Haiti Mission Trip 2016
The United Caribbean Team - Imran Richards
and Nigel Jules are seen off at the Barbados airport by
the founder of UCT - Jenny Tryhane
enroute to Haiti following hurricane
Matthew in 2016.
to view the Sawyer Water Filter distribution in Haiti.
Jenny Africa Mission Trip 2015
In September 2015
Jenny Tryhane the founder of UCT, led the Barbados arm of
the Mission team to Africa
joined by Lisa Gardier, the Vice Chair.
Seen below at our first outreach
in Bundibugyo. |
Jenny at The WISH Centre 2014
to meet Jenny and visit our recent Hope Child Sponsorship
Video to learn about our new sponsorship programme.
Hear from Jenny Tryhane the founder of United Caribbean Trust
all about their African charity called the “African
Bureau of Children's Discipleship”, meet the Trustees
and Directors and discover the different types of Sponsorship
programmes available. |
Jenny in South America 2013
Jenny was invited
by Apostle Iwan Oran to being KIMI into Suriname and French
Guyana in January 2013
to learn more about KIMI
South America
Jenny was delighted to have the UCT container in Les Cayes -
establishing A SHIFT Project.
It took four months to clear but in January
2013 we had the victory - the battle is the Lords!
| |

Jenny was invited
by Apostle Iwan Oran to being KIMI into Suriname and French
Guyana in January 2013
to learn more about KIMI
South America
Jenny KIMI Haiti 2012

Jenny took KIMI into Haiti for the first time in
October 2012. |

to learn more about KIMI Haiti. |
Jenny Africa Mission Trip 2011
Jenny made her
first Africa mission trip in January 2011 and was privileged
to visit AfriCamp 2011 on
Africa Prayer Mountain
for All Nations in Uganda sitting under the ministry of
Apostle John Mulinde
Seen here with Pastor
Abraham, the UCT Uganda representative at Prayer Mountain
for all Nations in front of their vision for a Prayer Village.


Jenny's main objective
for this Africa Mission trip was to extend her training and
launch PowerClubs in un reached areas of Uganda, Malawi, Zambia,
Tanzania and DR Congo. Jenny is a KIMI graduate of the Leading
the Lambs to the Lion course. Now known as the School
of Supernatural Children's Ministry.
Jenny sat under Pastor
Laura's ministry in Bukoba,
Tanzania and Bundibugyo,Uganda
as part of her training to become a KIMI PowerClub Leadership
Teacher. This then enabled her to go
on with her African team to run 7 KIMI three day training
sessions. Praise God
Jenny was in Haiti in 2010. along
with Greta St Hill, the vise Chair of the organization when
disaster hit and within 60 seconds 90% of Port of Prince was
destroyed, churches were flattened and schools crumbled as the
worse earthquake in the
history of the country took the lives of over 230,000 people,
with 300,000 injured, and an estimated 1,000,000 homeless and
millions displaced. |
United Caribbean Trust has been in the fore front of relief aid
distribution in the Caribbean consistently for the last 6 years.
Jenny 2006 - 2010
2006 – 2010 Numerous Mission
trips to Haiti to establish the Make Jesus Smile child
sponsorship program established through the Make
Jesus Smile shoebox project.
We want to thank the Sunday schools, and
the Primary and Secondary schools of Barbados that got involved
in this fourth Christmas initiative enabling us to send 2,500
shoeboxes to Haiti. |
Jenny has been involved in the
Haiti child sponsorship programme and more recently UCT has
partnered with Holy Seed International to establish a Vocational
Training Sponsorship. |
2009 and 2010 A six week Evangelical
Outreach to the Barbados Government Summer Camps – The
‘MAX Explosion’ and
Kidz Max is a KidsQuest program an outreach
ministry of the National Children’s Ministries Agency
in partnership with Assemblies of God churches in USA.
Max seen here with the children of Gordon
Greenidge school. Click on pictures to enlarge. |

2009 Mission trip to YWAM in Guyana to lay the foundations for the
Make Jesus Smile child sponsorship program established through the
Make Jesus Smile shoebox project
This culminated in a one day Kids Club where the teachers took
part in the Gospel Presentation beginning with the gift that
God has for us and ending up with the presentation of the
Make Jesus Smile shoeboxes.
2008 - Kids
EE training in Barbados, Suriname and Haiti
Jenny along with two other Kids' EE teachers,
recently trained on the Logos Hope, embarked on a 'teacher
training pilot project' in Guyana were numerous teachers
came after school for 5 afternoons to be trained in Kids'
2005 – 2006 Rebuilding of Thy Kingdom Come Deliverance Sanctuary
following hurricane Ivan working with Pastor Happy Akaisi
2005: Mission trip to Guyana with Baby Survival Packs following
the flooding in January
2005: Founder of United Caribbean Trust
Email: jenny@unitedcaribbean.com
1. The Care, Nurture and Rehabilitation of those
affected by National Disasters.
2. The relief of Poverty
3. Improvement to the Environment.
4. The advancement of Health and Education
5. The Development of Humane resources Skills
6. To unite the Caribbean especially the children through Faith,
Sports, Travel and Music (including arts, dance and drama)
In 2009, FirstCaribbean International Bank choose this precious
destined daughter as a finalist in their regional Unsung Heroes
Awards Programme for your outstanding work in the region.
Jenny sums up her life beautifully..
“I sacrifice my life daily on the
altar of service. My vision is, with the help of Jehovah,
the God of the Angel Armies and through His Son, Jesus, in
whom I can do all things, and the guidance of my best friend
the Holy Spirit, I seek to raise up God centered, Christ exalting,
Spirit powered, Bible saturated, Mission mobilizing, Soul
winning, Justice pursuing children to form a Gideon's arm
of warring worshipers for the end time harvest.”