe analenga ndipo anawona kuipa kwa anthu ndi kukhala oipa kwao.
Genesis 6: 9-22
DAWUNILODI: Vidiyo yojambulidwa yothandiza kuti anthu aziwerenga Baibulo.
(Mitundu yopanda mawu idapangidwa kuti mphunzitsi awerenge ndime za m’baibulo pomwe kanema wamakanema akusewera)

Zinamupweteketsa mtima kuona momwe anthu amachitira. "Pepani ndidawalenga," adatero Mulungu, "ndiwachotsa onse."
Gwiritsani ntchito chichewa baibulo la ana' pophunzitsa phunzirolo
DAWUNILODI: Baibulo la Ana 'Nowa ndi amphamvu osefukila' PowerPoint |
Koma Mulungu anaona kuti Nowa anali wosiyana. Mulungu adaona kuti Nowa anali munthu wabwino, kenaka iye adasankka kupulumutsa Nowa ndi banjalakhe.
Mulungu adauza Nowa za chikonzedwe chake cakubweretsa cigumula ca madzi kuti cidzapfudze ciri-cense pa dziko la pansi.
DAWUNILODI: Bukhu la Ana la 'Nowa ndi amphamvu osefukila' Buku la Zojambula |
Anauza Nowa kuti apange bwato lalikulu lotchedwa chombo.Mulungu adauza Nowa momwe angamangire. Sankha mwana kuti awerenge (Genesis 6: 15-16) Kenako adauza Nowa atatha kupanga chingalawa kuti adzaze ndi nyama - ziwiri - ziwiri zamtundu uliwonse.Nowa anamvera Mulungu.Anamanga chombocho kenako anaikamo ziweto zamitundu iwiri yonse.Kenako Nowa ndi banja lake analowa m'chingalawa ndipo Mulungu anatseka chitseko
Mosakhalitsa mvula idayamba kugwa. Madontho a mvula amapanga timadontho tating'ono ti ngono kenaka matope ambiri. Maenje akuluakulu kudakhala mitsinje yambiri , kenako nyanja zazikulu. Posakhalitsa dziko lonse lapansi lidakudzidwa ndi madzi.Chingalawa chinaponyedwa pamwamba ndi pansi (ya) mafunde, koma Nowa, banja lake ndi nyama zonse zinali zotetezedwa komanso anali owuma mkati mwa chingalawacho.
Kunagwa mvula masiku makumi anayi usana ndi usiku mpaka pamapeto pake, mvula inaleka.Zinatenga masiku ambiri kuti madzi osefukira atsiye. Kenaka, Nowa, ndi banjalake, ndi nyama zose anatuluka mu chingalaŵa ndipo Nowa anatokodza Mulungu
Lolani ana ajambule nkhope za nyama pamapepala ndikudula maso kapena agwiritse ntchito masamba okongoletsa omwe aperekedwa mu Gawo # 1 ndi # 2 ndipo adzipange okha ngati "nyama yanyama" yovala ngati chigoba. Nyama ziwiri zomwe zimapita ku chombo wamwamuna ndi wamkazi. Ana amatha kusangalala ndikumveka kwa nyama akamalowa mu chombo awiri- awiri
Mulungu anali ndi chikonzero pa moyo wa Nowa. Chifukwa anali wokhulupirika komanso womvera Mulungu, Nowa ndi banja lake lonse anapulumuka.Mulungu alinso ndi chikonzero(pa ) moyo wanu. Mulungu watiuza za chikonzero chake kwa ife mu Baibulo. Mverani zomwe ananena, "Ndikudziwa malingaliro omwe ndili nawo, ndikufuna kuti zinthu zikuyendereni bwino osati kukuonongani ndikufuna kukupatsani chiyembekezo komanso tsogolo."
Tikamamvera Mawu a Mulungu, malingaliro ake pamoyo wathu adzapambananso. Mulungu amasunga malonjezo ake.
Nthawi zonse amasunga malonjezo ake.Pambuyo pa chigumula cha madzi, Mulungu adalonjeza Nowa. Iye annamuuza Nowa kuti sadzaonongatsodzikoli ndi chigumula. Kenako anaika utawaleza kumwamba ndipo anati kwa Nowa, "Ndaika utawaleza wanga m'mitambo, ndipo udzakhala chizindikiro cha lonjezopakatipa inendi zamoyo zonse za padziko lapansi." Mulungu anati utawaleza udzatikumbutsa za lonjezo lomwe adapanga.
Utawaleza wa Mulungu unali mlengalenga ndi chikumbutso chakuti amasunga malonjezo ake nthawi zonse. Nthawi yotsatira mukawona utawaleza, kumbukirani lonjezo lomwe Mulungu adapanga kwa Nowa, ndipo kumbukirani kuti monga Mulungu adakwaniritsa lonjezolo, amasunganso malonjezo ake kwa inu.
Kusaka chuma cha utawaleza
Aphunzitsi amabisa 'Makhadi a Utawaleza' asanafike mkalasi.
DAWUNILODI: Kusaka utawaleza: Aphunzitsi amabisa 'Makhadi anayi a utawaleza' asanafike mkalasi. |

