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principal teach step 5
Principal - Teach Step 5
The Inner Court Activities
Step 5 c. Teaching the
1. Be prepared – Pray
2. Know your lesson well
3. Use the Curriculum
4. Use visuals & objects
5. Use drama skits |
Drama is a Method of Storytelling
A. Drama is a living
picture of the story
1. Actors try to feel and express the circumstances
that they portray.
2. Costumes, speech and gestures leave emotional
impact. |
B. Effectiveness
1. What your mind receives, your heart is invited to believe.
2. The media of today is preaching violence, betrayal and deception.
Expectations of harm are being integrated into hearts.
3. Biblical principles oppose unbelief and create true expectations
of good.
C. Individual Benefits of Drama
1.Shy children often are drawn out in their attitudes.
2.Watching a skit breaks down barriers and allows children to be
vulnerable in their feelings.
3.Anointed skits touch spirits and bring revelation.
4.Children are emotionally impacted, touching the soul.
Click to learn
how to create visual aids
Click to view STEP 6