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Drop of Hope - Living Water Bible Club

The global water crisis is a real security issue it is an international relations issue. It's a foreign policy issue. It's a global health issue and a significant contributor to world poverty. However, for the Church of Jesus Christ, the global water crisis represents an amazing opportunity to help people with their most basic physical and spiritual needs.

2 billion people around the world are without access to safely managed drinking water services.

26% of the world's population doesn't have access to safe drinking water and 46% lack access to basic sanitation. The U.N. World Water Development Report 2023 painted a stark picture of the huge gap that needs to be filled to meet U.N. Sustainable Development Goal #6

If we as the people of God take seriously the mandate to bless all the nations (people groups) of the world, we must realize that no one can truly be blessed without having access to the most basic physical commodity-water. Without an adequate supply of clean, safe drinking water, other efforts to help people physically are not sustainable. Food programs, health care, educational programs, and economic development cannot be successful long term without safe water.

It is our aim in the 'Living Water Bible Club', the outreach arm of A Drop of Hope, to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and experience 'living water'-the gospel of Jesus Christ-which alone satisfies the deepest thirst.

'Living Water Bible Club' will be located in our Drop of Hope School Project located outside of schools, churches and our Africa Goshen Agro Glamping Resorts.

Utilizing the English adult version of the Stonecroft Bible Study material, translated into variouse African languages.




We are looking now at introducing the Swahili Stonecroft Bible Study as part of this progamme so as the ladies arrive to collect their Drop of Hope well water to be filtered in the BioSand filtration system we are able to share with them the Good News using this excellent material.

This programme can be duplicated in Malawi as an outreach, empowerment arm of the Africa Training Bible School using the Stonecroft Trinity Series already translated into Chichewa for the ladies of Malawi that visit our Drop of Hope projects in Malawi.

Finally the translation in French is complete and we can now introduce this programme into DR Congo and Haiti. Both countries in desperate need of clean water and the Living Water.

Arriving with an empty container returning home not only with water but clean filtered water and refreshed by the Word of God


Special thanks to Stonecroft Ministries for allowing us to translate this material, we will be working on other studies over the years to expand this ministry into Mozambique and other African countries.



Phase #1 will be to establish a bore-hole following a geological survey to confirm water availability. Before commencing drilling, a bore-hole needs a drilling permit and an environmental report. Once drilled, the bore-hole must be lined with steel casing to stop the bore-hole collapsing and to screen out the large sand particles from entering the pump.

Installation of the pump:

The cost of solar has decreased over the years so the main choices now are solar verses grid electricity. The higher initial cost of solar will be offset long term by the lower running costs. Sunlight in Africa is very reliable and very predictable. Countries on the equator are not short of sunlight!


Solar only produces water when it is sunny or bright. To match supply to demand, it is usual to add water tanks. In this case, 2 tanks were added, both 5000L each. The top tank is used to gravity feed water to the school and the bottom tank supplies water to the community taps. If both tanks are empty, it will take about 1 day of sunlight to fill them.

Solar panels and controller.

Investment into a 40 ' Energy Container for uninterrupted off-grid power supply, not only for our Africa Goshen Agro Glamping Resorts but to power the 'Sport Evangelism' floodlight playing field to the rear of the development.

Enabling us to introduce the 'Sports After School Youth' (SASY) Bible Club for the youth in the community. Prior to the sports, the youth will engage in the adapted Youth Stonecroft Bible Study, translated into variouse African languages for this initiative, including games, quizzes, crosswords and other visual aids.


The Intech Energy Containers is a solution to deliver energy to rural areas. Each container is equipped with a photovoltaic system and a lithium-ion battery backup. Every system comprises a monitoring system which allows the customers but also Intech ´s engineers to access the data online.

All Intech Energy Containers are pre- assembled, pre-tested and pre-configured before shipment which ensures a fast and cost-efficient implementation.This will not only power the pump but provide a flood light sports playing field in Phase #3

Information sourced from www.osiligi.org

24 BioSand Filters will be positoned next to the Storage Tanks, this BioSand shed will also provide a good catchement area to irrigate the Kitchen Garden to be established next to this area.

