"Tunaamini kuwa mwanamke mwenye uwezo wa kupata elimu, na akijua haki zake, anaweza kubadirisha dunia hii." Bishop Dr David Akondowi.
Seen here one of the sewing machines donated by United
Caribbean Trust (UCT) to our Tanzania Women's Empowerment Program over 200 women have been trained over the years. |
With this in mind we want to do whatever it
takes to reach the women in communities that have otherwise
not been reached with the Good News, through a Women’s
Empowerment Sponsorship Program.
Reaching out to women in the 10/40 window and third world
countries such as Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia DR Congo and Uganda.
Jenny, the founder of UCT, seen here in
Wakina mama ambao wanapitia mpango wa kushona wa Stonecroft watakuwa katika mafunzo kwa muda wa mwaka mmoja.

| Kila wiki atakuwa akihudhuria ‘Kukutana na Mungu’ huu ni wakati wa kuomba, na tutatumia vitabu vya kujisomea vya Stonecroft vilivyo tafsiriwa katika lugha za maeneo husika.
Na pia atahudhuria dalasa la kushona nguo na mitindo,masomo ya computer, na kujifunza moringa na ufugaji wa wanyama.

US $50 kila mwezi itatumika katika kuwawezesha wanawake ambao watakuwa wakihudhuria hayo masomo, ambapo yatamsaidia katiak kupata elimu, masomo ya kazi za mikono, na vifaa vitakavyo muwezesha kuwa na mradi utakao 'Ujuzi wa Maisha' muwezesha kujipatia kipato.
Lakini zaidi ya yoote,haya mambo yatafungua mlango ili mwanamke ajifunze uongozi kupitia masomo ya ya Stonecroft.


Na pia atapatiwa nafasi ya kumleta mtoto mmoja atakae kuwa anaingia katika mradi uitwao After
School Feeding Club ambao utatoa chakula cha kimwili na kiroho.
An additional US $10 per month will enable
your 'sister' to bring along another child to the Child After
School Feeding Club.
We encourage you to write to your new ‘friend’
your letters will provide an emotional lifeline to a woman who may
have lost everything due to war, natural disaster or abject poverty.
The structure of each country’s program varies
slightly due to social, economic, political, cultural and religious

Ni shauku yetu katika kuwafikia wanawake wa Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, DR Congo na Uganda, kwa kuwaonyesha upendo wa Mungu na kuwafungua kutoka katika umaskini.
Jenny seen here in
This Women's Empowerment Sponsorship
Program educates and empowers women with children, some are
homeless and helpless but through this program they will acquire
skills and confidence necessary to get a job, create a healthy
lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children.

Service to the
poor is not only of benefit to those being served (and to
those who are serving), but it brings honor to God. |
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for
their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.
Proverbs 14:31 NIV |


An exciting new development has arisen that will enable
us to employ some of the women in the Empowerment Program
to sew our new HopePAK for the
street children
in Kampala and Dar Es Salaam.
The HopePAK back pack transforms into smart fashonable jacket, then into a
raincoat and eventually into a sleeping bag with inflatable
pillow at night, and back into a back pack when not in use!
HopePAK Design CLICK to
learn more. |
We are looking now at introducing the Swahili Stonecroft Bible Study as part of this progamme so as the ladies arrive for their empowerment we are able to share with them the Good News using this excellent material.
This programme can be duplicated in Malawi as an outreach, empowerment arm of the Africa Training Bible School using the Stonecroft Trinity Series already translated into Chichewa for the ladies of Malawi
Finally the translation in French is complete and we can now introduce this programme into DR Congo and Haiti.
Special thanks to Stonecroft Ministries for allowing us to translate this material, we will be working on other studies over the years to expand this ministry into Mozambique and other African countries. |