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Working alongside the 'Centre for Empowerment of Refugees And Orphans' (CERAO) is a Congolese non-governmental organization, founded on March 30th 1996 in Goma.
The Chief Executive Officer is Bishop Shandwe Luanda Pinos who is also a Trustee of ABCD. |
With the number of Primary schools in Beni this is aother area that we are hoping to introduce the 'Drop of Hope School Project'
"This is where I first met the 'Hope Children's Choir' who were delighted with their new uniform donated by UCT". Evangelist Jenny

| The Grow and Go Curriculum has been translated into FRENCH the official language in Burundi, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo within Africa but also in Haiti, where Haitian Creole visual aids and videos have been created for the Haitian children. |
As well as a French version with LINGALA version has been developed in preparation for the introduction of our 'Drop of Hope' Refugee School Project and for the children of DR Congo Zone #2 |

La Zone #2 The Goshen DR Congo Africa Group will establish a range of Luxury Glamping Resorts including Eco, Agro and Lakeside Glamping and beautiful Gated Boutique Hotels.
Goshen DR Congo Eco Glamping Resorts allowing you to hike in the beautiful mountains in the Idjwi Island. This mountainous island surrounded by the serenity of Lake Kivu is one of the most beautiful places in the world.
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Goshen DR Congo Lakeside Glamping Resort: Lake Kivu in which the island is located is a fresh water body that is crocodile free, hippo free and Bilharzia free. |
The water in lake Kivu has a cool temperature and those who would want to cool down especially on a hot day are free to jump in the lake and relax. There are beautiful beaches along the lakeshores with fine sand where one can relax in the mild sun.
Goshen DR Congo Agro Glamping Resort: For centuries the Idjwi dwellers have relied on subsistence farming to sustain their families. |
We hope through this programme to introduce the Schools Kitchen Gardens Project supporting schools to improve their health and wellbeing through edible gardening and healthy eating activities. And give us the opportunity to introduce our the Food For Life Africa/Aquaponics with Dehydration and Food Processing Factory all part of the humanitarian side of the Goshen Glamping Resort.
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Zone #3 is located in Katanga one of the 21 new provinces of DR Congo located in the deep south. The African Bible Training School has a Chapter in Lumumbashi
French curriculums with Kihavu Bible Verses and Visual Aids for the children of Idjwi Island, Lake Kivu are being developed.
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UGANDA: Nakivale Refugee Settlement was established in 1958 and officially recognized as a refugee settlement in 1960. Nakivale refugee settlement is the 8th largest refugee camp in the world.
It currently hosts 119,587 refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Eritrea.
A Special French 'Heal a Hurting Heart' Post Traumatic Stress curriculum for Child Soldiers has been created to help in the healing process of the many child soldier refugees in this Settlement |
