1. GAMES: (10 minutes)
BIRD HUNT: Before class starts the teacher
hides 8 printed pictures or shapes of birds around the room.
(These may have been coloured by the children before class
Let thechildren go on a 'bird hunt'. Bring all
the "birds" back to the classroom and start writing
the Bible Verse on each bird. |
1. Ológose´ méjì ko´ ni à
2. tà ní owó ide we´we´ kan?
3. Síbe` kò sí `okan nínú won
4. yóò subú lu il`e le´yìn Baba
5. Nítorí náà, e má se fòyà;
6. `yin ní iye lórí ju `op`o ológose´
7 . Matiu 10:29, 31
This is later going to help the children lean the Memory Bible
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Feed the Sparrow: Divide the group into two even groups.
Issue each child with a seed or corn grain. Position the picture
of the large Sparrow at the far end of the room in front of the
basket. The aim is the two first children from each team run up
and drop their seed in the basket, run back and tag the second child.
This continues until all the seeds have been fed to the Sparrow,
the first to finish wins.
Optional: Download
English 'Praise music videos'
WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
Optional: Download
'Yoruba Hymns- B‘oruk? Jesu ti dun to' video
a. Review (5 minutes)
Remember last week we asked you
Have you ever been afraid?
(Give the children a chance to share)
When Jesus told his disciples that he was going to return to his
Father, they were afraid.
- What were they worried about? (Would the enemies recognize
them as his followers and try to harm them)
- What did Jesus ask His Father? (To send the Holy Spirit
to comfort his disciples)
- What did Jesus leave them? (His peace)
English Moringa video

Options: Download
English ‘Nigeria Records First Coronavirus Case
In Lagos' video
b. Learn
a Bible Verse (5minutes)
Ológose´ méjì ko´
ni à n tà ní owó ide we´we´
Síb`e kò sí `okan nínú
won tí yóò subú lu il`e le´yìn
Baba yin.
Nítorí náà, e má se fòyà;
`yin ní iye lórí ju `op`o ológose´
Matiu 10:29, 31
Download Ese Bibeli Yoruba Iranlowo
Wiwo |
Use the birds from the Bird Hunt game with the parts of the Bible
Verse written on them. Cut them out, muddle them up and get the
children to take turns to put them in the correct order.
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
Yoruba Eko #15 awon aranran wiwo
Today I want to tell you a story about a woman named Civilla Martin
who wrote a song about overcoming fear, worry, and discouragement.
Teaching: (This may not be appropriate in
Mrs. Martin and her husband were visiting a couple named Mr. and
Mrs. Doolittle, she was crippled and had to move about a wheelchair.
Mr. Doolittle had been confined to bed for over twenty years. Despite
the problems they faced in life, they always seemed to be have a
cheerful outlook on life. Mr. Martin asked "How do you
manage to remain so joyful when you face so many problems?"
The reply was simple. "If God has his eye on the sparrow,
then I know he is watching over me."
Mrs. Martin was so touched by the reply that she wrote a poem:
“Why should I feel discouraged?
Why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart feel lonely,
and long for heaven and home?
When Jesus is my portion, a constant friend
is He.
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches
over me.
His eye is on the sparrow; and I know He watches
I sing because I’m happy. I sing because
I’m free!
His eye is on the sparrow; and I know He watches
His eye is on the sparrow; and I know He watches
The next day Civilla Martin mailed the poem to Charles Gabriel,
a gospel songwriter, who wrote a tune for it. "The rest,"
as they say, "is history."
Optional: Download
English 'His eye is on the sparrow' video
Optional: Download
English 'His eye is on the sparrow' lyrics' | |

In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus was teaching his disciples
that even though they were going to be facing some difficult
times as his followers, they should not be afraid.
Bible Reading: Mathayo10:28-31
Who should we NOT be afraid of? (Those who kill the body
but cannot kill the soul.)
Who should we be afraid of? (The One who can destroy
both soul and body in hell.)
Remember not one sparrow will fall to the ground outside
your Father’s care.
Isn't that amazing? (Give the children time to respond) |

God knows everything that we go through. Nothing happens to us
that he doesn't know about. When we feel lonely and totally abandoned,
when it seems that our prayers are unanswered, when everything seems
hopeless, God knows/God cares.
The Story Teller and 'Scruffy'
the sock puppet read "And Puppy' Chapter
15 'He watches over me
Chapter 15 of ‘And Puppy’
Optional: Download
'And Puppy' Bible Verses |


Discussion: Allow the children time to share how this programme has helped them
Share what you thought of the "And Puppy" story book.
Optional: Download Coloring page visual aid |
This is our last session in this series. We invite the children to come and spend quiet time with God.
Thank God for all the good things in our life, especially our new friend "Puppy"
Optional: DOWNLOAD Colouring page visual aid |

CLOSING PRAYER: Father, as we come to the end
of this Series we want to thank you for the teachers that have taken
time to teach us these truths. Thank you for the healing that is
taking place, for the friendships that have developed. Thank you
for never leaving us or forsaking us and for building character
just like Joseph and Puppy. Amen

English ‘Activity Book'
Optional: Download
English ‘His Eye is on the Sparrow Activity Book'
‘Yoruba gba ile iranti Bibeli inu ile’
Optional: Download
English ‘What You Can Do to Help Children Cope with
a Disaster’ Adult Educational Handout |
NEXT WEEK: We will be starting a new curriculum,
teacher will let you know all about it!
By the end of this curriculum the children should be able
- Know that they are important to God.
- Learn that sometimes bad things happen to good people, no discipline
seems pleasant at the time.
- Know they can talk about their pain
- Know that they need to take care of their hearts when they are
- Be able to express their pain through drawings
- Realize that connecting with others helps them to overcome fear
and loneliness
- Realize that God never abandons them even if everyone else does
- Trust that God has a plan for their lives
- Realize that connecting with others helps them to overcome fear
and loneliness
- Know they should be careful about whom they trust
- Understand that grieving takes time.
- Accept their sadness and anger if they have loss someone who
was important to them
- Experience that God loves them regardless of what may have happened
- Have opportunity to ask Jesus to be their friend and forgive
their sins
- Have opportunity to ask Jesus to heal their pain
- Understand why it’s important to forgive
- Have started to forgive people who have hurt them
- Know ways of facing trouble in the future
- Begin to learn how to deal with negative thoughts.
- Don’t get even get over it!
- Be encouraged by thinking about good things.
- Know how to grow as a Christian
- Have Joseph as their role model
- Learn that God knows everything they go through.
- Experience His Peace and know that the Holy Spirit will guide
them and calms their fears.
- Begin to learn that God cares and watches over them even in
times of disaster and distress
- Understand that God watches over his children
- Realize that even though we face some difficult times we should
not be afraid.
- God knows everything that we go through.
- God knows/God cares..
Heal a Hurting Heart Curriculum
Just a couple of years ago nearly a quarter of a million
households in Nigeria were at risk after heavy rains caused
flooding that inundated 80 per cent of the country.
The rainfall began in July and continued into
September, causing Nigeria’s two main rivers –
the Niger and the Benue – to burst their banks. The
resulting disaster is affecting 34 of the country’s
36 states and has caused 141 deaths and 265 injuries to
on the picture link to view our Yoruba flood children's
HEAL A HURTING HEART - Natrual Disaster