A friend once asked "How many people given their lives to the Lord at the recent church crusade?" He answered "Two and a half" His friend said "You mean two adults and one child" "No" he said "I mean two children and one adult"
When you reach a child for the Lord they have their whole life ahead of them to serve the Lord.
Anyone heard of
Mordecai Ham?
Off course not!!
Mordecai Ham did not want to be a preacher.
He did not want to live in that kind of poverty Life forced
him to change his plans In 1935 a 16 year old boy responded
to an alter call, Ham was disappointed only a young lad!
You may not know Mordecai Ham but you will
know the lad - Billy Graham.

The late Billy Graham has preached
the gospel of Christ in person to more than 80 million people
and to countless millions more over the airwaves and in
Nearly 3 million have responded
to the invitation he offers at the end of his sermons.
We must try and reach the
children before the age of 7... WHY?
Because by age 3 a child has already developed their own personality Moses is a classic example.
| His mother had a very small window of opportunity to invest in him and pass on her Spiritual DNA by the time the boy was weaned he was brought up by Pharoah's daughter.
He would have been taught Egyptian theology and false god worship but his mother had done a good job and as a young man Moses knew who he was - and Israelite and he killed the Egyptian that was fighting with one of his 'brothers'.
By age 5 their brain is the size of an adult brain and they have learned 85% of what they will learn in their entire lives. And the foundation of their belief system is established and every thing they learn from that day on is filtered through that belief system
By age 7 the child is a miniature version of what the child is going to be like as an adult. |
By age 12 the child is who is going to be! For good or for bad!
Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions a Christian Research Book published in the U.S.A. in 2003 by George Barna reveals the chances of people being converted:
a. Between 5-12 years, a child has a 32% chance
b. Between 13-19, it is 4% chance
c. After 19 years old, about 6% Yet
90% of Missions money goes to evangelizing adults. If you were an
investor, where would you put your money? Somewhere with over 30%
return or under 10% return?
James Dobson Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Focus
on the Family Said - "It is easier to prepare a boy than to repair
a man". Preaching to children should be the main thrust of Evangelism
and the Great Commission.
Senior citizens age 80 years plus - 65% claim to be born again.
60 years plus - 35% claim to be born again.
25 - 45 year olds - 16% claim to be born again.
Age 7 - 24 - 4% claim to be born again.
Age 7 years and under... WHO KNOWS!
The Catholics know the importance of reaching children "Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man". The Catholic Order, the Jesuits. |
The Communist ... Hitler is famous for saying: "Give me a child when he's 7 and he's mine forever."


Catholics, Communist and Muslims all know how to indoctrinate children under the age of 7.
We must reach this generation before the world gets
to them.
You have heard the saying "The children are
the church of tomorrow." Well they were WRONG! "The children
are the church of TODAY." If we leave it for tomorrow it will
be too late and the devil will get them. God is moving through the
children ALL over the world especially places like Africa.
YET in America 80% of youth brought up in a Christian
homes... and attending Sunday School are leaving the church! What
are we doing wrong? The enemy know how to brainwash the children
Scriptural Basis for Ministry to Children
You are going to the best harvest field to bring
in fruit that will remain long after we adults have gone on to heaven.
Besides harvesting the souls of children, you are training them
to harvest others.
Why was Abraham chosen?
Because he was righteous?
Because he was a friend of God?
Because he had faith?
Because he was obedient?

NO Abraham was chosen because of his attitude toward
Genesis 18:19 'I have chosen him, so that he will
direct his children and his household after him to keep the way
of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will
bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."
God had
confidence in Abraham that he would pass on his faith and beliefs to the next generation.
Here are some Biblical examples of God using children:
A. Samuel - I Samuel 3:1
As a child, he was raised in the temple of God, we are told in 1 Samuel 3 that he laid down next to the alter of God, in His presence. |
In those days the voice
of God was not often heard and Eli the head priest could not even
discern that Hannah was praying and pressing into God, he though
she was drunk, the same Eli that allowed his sons to indulge in
sexual immorality within God's house. Eli took three visit from
Samuel before he worked out that maybe God was speaking to the child
Samuel. And Samuel heard the voice of God and prophesied accurately
to adults. 1 Samuel 3. In fact God used him to not only prophecy
but to anoint firstly king Saul and king David.
B. David As a youth, was known by reputation for private worship, speaking ability, bravery, skill in battle and relationship to the Lord. Jessie looked at the external characteristics of his older sons but God looked at David's heart.
a. 1 Samuel 16:18
b. 1 Samuel 17:50

C. Esther As a young woman, was perfectly obedient to her guardian and saved her people. Esther 2:20
D. Four daughters of Philip As young women or children were known for prophesying Acts 21:8 |
E. Timothy - 2Timothy 1:5
I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

Our aim is to teach children the ways of God and not only His acts. Moses knew the Ways of God. But the Israelites only knew His acts.
"If you are pleased with me, teach me your
ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you." Exodus
Every generation is planned by God.
Matthew 1:17 'So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations;
and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen
generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ
are fourteen generations.'
God counted the generations until
Christ came. He knew. He planned. He chose the generation of the
First Coming. In one generation, they began a whole new age on the
earth and changed all future history. Even our calendar dates back
to that time. The whole New Testament was written by and about 130
people who lived within a 100 year span of time. That is how important
one generation of people can be. Equally important He chose the
parents of those special children that would change the world with
as much care as He chose Moses' mum and Mary to be Jesus' mother.
It is about to happen again. A generation is born who will change
the earth. We need to be aware and prepare. We did not choose the
time of our lives on earth, but we must choose the work of our lives.
This generation of children will not fulfill their destiny unless
we fulfill our destiny to train them. The devil is after them! Every
chosen generation, with a special destiny - satan has tried to destroy
In MOSES generation God wanted to birth the deliverer and Pharaoh tried to kill the boy babies. |
Same as the FIRST COMING OF JESUS, Herod was used by satan to try and destroy the boy babies of that generation.

God is raising up Spiritual Midwives to birth this movement in the earth and to save the babies from abortion. |
This is a generation with destiny on their lives and we must save them at all costs.
Every day in America over 4000 babies are aborted!
Satan is trying to wipe this generation out like he tried to destroy the generation of Moses, the devil knew that a boy would be born that would deliver the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and introduce the law, so he tried to destroy them. |
Like the generation of Jesus at his FIRST COMING, Herod was used by satan to try to destroy the male children of that generation, but there was destiny in them. But Jesus survived and it is the same with the SECOND COMING generation of children that the devil is trying to destroy them.
When Jesus was on the earth He walked by some young fishermen and said to them, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." They were the generation of the first coming. |
Today he walks alongside another generation and says, "Follow me. I want you to demonstrate the fullness of the Kingdom of God. "
They are the generation of the second coming.
Without you, they will not be ready. They will not hear his voice or be trained to do his works. They are waiting for you to rise up and be part of their destiny.
Pause now and pray if God is speaking to you to
lay your life down for the children of this country and the destiny
of God on the earth.
Time is running out.
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