1. GAMES: (10 minutes)
The teacher draws or cuts out a picture of Jesus for the poster
board. Blind fold children and give them a picture of a child. Get
the child to turn around 3 times and try to pin the child at Jesus’
feet. (Ensure social distancing)
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
TOUCH RELAY: Divide the children into teams. The teacher
or leader will tell the first person on each team to run to a paper
bag, and with their eyes closed, find something smooth. The children
will quickly find a SMOOTH item and run back to the team. Then the
teacher will then tell the next team member to find something soft,
or bumpy, or hard etc. Continue to play the relay as time allows.
Optional: Download
'Yesu mwa Mphanji yane' video
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP (5 minutes)
Optional: Download
'Tipembedza Woyera' video

Optional: Download
‘Nkhani ya Yosefe' PowerPoint
Slide #22- #26
a. Review: (5
minutes) Recite last week's Memory Verse:
Ndipo Yehova anali ndi Yosefe; ndipo iye anali wolemeralemera;
nakhala m'nyumba ya mbuyake Mwejipito. Genesis 39:2
Chichewa Bible Verse Visual Aid |


b. Learn a Bible Verse
- (5 minutes)
- Good Touch
Marko 10: 16
Ndipo Iye anatiyangata, natidalitsa, ndi kuika manja ake pa
Chichewa Bible Verse Visual Aid |
b. Learn
a Bible Verse - (5 minutes)-
Bad Touch Ndipo
mkazi anagwira iye chofunda chake, nati, Gona ndi ine; ndipo
anasiya chofunda chake m'dzanja lake nathawa, natulukira kubwalo.
Genesis 39: 12
Chichewa Bible Verse Visual Aid |

c. Teach the Lesson (10 minutes)
Introduction to GOOD TOUCH
Bible Reading: Marko 10:13-16
13 Ndipo analinkudza nato kwa Iye tiana, kuti akatikhudze; ndipo
ophunzirawo anawadzudzula. 14 Koma pamene Yesu anaona anakwiya,
ndipo anati kwa iwo, Lolani tiana tidze kwa Ine; musatiletse: pakuti
Ufumu wa Mulungu uli wa totere. 15 Ndithu ndinena ndi inu, Munthu
aliyense wosalandira Ufumu wa Mulungu ngati kamwana, sadzalowamo
konse. 16 Ndipo Iye anatiyangata, natidalitsa, ndi kuika manja ake
pa ito.
Teaching: GOOD TOUCH
As you probably know, we have five senses. We use these five senses
to give us information about the world around us. For example, if
I were to hold up a ball and ask you what it was, you would identify
it by using your sense of sight. If I were to ring a bell and ask
you what it was, you would identify it was by using your sense of
hearing. If I put a flower under your nose and ask you to tell me
what it was, you would know what it was by its smell. If I gave
you a sip of lemonade, you would know right away what it was because
of its taste.
One day, Jesus was teaching his disciples and a large crowd of
other people were following him to hear what he was teaching. He
was teaching about marriage and divorce and how God wanted them
to have happy homes.
As Jesus was teaching, people started to bring their children to
him so that he could touch them. The disciples didn't like these
children disturbing Jesus. They told the people to get the children
away. When Jesus saw what they were doing, he was very upset. "Let
the children come to me, and do not stop them," Jesus
said. " The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these
little ones." Then Jesus took the children in his arms
and blessed them.
Let us hope that we will always remember that Jesus loved the children
and took them into his loving arms. We are thankful for each of
you who are here today and thankful that someone loved you enough
to bring you.
Optional: Download
English PowerPoint 'Jesus Loves me!'
We are told in this story that Jesus took the children in
his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them, a gentle,
kind touch now we will learn about someone that did the opposite
this is a bad touch. |
Introduction to BAD TOUCH:
Ndipo mkazi anagwira iye chofunda chake, nati, Gona ndi
ine; ndipo anasiya chofunda chake m'dzanja lake nathawa,
natulukira kubwalo.
Genesis 39: 12
Download ‘Nkhani
ya Yosefe Gawo #5' video
Bible Reading: Genesis 39: 6b-12; 16-20

c. Teach the Lesson (10 minutes)
The Bible tells us that lust so gripped Potiphar's wife that she
threw caution to the wind, she chatted him up encouraging him to
come to bed with her. Given her brazen forwardness, one might well
imagine that as the days went by, she grew more daring in her seductions.
Finally, when none of these tactics had worked, she arranged for
the house to be vacated except for herself and the man she had designs
on. The unsuspecting Joseph walked right into her trap. She rushed
at him wearing what we can only guess and grabbed him, presumably
to drag him to her bed if she could. The outcome resulted in Joseph
ending up in prison.'

English ‘'The Story of Joseph Pt 2''
Potiphar's wife acted very badly, she was married and should
not have had desires for Joseph, when she tried to entice
him to go to bed with her and he refused she grabbed him.
This is a bad touch. |
Everyone needs a Trusted
Adult. Someone you can talk to who is not your Mum or Dad. Even
grown ups can ask you to do things that are wrong. Sometimes
they want you to touch them or want to touch you where your
underwear goes. If this happens you must tell your parent or
Trusted Adult. Optional:
English ‘Adam and Eve Anti Child Sex Abuse Colouring
Book' | 
If an adult or even an older child asks you to undress or touch
them or shows you pictures or videos of naked people you must tell
your parent or Trusted Adult. It is not your fault but you must
"tell the truth and the Truth will set you free"
Chichewa Lesson #6 Visual Aids
The Story Teller and 'Scruffy'
the sock puppet read "And Puppy' Chapter
6 'Good and Bad secrets ’
English Chapter 6 of ‘And Puppy’
Optional: Download
'English And Puppy' Bible Verses |


Optional: Download
English ‘Explaining Social
Optional: Download
English ‘Creative Art Therapy’ video
Optional: Download
English 'Coronavirus' Poster |

Optional: Download
'Sambani Manha anu ' poster.
Optional: Download
English 'Wash, Wash, Wash your hands'
English ‘What happens if you don't wash your hands’
Optional: Download
English 'Fighting germs by hand washing'
poster. |
Discussion: View English videos on ' Sexual
Abuse' and ' Anger Management'
Personal time may be needed during this discussion session, with
the help of a Christian counsellor
Optional: Download
English 'Anger Management to kids'
Optional: Download
English 'Safe Touch' videos
Optional: Download
English 'Safe Touch' songs
Optional: Download
English 'Bad Touch'
Remember it is not your fault
if someone has sexually abused you.. Even if you said yes God can
forgive you if you joined in. Ask God to help you. Tell him you
are sorry that it ever happened.

‘Activity Book'
Good Touch ‘Take Home Memory Verse’
Bad Touch ‘Take Home Memory Verse’
Optional: Download
‘General principles for talking to children' English
Adult Educational Handout
Optional: Download
‘How to Help Children Manage Fears' English
Adult Educational Handout |
English Chapter 6 of ‘And Puppy’
NEXT WEEK: We will learn about being wrongly accused
and life in Prison for Joseph
HEAL A HURTING HEART - Natrual Disaster