• Print off the Emotions Flash Cards, cut in half so the faces
are separate from the emotion.
• Crayons, scissors.
• Blank cards, pens or pencils for the children to write their
• Print off two cell phones or use two phones.
• Jesus costume, white wrap, blue sash and crown. (From
Lesson #1)
• Print out musical lyrics.
• Print the 'Bible Verse Visual Aid' and get a child
to colour it prior to the class.
• Paper and paint for the children to draw and paint their
• Strips of paper to make paper chains.
• Print the English 'Activity Book'
• Print the 'Take Home Bible Memory
• Print the ‘Bukhu la SKILLZ COVID-19 Linapangidwa
mu March 2020 pothandizila za mliri
wa COVID-19’ Adult Educational Handouts
• Print the Chapter #3 'And Puppy' one for each child.
1. GAMES: (10 minutes)
Find the feeling game: Place the Emotions Flash Cards face
down on the table. Let children turn over two cards at a time.
If the cards match, they can keep them and get another turn.
If the cards don't match, the next player gets a turn.
Chichewa Lesson #3 Visual Aids |
2. TEAM GAMES: (10 minutes)
Divide the team into two teams, boys and girls, one teacher
per team. (Ensure social distancing) Place the Emotions
Flash Cards in a row on a table. Let the children name the
emotion. Discuss why they think the face in the picture feels
that way.
Ask children how they feel today. Let children write their
name on a card and place the card below the emotion that fits
their feeling.
Optional: What are some of the feelings
you might have when things are bad (Write on strips loops
and make them into a chain.)

Optional: Download
'Ambuye Amandikonda' video
Optional: Download
'Yesu Amaona' video
a. Review (5 minutes)
Last week what did we learn Joseph’s brothers did to
(He was betrayed by his brothers and thrown into a pit.) These
were pits that were shaped like a bottle. They had a narrow
neck, big enough for a bucket to go down. There would be no
way to come up and get out.
He would be in that well at the bottom, scared, hurt
and confused.
Imagine how bad he felt!.
Chichewa Lesson #3 Visual Aids

Optional: Download
‘Nkhani ya Yosefe' PowerPoint
Slide #12 - #13
b. Learn a Bible Verse
"Tiyeni timgulitse iye kwa Aismaele" Genesis
Chichewa Bible Verse Visual Aid
Encourage the children to color it
and use it to teach the Bible Verse
(Individual crayon packs per
child) |

c. Teach the Lesson (15 minutes)
What a terrible thing for Joseph's brothers to do -- just because
they were jealous of their brother. How would you feel? I hope that
we would never do anything so terrible, but we can learn from this
story that jealousy can cause us to do things that will hurt other
people. It is something that we should guard against.
And they sit down to have lunch, verse 25. And while they’re
having lunch, somebody spots a caravan coming. Verse 26, Judas said
to his brothers, ‘What profit is it for us to kill our
brother and cover up his blood? Come; let’s sell him to the
Ishmaelites.’” You remember Ishmael? (The son
of Haggar, the handmaid of Sarah.)

We live in a world in which God's people frequently
suffer at the hands of others.
Optional: Download
English ‘Joseph Sold into Slavery’ video
Does Joseph’s story remind you of anyone else that
we read about in the Bible? |
All throughout scripture we read about Jesus and how he lived a
perfect. But Jesus suffered terrible things, even though he didn’t
deserve it, just like Joseph did not deserve it! In fact, people
planned truly wicked things to do to him, just like Joseph’s
brothers. Jesus was put to death, which is the greatest evil there
is! But God is so good and so gracious that He allowed good things
to come from this terrible event. Both Jesus and Joseph were stripped
of their robes and placed in a pit for three days where they ultimately
arose victorious to be great princes and became exalted by God for
their great suffering. The stories of Joseph and Jesus are both
a kind of "rags to riches" story. Joseph was
brought out of the pit and prison to be exalted to the Pharaoh's
right hand.
Jesus was brought out from the pit after death and exalted to the
Father's right hand.
The Story Teller and 'Scruffy'
the sock puppet read "And Puppy' Chapter
3 'The Great Adventure'
English Chapter 3 of ‘And Puppy’
Optional: Download
English 'And Puppy' Bible Verses |


Optional: Download
English ‘Safety measures’ and ‘Keep
your distance’ videos |
English ‘Wash your hands' video
English 'Washing hands' colouring page


English Optional
Art Therapy:
English ‘Healing and learning
through art and music'' video and ‘How to draw
Coronavirus’ videos. |
Art Options: What are some of the feelings you
might have when things are bad (Write on strips of paper and
make them into a paper chain.)
Encourage the children to express their pain
through drawings
Discussion: How are you dealing with your
Download 'Scruffy' Emotional poster
and include it into the Discussion.
Optional: Download
'Zolemba pamutu' |

Sit the children around in a circle. “Can you identify with
some of the emotions that Joseph must have felt?” (Rejected,
betrayed, confused, afraid, unhappy, angry, bitter, frustrated etc)
Let’s close our eyes and share our feels with Jesus.
The pit is not your full potential. Don’t get used to it.
You may feel you are in the pit now but you are next in line for
a promotion. In one day Joseph went from the prison to the Palace.
You may not like where you are today but it could change in one
day and today could be the day. This should be your attitude! Losers
focus on what they are going through, champions focus on where they
are going to! So, remember in the life of Joseph that trials will
come, that God controls every event in your life, that everything
you are going through is leading to the Palace and don’t give
up on you dream because GOD NEVER WILL!
God says he will never leave us and that when bad things happen
we can call on him to help us. We can call on God as if we had a
cell phone that only connects to him. He never hangs up on us. He
is never unavailable. He never runs out of charge. God wants to
hear from us, especially when we are in trouble. Don’t get
chained in bondage, be free.
Optional: Get the children to break their paper
CLOSING PRAYER: God wants you to talk to him.
He gives you a phone called prayer. He is interested in how you
feel and what’s happening to you. Call God on your prayer
phone. Tell him how you are feeling, what worries you and ask him
to help you. He promises to answer.

Optional: Download
English ‘Activity Book’ Download
Chichewa ‘Take Home Memory Verse’
Optional: Download
English Chapter 3 of ‘And Puppy’
Optional: Download
'Bukhu la SKILLZ COVID-19 Linapangidwa mu March 2020 pothandizila
za mliri
wa COVID-19’ |
Download English 'Support
for Grief and Loss Through Christian Counseling'
Download English Helping Children
Cope With Grief'
Download English 'Emotional
Responses' |

NEXT WEEK: Discover how Joseph’s father
reacted to the news and realize that God never abandons us even
if everyone else does.
HEAL A HURTING HEART - Natrual Disaster