# 4th week of our Journey –
Fruit of the Spirit - PEACE
Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… John 14:27 … CHARGE!
My peace I leave with you; (Give out a peace
badge) my peace I give you. (Give out a peace badge) I do
not give to you as the world gives. (Snatch the badge back) Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (Hold
your heart and tremble like you are afraid) (John
Colouring pages can be downloaded
Super Fruit for this week is the Avocado
to view entire lesson. |
# 5th week of our Journey – Fruit of the Spirit - PATIENCE
Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… James 5:7b … CHARGE!
See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable
crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains.”
(James 5:7b)
Super Fruit for this week is the Guava
to view entire lesson. |
# 6th week
of our Journey – Fruit of the Spirit - KINDNESS
This week we’re going to learn that kindness starts
with caring, having a good attitude—being tender hearted
and compassionate toward others.
Super Fruit for this week is the Jackfruit
NEXT WEEK: We will learn
in detail more of the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’. We’re
going to learn that "GOODNESS is doing the right thing
for the right reason." Kindness is more about our attitude
and goodness is more about the things we do for others.
to view entire lesson.
# 7th week of our Journey – Fruit of the Spirit -
The Bible tells us that we should let our
light shine. Before our light will shine, we must be plugged
in and turned on. (Switch on a torch light) We must
be plugged in to God’s power supply and we must be turned
on for Jesus.
(Bookmarks are available to download)
Super Fruit for this week is the Papaya
to view entire lesson.
# 8th week
of our Journey – Fruit of the Spirit - FAITHFULNESS
Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Exodus 34:6b… CHARGE!
“The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow
to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness”.
(Exodus 34:6b)
Review Visual Aids can be downloaded
God took the first step in your Salvation.
Because He is faithful, He keeps up His side of the relationship
even when I don’t! Because He is faithful, I can depend
on Him, count on Him and look for Him to come through for
me in every circumstance. God is faithful to His promises,
we should be faithful to ours.
Super Fruit this week is the Banana
to view entire lesson.
# 9th week of our Journey – Fruit of the Spirit - GENTLENESS
Paul tells the Philippians’ “Let your gentleness
be evident to all.” (Philippians 4: 5a)
Jesus models gentleness to us by calling all of those who
are tired and suffering to find rest in Himself. He gently
leads us, like a Shepherd with His sheep.
Games and quizzes make the lessons fun and
interactive. These can be done in the class or taken home.
Super Fruit for this week is the Breadfruit
to view entire lesson.
# 10th
week of our Journey – Fruit of the Spirit - SELF CONTROL
Bible Story: Jesus fights temptation
(Read Luke 4:1-13)
Every week the child is given a 'Take Home
Truth' to remind them of what they have learnt, to help them
learn the Memory Verse and to give suggestions of activities
that can be done as a family.
Super Fruit for this
week is the Soursop
to view entire lesson.