Supplies needed:
• Paper crayons and paints to create a storm painting.
• Strings one for each couple of children
• Photocopy happy and sad faces for the team game.
• Print off JEALOUS HEART, THANKFUL HEART Visual Aid get two
of the children to colour the hearts prior to class.
• Print small hearts for children.
• Print out musical lyrics.
• Print the 'Bible Verse Visual Aid' and get a child
to colour it prior to the class.
• Print the English 'Activity Book'
• Print the 'Take Home Bible Memory Verse'
• Print Chapter #2 'And Puppy' one for each child.
• Print the 'COVID-19 - Vuto la Posachedwa Lomwe Likuyendetsa
Dziko Lonse Pano' Adult Educational Handout
• Continue to use the ‘Heaven Corner'
1. GAMES: (10 minutes)
Before class begins hide the happy and sad faces around the room,
get the children to hunt them out once a child has found a face
they must sit down continue the game until all the children are
sitting then you can begin the Team Game.
(Respect social distances at all times and wear a mask)
Lesson #2 Visual Aids
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
JEALOUS AND THANKFUL HEARTS: Provide each team member
with a happy or a sad face. Then each child will run when
it is their turn on the team to the two labels at the far
end of the room one JEALOUS HEART and one THANKFUL HEART.
The child will quickly tape their happy or sad face on the
correct "heart" and run back to their team for the
next player to place his happy or sad face on the appropriate
heart! |

3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS: (10 minutes)
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
Optional: Download
'Ambuye nditsogoleleni' video
Optional: Download
'Nthawi yanu' video
a. Review (5 minutes)
Remember last week we introduced you to Joseph.
- Why did Israel love Joseph more than any of his other
(Because he had been born to him in his old age)
- What gift did his dad give him? (A coat of many colours,
use visual aid)
- How did Joseph’s brothers treat him? (They hated
him and were unkind to him.)
Lesson #2 Visual Aids
b. Learn a Bible Verse (5minutes)
Ndipo iwo anamuona iye ali patali, ndipo asanayandikire
pafupi ndi iwo, anampangira iye chiwembu kuti amuphe.
Genesis 37: 18
Divide the children into four groups and get
each group to recite a part of the Bible verse
1. Ndipo iwo anamuona iye ali patali,
2. ndipo asanayandikire pafupi ndi iwo,
3. anampangira iye chiwembu kuti amuphe.
4. Genesis 37: 18
Shout it out, then whisper it, stand up, sit down, hop
on one foot, spin around finally say the entire verse. |

Bible Verse Visual Aid
Encourage the children to color it and use
it to teach the Bible Verse
(Children must use individual colouring packs to reduce cross
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
Joseph’s father said to him, "Your brothers are out
tending my sheep. I want you to go check and make sure that they
are ok."

Optional: Download
‘Nkhani ya Yosefe' PowerPoint
Slide #9-#11
Read: Genesis 37: 17-24
Joseph reminds us that it is possible to patiently endure,
continuing to put our trust in God’s plan. He spent
13 years in God’s waiting room. That’s how long
it took for God to prepare Joseph for what was about to
happen next.
And as he waited, Joseph served others with genuine concern and
he refused to allow God’s dream to die. He trusted God’s
plan and knew that God was with him.
How do we deal with challenges? Oh, I wish it could be a one-time
decision. I wish we could just do the right thing and be done with
it, but we have learned from Joseph that trusting God is an ongoing
challenge. It is a lifetime commitment. There will be ups and downs.
There will be times when it will seem much easier to just give in.
But Joseph reminds us that it is possible to be faithful over a
long period of time in very difficult circumstances
What kind of attitude do we have when life doesn’t go as
we think it should? What do we do when it seems like God has forgotten
about us?
Like Joseph, we might be tempted to give up, but hopefully we also
hang on and continue doing what we need to do.
We think of some of what the apostle Paul went through –
beatings, and shipwrecks, and all kinds of abuse – and this
is what Paul told the Church in Corinth.
2 AKORINTO 4:7-9
“7 Koma tili nacho chuma ichi m'zotengera zadothi, kuti
ukulu woposa wamphamvu ukhale wa Mulungu, wosachokera kwa ife; 8ndife
osautsika monsemo, koma osapsinjika; osinkhasinkha, koma osakhala
kakasi; 9olondoleka, koma osatayika; ogwetsedwa, koma osaonongeka;”
Paul had a rough life, but he also refused to let the dream die.
Paul continued living the Christian life.
Paul, like Joseph, in the waiting room of disappointment, continued
to hang on to God’s plan for his life. Both men continued
putting their trust in God.
Before we close, I must tell you that this is not the end of the
story of Joseph and his brothers. The story does have a happy ending
and Joseph is reunited with his father and brothers. But for today,
we learn the lesson of the terrible things that happen because of
the sin of jealousy.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people,
but God is still in control and He still had a plan for Joseph’s
Optional: Download
English ‘Joseph Story Part 1’ video
Its the same for our new friend lets read more about him
in our Story Time... |
The Story Teller and 'Scruffy'
the sock puppet read "And Puppy'
Chapter #2 'The BIG Bad C'
English Chapter 2 of ‘And
Optional: Download
English 'And Puppy' Bible Verses |


Download English ‘Coronavirus
Outbreak’ and ‘Easing children’s
anxiety’ videos
Download English ‘Social Distancing’
English ‘Wash your hands' music video
English'Stay safe by washing hands' poster


Optional English
Art Therapy:
English ‘Hues of Healing Art'
video with a 'Heart documentary’ and ‘How
to draw Coronavirus’ videos.
Give the children paper and crayons
or paints to take home and get them to create a CORVID 19
painting. |
Discussion: Does anyone know anybody that has
died from Coronavirus?
When you get hurt you need to take care of your injuries. When you
fall down and graze your knee you need a plaster. When someone hurts
you or you are in a shocking or scary situation, you need to take
care of your heart. You need to make sure that you don't end up
hating or being troubled by fear. You put a plaster on your heart
by talking about your troubles and not keep any bad feelings inside.
God wants to remind you that He will always be there to listen to
you. He says he will never leave you or forsake you.
Have the children write about times when they have felt afraid,
betrayed and separated from loved ones. Create a ‘Heaven Corner’
with a gold cloth on a chair with Jesus’ crown and a wooden
cross covered with a red cross to represent His blood. Get them
to come and place the papers at the foot of the cross and leave
those experiences there.

Download English ‘Activity
‘Take Home Memory Verse’
Optional: Download
English Chapter 2 of ‘And
Puppy’ |
Download 'COVID-19 - Vuto la Posachedwa
Lomwe Likuyendetsa Dziko Lonse Pano' English Adult
Educational handouts
Download 'Support for Grief and
Loss Through Christian Counseling' English Adult Educational
NEXT WEEK: Joseph is betrayed by his brothers
and sold into slavery
HEAL A HURTING HEART - Natrual Disaster