UCT's PowerPlay Child Care Complex will
consists of:
• Schools - Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary
including playing field and sports facilities
• Art & Cultural Centre
• Vocational Centre including Adult Education, Literacy and
Language centre
• Child Health Clinic including Maternity Care and care of
the Disabled.
• Factories for Commercial Enterprises
Activities in the complex can be categorized thus
Family and Children Empowerment Programs.
Arts and Craft and Cultural programs.
Commercial Ventures.
Agro Enterprises.
The hurricane
resistant properties will encompass the educational complex
which will range from Pre Primary, Primary to Secondary school level.
The schools will be built around large playing fields and recreational
.It is our goal to establish a Vocational
Training Centre coupled with Empowerment Leadership Conferences
to develop future leaders.
Within the compound there will be
a Wellness Centre and Child Health clinic. With a focus on AIDS
education as well as a Rehabilitation Educational Vocational Training
Empowerment Centre for people with Disability.
There will be an Art & Creative Centre to encourage
artistic, dance, musical and dramatic talents.
This building will also be used as the After
School Club. Here we will expose the children to three different
educational and empowerment ministries.
All these
ministries are fun, activity orientated, educational, American
based programmes.
UCT is looking to partner
with them and seeks to establish a Caribbean version to
be used in the After School Club.
Agro Forestry
There is a serious deforestation
problem in Haiti and UCT is seeking to address this problem by
an extensive tree planting programme.
One of the trees that we are seeking
to establish is the Mauby tree. The bark can be used to produce
Mauby Syrup and UCT is in negotiation with a local Barbadian company
that specializes in this product and is keen to extend into Haiti.
Fruit trees will be planted especially
a special hybrid Miniature Golden Apple tree. This tree will be
vital for the success of the fruit pulp factory. It matures in
two years and with adequate irrigation produces fruit most of
the year.
This will also include large areas
of land planted with Mulberry trees.
The utilization of Moriculture,
the cultivation of mulberry trees to reclaim arid land and prevent
slippage, has been well documented over the centuries. Moriculture
has been used to promote afforestation and thereby erosion control
in damaged or arid areas. Slope reclamation solutions abound with
the use of mulberry which has a positive impact on the natural
resource base.
Historically, silk has formed
the sustainable basis of the grassroots economy of the People's
Republic of China for over 5,000 years.
Regionally sericulture
was also practiced in Trinidad until Methane technology took precedence.
Sericulture is also practiced on a very small scale in Guyana
while peace silk is reared in the Dominican Republic by an Origon
based cooperative. Barbados joined 200 plus years ago. This tactile
textile which has financed wars and influenced peace, provides
a baseline for an international high standard of living, is regarded
as an excellent alternative to agro-sustainability and provides
jobs and quality lifestyle enhancements. UCT is looking to work
in association with Mulburry Patch Inc to introduce sericulture
into Haiti as part of our Gender Initiative.
UCT is negotiating
with International organizations to establish a
tree farm and processing plant. Initially we
have established three pilot projects in Les Cayes and Les
Moringa has great use medicinally
both as preventative and treatment. The Moringa or Miracle
tree prevents 300 diseases. One area in which there has
been significant scientific research is the reported antibiotic
activity of this tree. The leaves contain all essential
amino acids and are rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin
B, vitamin C and minerals. |
For urban families involved
in the Family Empowerment Programme we are introducing a
sewing machine project to enable the women to sew the school
uniforms for the children involved in the Child Sponsorship
Programme. UCT would like to see this project extend with
adequate funding. |
This project
must be sustainable so we aim to build a 'Mission
Holiday Village' to house missionaries and church
youth groups visiting Haiti to help with the project.
There will also be the
potential for Student Exchange Holidays. As the children
of the Caribbean get more and more involved in the
Make Jesus Smile shoe box project they will become
more aware of the children of Haiti and the potential
for Student holidays at the Mission Holiday Village is
immense. |
Sports Evangelism
will be one of the major niche markets that are targeted.
UCT will partner with World
Sports Ministries their mission is to reach and help
other's reach the lost world through sport with the gospel
of Jesus Christ. |
- To educate, encourage and partner with outreaching
churches, ministries and individuals in proclaiming the gospel
of Jesus Christ using sport and leisure evangelism.
- To assemble, co-ordinate, train and activate
local area interdenominational teams to evangelize through
sport in the countries that God calls us to.
- To support and encourage specific sport ministries
in fulfilling their calling in the Kingdom of God.
- To form relationships with, help disciple
and prepare for sports ministry, sport's men and women who
serve Jesus Christ.
- To reach and assist schools and sport's clubs,
providing sporting resources and quality coaching.
- To help unite the body of Christ through
team work and outreaches.
- To teach sport's participants God's plan
for them in the sporting arena.
It is our aim to raise up Godly
leaders who will bring positive changes for the future of Haiti,
both naturally and spiritually, we feel that this programme will
have dynamic effects on the community and we plan to use Les Cayes
as the pilot project.
Other areas in Haiti have been
identified for similar projects and other areas in the Caribbean
have also been identified including Suriname and Guyana to the
south, Carriacou and the Carib Territory in Dominica and as far
north as Cuba and Jamaica.
Lands and personal have been identified
in some of these areas to take this project forward regionally.