building project
Our church was destroyed by hurricane Emily
in June 2005.
Land has been donated to the 'youth of the
island' for the erection of a new church in Carriacou.
God is building His church on the island of
Carriacou, the building continues to astound the local inhabitance
as well as government officials. |
in Carriacou 2006 visit Thy Kingdom Come Deliverance Sanctuary
youth church building project, the ladies helped with cleaning,
clearing painting while the men worked on the roof.
for other volunteers that have helped with
this church building project. |
Kingdom Come Deliverance Sanctuary
Pastor Happy is a missionary in the Island
of Carriacou, with the Mission House of Prayer. God is using
him mightily to revolutionalized Carriacou, raising a new
generation of radical youths for Christ, terrorizing Satan’s
kingdom and taking back what he stole from the church.
the congregation |
If My people, who are called by My name,
shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of
necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will
I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
God takes repentance and reconciliation very
seriously. He really does send blessing 'where brothers live
together in unity. |