Koperani utawaleza Bisani makadi Ana amatha kupita kukasaka utawaleza umodzi ndikubwerera nawo mkalasi ndikujambulitsa kuti apange utawaleza. Gwirani pa khadi ndipo lembani 'Mulungu ndi wokhulupirika posunga malonjezo ake' pamwamba pazithunzi.
Atate, tithandizeni kutsatira chiphunzitso chanu ndi kuchita zomwe Mawu anu amatiuza kuti tichite.Tikudziwa kuti nthawi zina tidzalephera, chifukwa chake tikupemphani kuti mutikhululukire ndikutiyika panjira yoyenera. Mulungu, nthawi zina zimawoneka kuti ntchitoyi ndi yayikulu kwambiri kwa ife. Tithandizeni kukumbukira kuti tikadalira inu, monga Nowa adachita ndiye chilichonse chimatheka. Tithandizeni ngati Nowa kuti timve kuchokera kwa inu ndikumvera, ndife othokoza kuti mumasunga malonjezo anu. Tithandizeninso kusunga malonjezo athu, ifenso.M'dzina la Yesu tikupemphera. Amen.
• Tengani ndime zokumbukira Kunyumba
• Kuyamba kwachisoni chamunthu Tengani mtundu wakujambula.
Sindikizani ndime imodzi lotengera kunyumba kwa mwana aliyense. Onetsetsani kuti ana awasunga mosamala mu chakwatu ndikuwabweza tsiku lotsatira.
DAWUNILODI: Tengani ndime Labaibulo Lothandiza Powonekera |
• Kujambula masamba a Adam ndi Hava ndi Nowa ndi chombo komanso lonjezo la Utawaleza
Vutondilo tchimo limatisiyanitsa ndi Mulungu, mu gawo lotsatira tiphunzira momwe Mulungu adathetsere vutoli potumiza Mwana wake Yesu. Yesu ndi Mulungu ndipo adakhala moyo wangwiro, wamphamvu.
Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe Kuphunzitsa:
Embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.

DAWUNILODI: 'Sefani Madzi anu ndi Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ)' Chichewa poster to assist with the teaching.
DAWUNILODI: Weekly Chichewa Educational Handouts will be given to the children to take home to thier parents. Compliments of CAWST resources |
Sefani Madzi anu ndi Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ)
Uthenga Wofunika: Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) zimatha kupereka madzi abwino.
Mafunso Otheka:
Kodi mudawonapo kapena kugwiritsa ntchito fyuluta ya Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe?
Kodi sefa ya Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) imagwira ntchito bwanji?
Chosefera cha Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) chimatha kuchotsa tizilombo tambirimbiri ndi zinyalala m'madzi oyambira. Bokosi losefera limapangidwa ndi konkriti kapena pulasitiki. Mkati mwa fyulutayo muli mchenga ndi miyala (pamwamba mpaka pansi). Diffuser mbale imathandizira kuchepetsa madzi.
Pamwamba pa mchenga pali biolayer. Madziwo amadutsa pang'onopang'ono mu biolayer, mchenga ndi miyala. Zigawozi zimachotsa tizilombo toyambitsa matenda. Madzi osefa amatuluka mu chubu. Ikani chidebe chosungira pamwamba pa chipika kapena kuyimirira kuti kutsegula kukhale pansi pa spout. Ngati gwero la madzi ndi lakuda, gwiritsani ntchito njira yothira matope musanawathire mu fyuluta.
Amachotsa ma microbes
Ambiri Amachotsa zinyalala
Palibe mtengo wopitilira
Zopangidwa kuchokera kuzinthu zakumaloko
Madzi osefedwa amakoma
Zolemera siziyenera kusuntha pambuyo poika
Angafunike kugwetsa madzi musanagwiritse ntchito fyuluta
Sitingathe kuchotsa mitundu yonse
Momwe mungagwiritsire ntchito fyuluta :
Ikani chidebe chosungiramo choyera pansi pa chopopera chosefera, pafupi ndi spout momwe mungathere
Chotsani chivindikiro pa fyuluta
Onetsetsani kuti mbale ya diffuser ili pamalo - musathire madzi mwachindunji pamchenga
Pang'onopang'ono kuthira madzi osayeretsedwa mu fyuluta yodzaza
Bwezeraninso chivindikiro
Lolani madzi kukhetsa mu fyuluta kwathunthu
Tikufunikabe kupha tizilombo tomwe timathira madzi.
Nawa ma Dos ndi Donts mukamagwiritsa ntchito fyuluta ya Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) .
Gwiritsani ntchito fyuluta yanu tsiku ndi tsiku
Tetezani zosefera ku nyengo
Gwiritsani ntchito chivindikirocho
Sungani nyama kutali ndi fyuluta
Onjezani chlorine ku Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) fyuluta
Lumikizani potulukapo ndi mpopi kapena payipi
Sungani chakudya m'bokosi la fyuluta (amakopa nyerere, ntchentche, mphemvu)
Lolani ana kusewera ndi fyuluta
Fufuzani Kumvetsetsa:
Kodi sefa ya Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) imagwira ntchito bwanji?
Kodi zosefera mumazigwiritsa ntchito bwanji?
Kodi muyenera kugwiritsa ntchito kangati fyuluta yanu?
Kodi chimachitika ndi chiyani tikasunga chakudya mu bokosi losefera?
Kodi zina mwazochita ndi zotani zogwiritsa ntchito fyuluta ya Zosefera Mchenga Zachilengedwe (ZMZ) ?
Zomwe zachokera CAWST.org
Optional: Download English BioSand Filter PowerPoint 2- 'How does a BSF work' | 

