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empowerment training centres
Rehabilitation Education and Vocational
Empowerment Training Centres (REVTEC)
The mission is to build better futures through the
delivery of health care, education and social services. We embrace
a culturally diverse community and provide the highest quality care.
UCT seeks to establish Rehabilitation
Education and Vocational Empowerment Training Centres (REVTEC)
in Haiti aimed at enabling persons with Disabilities
to reach and maintain an optimum physical, sensory, intellectual,
psychiatric and/or social functional level, thus providing
them with the tools to change their lives towards a higher
level of independence.
An effective Rehabilitative Service to persons with Disabilities
is critical in order to achieve and sustain their optimum level
of independence and functioning. The development of such a much
needed ‘Community based Rehabilitation Program’ is inclusive
of Vocational Training, sheltered productive workshops and resource
facilities, including counselling, health promotion and nutrition.
We seek to ensure equal opportunities in all areas of development
of their lives for persons with Disabilities that would enhance
the quality of their lives in order that each person would reach
his/her maximum potential. Such equalisation of opportunities should
help to eliminate marginalisation and discrimination. We look to
do this through the Provision of Sheltered Employment such as production
workshops and self-employment schemes for persons who are unable
to compete effectively on the open market.
There is an enormous need to establish measures that will ensure
achievement of the below objectives.
1. The encouragement of persons with Disabilities
to utilise their artistic and intellectual potential for their own
benefit and enrichment of their communities.
2. The adaptation of public entertainment areas such as beaches,
gym halls, cinemas, hotels, restaurants and museums where possible,
to facilitate accessibility to persons with Disabilities.
3. The expansion of adequate opportunities, facilities and equipment
for sporting activities. There is adequate land at March Field to
accomplish this.
11. The inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in cultural activities
such as music, dance, theatre, worship and painting thus allowing
for their contribution to community enhancement.
The Child Health Care Centre aims to be a centre
of excellence supporting and empowering communities to continually
improve the health, wellbeing and quality of life of children and
their families, now and for the future.
The centre will promote good health practices, preventive
action, early detection and early intervention. It considers that:
• The early years of children's lives have a significant impact
on their physical, behavioural and social development later in life.
• Many conditions and common problems faced by children are
preventable or can be improved if they are recognised and managed
• The best results are achieved where professionals work in
close partnership with parents who are supported and empowered to
make the best choices for their children.
• Supporting and strengthening community-based professionals
and organisations ensures the best chance of good outcomes for children
and their families.
• Academic institutions can play a major role in contributing
to public policy, as well as facilitating integration and continuity
between preventive and curative health care, and between hospitals
and community-based services.
UCT seeks to establish a Pre Natal Medical Care Centre
it will be open to all expectant mothers in the Baby Sponsorship
Program and those mothers who fall under the umbrella of the project.
Mothers involved in this program will be
entitled to regular weekly prenatal medical care:
• Every month from the 1st week through the 28th week
• Every two weeks from the 29th week through the 36th week
• Weekly from the 37th week until delivery
Type of care:
A typical prenatal visit may include any/all of the following:
• Weight measurement
• Blood pressure measurement
• Measurement of the uterus to check for proper growth of
the fetus
• Physical examination of the mother to identify problems
or discomforts (i.e., swelling of the hands and feet)
• Urine test to measure sugar and protein levels, which can
indicate diabetes or preeclampsia (a condition characterized by
pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and
swelling due to fluid retention)
• Fetal heart rate measurement
• Distribution of vitamins