• Beans.
• FEAR written on a rock.
• Chalk, Crayons. Small pieces of paper, pencils.
• Balloons and marking pen.
• Print the review colouring page.
• Print out musical lyrics.
• A multi-couloured piece of cloth torn up and dipped in red
paint for dramatized Bible Verse.
• Print the road map.
• Print the 'Bible Verse Visual Aid' and get a child
to colour it prior to the class.
• Print the English 'Activity Book'
• Print the 'Take Home Bible Memory Verse'
• Print Chapter #4 'And Puppy' one for each child.
• Print ‘Kuthandiza Ana Kuchita ndi Kutayika kwa
Petakondedwa’ Adult Educational Handout
• Create a ‘Heaven Corner’ with a gold
cloth on a chair with Jesus’ crown, a wooden cross, covered
with a red cloth representing His blood.

1. GAMES: (10 minutes)
FEAR HOPSCOTCH: Draw two hopscotch games
on the floor or parking lot. FEAR can be written on a rock
and then tossed to a square on the hopscotch for children
to play the game. Children are not allowed to hop on the
square where the FEAR ROCK had landed. If the number of
children is too many for one game, another hopscotch drawing
could be made, side by side.
(Ensure social distancing)
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Divide the children into two groups, boys and girls. Blow up balloons
and write various emotions on each balloon, Fear, Anxiety, Bewildered,
Grieving, Betrayal etc the children pass the balloons from one to
the other until they find a balloon that best describes how they
may have felt or are feeling the first team to identify the various
emotions is the winner.

3. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS: (10 minutes)
Optional: Download
'Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe' video
4. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
'Mwayenera' video
a. Review (5 minutes)
Remember Joseph had a terrible experience at the hands of
his brothers he probable felt all these emotions.
- When was Joseph happy? (When his father gave him a
coat of many colours.)
- When was Joseph sad (When his brothers threw him in
the pit)
- When was Joseph scared (When he was sold into slavery)
- When was Joseph mad (When he realized he was no longer
- When was Joseph proud (When he had the dreams of his
family bowing down to him)


Download ‘Nkhani
ya Yosefe Gawo #2' video
Bible Reading: Genesis 37:31-35
b. Learn a Bible Verse
Ndipo ana aamuna ake onse ndi ana aakazi onse anauka kuti
amtonthoze: koma anakana kutonthozedwa; ndipo anati, Pakuti
ndidzatsikira kumanda kwa mwana wanga, ndilinkulirabe. Atate
wake ndipo anamlirira.
Genesis 37: 35
Chichewa Bible Verse Visual Aid

Dramatize this Bible Verse with the children playing the sons and
daughters, someone being Israel (Joseph’s dad) and
an old coat dipped in red paint.
c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)

Optional: Download
‘Nkhani ya Yosefe' PowerPoint
Slide #14 - #18
Download ‘Nkhani
ya Yosefe Gawo #3' video
Bible Reading: Genesis 37:31-35

31Ndipo anatenga malaya ake a Yosefe, napha tonde, naviika
malaya m'mwazi wake: 32natumiza malaya amwinjiro, nadza nao kwa atate
ao: ndipo anati, Siwa tawatola; muzindikire tsono ngati ndi malaya
a mwana wanu, kapena ndi ena. 33Ndipo anazindikira nati, Ndiwo malaya
a mwana wanga: wajiwa ndi chilombo: Yosefe wakadzulidwa ndithu. 34Yakobo
ndipo anang'amba malaya ake, na vala chiguduli m'chuuno mwake namlirira
mwana wake masiku ambiri. 35Ndipo ana aamuna ake onse ndi ana aakazi
onse anauka kuti amtonthoze: koma anakana kutonthozedwa; ndipo anati,
Pakuti ndidzatsikira kumanda kwa mwana wanga, ndilinkulirabe. Atate
wake ndipo anamlirira.

Optional: Download
English 'Joseph the beloved son’ video
( For English speaking children ) |
Many men in the Bible showed their emotions
and wept. Mighty Kings in the Old Testament wept.
- Ndipo Davide ndi anthu amene anali naye anakweza mau ao, nalira
misozi, kufikira analibe mphamvu yakuliranso.
(1 Samuele 30:4)
- Ndipo pocheuka Yuda, taonani, nkhondo inayambana nao kumaso
ndi kumbuyo; nafuulira iwo kwa Yehova. (2 Mbiri 13:14)
- Ndipo m'mene anayandikira, anaona mzindawo naulirira (Luka
Download Colouring page

People are going to fail you, disappoint you, leave you hanging
out to dry. Let that drive you to God.
Notice that through all of Joseph's troubles, God remained with
Paul told the church in Rome
"Nasi twajua ya kuwa katika mambo yote Mungu hufanya kazi
pamoja na wale wampendao katika kuwapatia mema"
Warumi 8:28
All things, even the bad things we face, will be made to work for
the good of God's children.
Joseph's loyalty to God was tested by his troubles and Joseph passed
the test. Even though everything appeared to go wrong for thirteen
years, Joseph managed to hold on to his faith. However, also notice
that Joseph was being trained during this time to run a nation by
first running a household and then a prison.
This is not the end of the story of Joseph and his brothers. There
is a happy ending when Joseph is reunited with his father and brothers.
But for today, we learn the lesson of the terrible things that happen
because of the sin of jealousy and hatred.
Chichewa Lesson #4 Visual Aids
The Story Teller and 'Scruffy'
the sock puppet read "And Puppy' Chapter
4 The Hospital
English Chapter 4 of ‘And Puppy’
English 'And Puppy' Bible Verses |


Optional: Download
English ‘What is Coronavirus?’
and ‘How your Immune system works’ and
‘Explaining Social Distances’ |
Optional: Download
English ‘How to Wash
Your Hands’ video
Optional: Download
English 'Hand
washing' poster. |

English Art Therapy:
Optional: Download
English Art therapy ‘How
to save the earth’ video, color ‘Coronavirus’
poster. |
Have the children write down times when they have felt afraid, sad
and grieving. Create a ‘Heaven Corner’ with a gold cloth
on a chair with Jesus’ crown and a wooden cross covered with
a red cross to represent His blood. Get them to come and place it
the papers at the foot of the cross.
Lord I place my life in your hands. I want to serve you and do what
you want me to do. Lead me in the right path and remind me you are
always there. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

English ‘Activity Book’
Chichewa ‘Take Home Memory Verse’
Optional: Download
Chapter 4 of ‘And Puppy’
Download 'Kuthandiza Ana Kuchita
ndi Kutayika kwa Petakondedwa' Adult Educational
handouts |
Download 'How to Help Your Grieving
Children' English Adult Educational handouts
Joseph arrives in Egypt, he trusted that God had a plan for his
HEAL A HURTING HEART - Natrual Disaster