Every two hours 12 women will be allowed to come and filter the well water, while they are waiting for the filtration to be complete they will take part in the Drop of Hope,'Living Water Bible Club'.

Enabling us to hold a minimum of four Bible Clubs with two shifts of Stonecroft Guides.

From 9.00 -13.00 and13.00 - 17.00

48 women receiving clean water while learning about the Living Water.

A night shift will be employed to do the same thing during the night collecting 48 bottles of clean filtered water to be delived to the local schools, enabling us to get into the schools with our children's curriculum.

This Living Water Bible Club will be held once a week and the other 6 days the ladies will have a variety of other options that they can do while they wait for the hour for the water to filter

(Filtration can sometimes take an hour and a half, be prepared to give that time)



The Stonecroft Guides employed by Drop Of Hope will also be trained in BioSand Maintenance, Organic Kitchen Gardening, Moringa Production and Processing and either children's or youth ministry. They will work alongside these women as they are continue to witness to them.

The BSF is a household water filter that makes dirty water safe to drink. This particular type of filter is an adaptation of the traditional slow sand filter, which has been used for community water treatment for almost 200 years.

The BSF is smaller and adapted for intermittent use, making it most suitable for households, typically around five people. In the case of a school it should serve 10 to 15 children for their time at school.

A bank of BSF's would need to be installed to serve the children's needs

Optional: Download English Introduction to the BioSand Filter video


Moringa oleifera

For centuries, the natives of northern India have known of the many benefits of Moringa oleifera. Its uses are as unique as the names it is known by, such as Horseradish tree and Drumstick tree (referring to the large drumstick shaped pods) and in East Africa it is called "Mother's best friend”. In Haiti it is referred to as Biolive (due to the oil extracted from the seeds)

In Africa Moringa trees have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers.

Three non-governmental organizations in particular - Trees for Life, Church World Service and Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization - advocate Moringa as “natural nutrition for the tropics.”

In developing tropical countries, Moringa trees have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers.



Embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.

Learn more about the uses of Moringa including water purification.

Sediment Your Water - Using Seeds

Optional: Download 'Sediment your water using Moringa seeds' poster to assist with the teaching.

Optional: Download 'Sediment your water using Moringa seeds' 'Educational Handout for the parents or guardian.

Key Message: Different seeds can be used to help remove sediment from your water.

Possible Questions:

•  Have you ever used seeds to sediment your water?

•  If yes, how do you usually use seeds?


The first step in treating your water is to perform sedimentation. When our water is dirty we need to sediment it. Microbes like to stick to sediment, so by removing the sediment we are removing microbes.

We can sediment our water using seeds. Different seeds are used in different countries and regions. Some seeds that can be used for sedimentation are: Fava Beans (Latin America), Moringa (Africa, Caribbean and parts of Asia)

There are different ways people use seeds to sediment their water. Explain how to use the seeds available in your area.

One way is to do the following steps:

•  Let the seeds dry out in the sun

•  Grind up some seeds

•  Add a handful of ground seeds to a bucket of dirty water

•  Stir the water with a spoon or stick for a few minutes

•  Let it settle for a couple of hours

•  Pour the clear water into a clean storage container

The seeds will be left at the bottom of the bucket. They should be thrown out with the rest of the household garbage.

By using sedimentation, we are helping to get better water. We still need to filter and disinfect our water after using seeds.

Check for Understanding:

•  Why would you want to use seeds?

•  How would you use seeds to sediment your water?

•  Is the water safe to drink after sedimentation?

Information sourced from CAWST.org


French Lingala
French Creole
Sowing Seeds of Success Shona





New Life French Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Swahili Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Yoruba Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Chichewa Child Evangelism Curriculum
New Life Persian Child Evangelism Curriculum
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