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Kodi Mzimu woyera uli kuti? - Phunziro #2
Women's Empowerment Program
Sports Bible Club
Living Water Bible Club

(To be used to assist the translation into Chichewa)

What is the
Holy Spirit’s Work?

Purpose of the Lesson
• Learn what the Old Testament says about the Holy Spirit
• Learn the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christ
• Learn the Holy Spirit’s part in the writing of the Bible
• Appreciate the guidance and enabling of the Holy Spirit in
our lives


Almighty God, Thank You for giving us your Holy Spirit when we are born again. Open our eyes to see how He helps us. We pray in the name of Jesus, amen.

Begin the study by allowing time for several people to share the verses they chose in the Weekly Bible Reading.

Weekly Bible Reading

(Use your Bible or Africa Bible Verse Handbook)

Read the Bible verses given below and copy the verse which you consider to be the most important in each reading.

John 3:1-13
John 3:14-21
Acts 1:1-11
Acts 2:1-13
Acts 2:14-21
Acts 2:36-42

Guide’s Comments

We have been studying about our majestic, awe-inspiring God—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is one God who is revealed to us in these three ways.

In Lesson 1, we learned that the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and helps us understand our need of a Savior. To know the Spirit of God, we need more than intellectual understanding of the fact that God is and that Jesus died for us. We need to receive Jesus as our own personal Savior. When we accept Him, God gives us His Holy Spirit.

At that time Romans 8:16 becomes true in our lives . . . . .

When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we become children of God. God’s Spirit in us begins changing our life to be more like Jesus.

God’s Spirit in the Old Testament

We are introduced to the Holy Spirit in the very first book of the Bible—Genesis. What did we learn about the work of the Holy Spirit in the first question?

1. We are introduced to the Holy Spirit in the second verse of the Old Testament. What is He called and what did He do? Genesis 1:2. . . .
(The Spirit of God was present and was hovering over it all.)

The Bible says the Spirit of God had a vital role in creation, Isaiah 40:12-14 . . . .

2. Different persons in the Old Testament gave names to the Holy Spirit which reveal His role in our lives also.

After each verse, write the name given to the Holy Spirit and describe what He does.
a. Job 33:4 . . . . .
Name: (the Spirit of God)
Role: (created all people)

b. Ezekiel 36:27 . . . . .
Name: (My Spirit)
Role: (enables people to obey God)

c. Micah 3:8. . . . .
Name: (the Spirit of the Lord)
Role: (gave power to give the people God’s message)

d. 2 Samuel 23:2. . . . .
Name: (the Spirit of the Lord)
Role: (spoke to and through people. This verse said He spoke to David, who wrote most of the Psalms of the Bible.)

To review, listen again to what the role of the Holy Spirit was in the Old Testament. The Holy Spirit created all people, enabled them to obey God, gave them the power to spread God’s message, and spoke through individuals.

The Old Testament reveals much about the Holy Spirit. He is called the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirit of Grace and Supplication. Many of the Holy Spirit’s responsibilities are given in the Old Testament. Read Isaiah 11:2. . . . .

The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

He is the Spirit of truth,
revealing the mind of God.

He is the Spirit of holiness,
revealing the purity and righteousness of God.

He is the Spirit of power,
equipping those He chooses for His service.

He is the Spirit of wisdom,
revealing God’s omniscience (ahm-NISH-ents).

He is the Spirit of promise,
revealing the future.

The Holy Spirit came upon certain people during Old Testament times, giving them the ability to fulfill a certain God-given task. For example, God gave the Holy Spirit to help Bezalel (BEZ-uh-lel) with the task of designing the unique artwork in the tabernacle. Read about the attributes God gave this man in Exodus 31:3. . . . .

The Holy Spirit also provided certain Old Testament people with unusual physical strength, skills in warfare, and the abilities needed to lead a nation.

The Old Testament does not say that the Holy Spirit came to indwell a person permanently. That is why David prayed as He did in Psalm 51:11. . . . . In Old Testament times, God took His Spirit from the person when their task was completed or they willfully disobeyed Him. Psalm 51 tells us of David’s repentance and his prayer asking God not to take the Holy Spirit from him.