View on YouTube CAWST English Video #2 'Parts and functions of the BSF'
HANDOUT: Optional: Download English 'How does a BSF work' Handout #2
DAWUNILODI: Chikalata Chamaphunziro #2 'Kodi Zosefera Mchenga Wachilengedwe (ZMW) imagwira ntchito bwanji? '

Optional: Download CAWST English Video #3 'How does the BSF work?
Visit English Drop of Hope website -
How does the BSF work?


| Optional: Download 'Sediment Your Water - Let it Settle' poster
Optional: Download Weekly English Educational Handouts will be given to the children to take home to thier parents. (To be translated into Chichewa) Compliments of CAWST resources |
Sediment Your Water - Let it Settle
Key Message: Natural settling can be used to help remove sediment from your water.
Possible Questions:
Have you ever allowed your water to sit for awhile to sediment the water?
Explain how you usually settle the water.
The first step in treating your water is to perform sedimentation. When our water is dirty we can settle it. Microbes like to stick to sediment, so by allowing the sediment to settle out we are removing microbes.
We can sediment our water by allowing the particles to settle. This method is called 3-pot settling because you will need three buckets or pails for the process.
To settle the water:
Get a bucket of dirty water
Allow the bucket to sit without moving it for about 24 hours
Pour the clear water from the bucket to a clean bucket
Allow the second bucket to sit without moving it for about 24 hours
Pour the clear water from the bucket to a clean storage container
Cover your pots while they are settling so that more dirt and mosquitoes do not enter the water.
By using 3-pot settling, we are helping to get better water. We still need to filter and disinfect our water after settling it.
Check for Understanding:
Why would you want to settle your water?
How would you use 3-pot settling?
Is the water safe to drink after settling?

Optional: Download 'Sefa madzi anu kupyolera mu nsalu' poster
Optional: Download Weekly English Educational Handouts will be given to the children to take home to thier parents. (To be translated into Chichewa) Compliments of CAWST resources |
Key Message: Use a cloth filter to provide better quality water.
Possible Questions:
Have you ever seen or used a cloth filter?
How do you think the cloth filter works?
The cloth filter can remove some sediment and dirt from the source water. Some microbes will pass through the cloth. You can use any cotton cloth that is fine and tightly woven to filter your water.
How to make the cloth filter:
Take a long piece of cotton cloth
Fold the cloth into a few layers
Secure the cloth over a clean pot using string or rope
Slowly and gently pour water through the cloth filter
Wait for some water to filter before pouring more water
Stop when the level of water in the pot is not quite touching the cloth
This method is good for removing some dirt and microbes. To ensure good quality water, disinfect your water after using the cloth filter to kill the remaining microbes.
Removes some microbes and sediment
Cotton cloth is available within the home
Least effective filtering methods at removing microbes
Check for Understanding:
How does the cloth filter work?
What are some of the good things about the cloth filter?
How do you create a cloth filter?
How do you use a cloth filter? Information sourced from CAWST.org
What Makes the BSF Special?
The Biolayer!
In a BSF, small microbes live in the top of the sand. This is called the BIOLAYER . The biolayer is very important for making the water safe to drink. The biolayer takes about 30 days to grow. Learn more...
CLICK to view Water Series - Chechewa Session #3