The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

The greatest revelation of the Holy Spirit is presented in the New Testament. During the New Testament times, the Holy Spirit continued the role He had in the Old Testament. He spoke to individuals, gave them guidance, and enabled them to do things God asked them to do. But in addition, in the New Testament times and today, when the Holy Spirit enters a person He indwells them forever. Read John 14:16. . . . .

The fact that the Holy Spirit now indwells believers permanently is the major
difference between the Holy Spirit’s work in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

No activity of the Holy Spirit is recorded during the 400 years between the last book of the Old Testament and the first book of the New Testament. There was no prophet speaking God’s words.

Then, suddenly, the Holy Spirit began an active ministry, preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ. From Jesus’ conception to His final ascension, He was led by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit in the Life of Christ

3. The New Testament reveals that the Holy Spirit had an active and vital role in the life of Christ. Match the following verses with the role of the Spirit in the life of Christ.

c Luke 4:16-18. . . . .
b Luke 4:1. . . . .
d Romans 8:11. . . . .
e Acts 1:1-2. . . . .
a Matthew 1:18-20. . . . .

a.Christ’s physical conception was by the Holy Spirit.

b.Jesus was filled and led by the Spirit of God.

c.Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit to preach, heal the sick and the blind, and deliver and care for the oppressed.

d. Jesus was raised from the dead by God’s Spirit.

e. After His resurrection, Jesus instructed His apostles through the Holy Spirit.

These verses tell us that the Holy Spirit had a definite leadership role in Jesus’ life. Although Jesus had the power within Himself to fulfill the ministry God gave Him, Jesus lived His earthly life under the control of the Holy Spirit. He was living as a man and showing us how God plans for us to live. As the Spirit guided Jesus, He will guide and enable us to live as Christians if we allow Him to.

The Holy Spirit’s Role in Writing the Bible

4. We are told how the Bible was written in 2 Peter 1:21. . . . .

a.W ho told the men who wrote the Bible what to write?. . . . .
(The Holy Spirit)

b.From whom did the message come?. . . . . (God)

The Holy Spirit controlled those who wrote the books of the Bible. See what Paul, the writer of the books of Corinthians, said in 1 Corinthians 2:13 . . . . .

The Holy Spirit taught Paul what to teach. Did the Holy Spirit give Paul the words or just the ideas he was to write about?. . . . . (The Holy Spirit gave him the very words.)

Who gave the Holy Spirit the words? The answer is found in the verse in Question 4. . . . . (God)

That is the reason we call the Bible God’s Word. The Holy Spirit had men write the words God said.

The Bible is the only book
whose author is present
whenever it is read.

Explain what this statement means. . . . . (The Holy Spirit, the author of the Bible, is present when the Bible is read.)

The Holy Spirit in Our Lives

5. Each of the following verses reveals some phase of the Holy Spirit’s work in our salvation. Match the verse with the correct statement.

Galatians 3:27
Romans 8:15
2 Corinthians 3:18
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
John 6:63

a. God’s life-giving Spirit gives spiritual life. (John 6:63). . . . .

b.God’s Spirit that lives in you tells you that you are God’s child. (Romans 8:15). . . . .

c.The Holy Spirit baptizes you into union with Christ when you are saved.
(Galatians 3:27). . . . .

d.God’s Spirit living in you makes you God’s temple. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17) . . . . .

e.The Spirit of the Lord transforms our lives to reflect the Lord’s glory.
(2 Corinthians 3:18). . . . .

6. Select a situation in your life for which you desire the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Express your need and then write a prayer asking God’s Holy Spirit to give the guidance you need. . . . .

Suggest they share their prayer with the group to encourage accountability.
After their prayers, compose your own prayer or use the following to close the session.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, Thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit, who gives us the strength and ability to do Your will. Help us recognize His voice when He speaks to us in answer to our prayers. We want to learn how to live lives that are pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.




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