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Kodi Mzimu woyera uli kuti? - Phunziro #1
Women's Empowerment Program
Sports Bible Club
Living Water Bible Club

Knowing the
Holy Spirit’s Presence

Lucille Sollenberger. B.S., M. A.

Stonecroft Ministries
P.O.Box 9609, Kancas City, MO 64134-0609

(To be used to assist the translation into Chichewa)

Purpose of the Lesson
• Learn who the Holy Spirit is
• Appreciate the role of the Holy Spirit in convicting us of our need of salvation
• Learn that the Holy Spirit is given to us when we receive Christ
• Know that believers have the Holy Spirit in their lives whether they realize it or not

Be prepared to guide effectively by reading “Atsogoleri amatsogolera

This lesson clearly explains salvation and how to become a Christian. It would be wise to have Would You Believe It? booklets on hand to use if anyone has questions concerning salvation.

Begin the lesson at the assigned time by welcoming everyone and having them introduce themselves.


Father in Heaven, We have come to study Your Word. Help us to understand what we read. Enlarge our minds to be able to see Your majestic greatness, as well as Your love and mercy. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

Guide’s Comments

Before we start our study on the Holy Spirit, we will take a few minutes to read the Stonecroft Bible Studies Guidelines listed on page 6 in our Study Books.

Stonecroft Bible Studies Guidelines

Since this is a Bible study, our goal is to learn what the Bible says and how it applies to our lives. The Study Book and Bible will be the only books we need for our study.

It is recommended that we prepare for the lesson by completing the questions in our Study Books prior to the study. This will enhance each discussion. We’ll do Lesson 1 together.

Our Bible study will start on time and last 60 to 90 minutes.

Since we are from various backgrounds (including sometimes assorted churches), we will respect each other’s opinions and beliefs.

“There is no part of the Christian’s
life which is not governed and empowered
by the Holy Spirit.”
—John MacArthur

Bible teacher John MacArthur says that every part of the Christian’s life is
influenced, strengthened, and enabled by the Holy Spirit.

Since this is true, it is necessary to learn more about the Holy Spirit, who works in perfect harmony and oneness with God the Father and Jesus the Son. We also need to recognize the vital involvement of God’s Holy Spirit in a Christian’s personal life.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

You may be asking, “Who is the Holy Spirit?”

The Holy Spirit is co-equal, co-existent, and co-eternal with God the Father and Jesus the Son.

He is God and He possesses all the attributes of deity.

Look at Question 1 and we will see what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit.

Assign participants to read and answer Question 1. Give them time to write their own answers in their Study Books.

1. Before Jesus was crucified, He told the disciples that after He was gone, another person would be sent in His name. Read John 14:26 . . . . .

(Use your Bible or Africa Bible Verse Handbook)

a. What are the two names Jesus gave that person?. . . . . (Helper and Holy Spirit)

b. Who sent the Holy Spirit?. . . . . (God the Father)

c.What does this verse say He was to do? . . . . . (He would teach the disciples and remind them of what Jesus had said.)

The Holy Spirit is a person. When we think of a person, we visualize how he looks. But we have difficulty visualizing a spirit because a spirit does not have a body.

Most of us have no problem thinking of Jesus as a person. We know Jesus had a body when He was on earth, even though we do not know the details of His appearance. However, it is harder to visualize God and the Holy Spirit as persons because they do not have the limitations of a physical body. Read John 4:24. . . . .

We can learn two things from this verse:
• God and the Holy Spirit are both spirits;
• We cannot worship God without the help of the Holy Spirit.

God and the Holy Spirit are individual personalities, but they do not have faces or physical bodies that we can picture in our minds.

Many people make the mistake of limiting the Holy Spirit to a force, an influence, or a power. To say that He is a force, an influence, or a power is to take away His personality and His ability to do things that human beings can do. The Holy Spirit is a spirit person.

Look at Question 2 and see what else the Bible says about the Holy Spirit being a person.

2. The Holy Spirit is a person. The following Bible verses prove that fact.

Write the correct verse after each statement.

John 15:26. . . . .
Acts 13:2. . . . .
Romans 8:14. . . . .
Romans 8:26. . . . .

a. The Holy Spirit speaks. (Acts 13:2)

b.He prays for us. (Romans 8:26)

c. He reveals truth about Christ. (John 15:26)

d.He leads God’s children. (Romans 8:14)

3. Jesus told the disciples He would send the Holy Spirit after He left.
When the Holy Spirit came, what was His purpose?

Read 2 Corinthians 1:21-22. . . . .(The Holy Spirit enters believers’ hearts as a guarantee that God owns them and has blessings in store for those who receive Him.)

The next question is about what the Holy Spirit does for everyone.

4. What did Jesus say the Holy Spirit (the Helper) does for the people of the world?

Read John 16:7-11. . . . . (The Holy Spirit reveals the truth of God and shows people that they are wrong in not believing in God.)

The Holy Spirit proves to the world that they are wrong about what they believe about sin and judgment. Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil . . .”

The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin in our lives. He tells us we are wrong when we think that God will ignore our sin. We want to think that He means only evil people will be judged—not ourselves! But He tells us judgment is coming.

See what the Bible says about judgment in Jude 1:14-16 . . . . . God will bring judgment on all who speak against Him and who do evil things. In other words, God will punish those who disobey Him.

Read Romans 6:23 . . . . . God says if we sin, we must die to pay for that sin. The Bible says we cannot enter heaven unless we are born into God’s family. An important role of the Holy Spirit is His part in our new birth. He reveals to us that we are sinners who are doomed to die. We are in need of a Savior.

The Indwelling Spirit of God

When we believe the fact that Jesus’ death on the cross was the full payment for our sins, we ask God to forgive our sins and take control of our lives. At that moment, we are born into God’s family and receive His Holy Spirit into our lives. He takes up residence in our lives to give us guidance every day.

5 a. How are we born into God’s family?
Read John 3:5-7. . . . . (by the Spirit of God, also called the Holy Spirit)

b. Read Titus 3:4-7. . . . . (The Holy Spirit gives us new birth and new life.)

The new birth is the work of God’s Spirit. It happens instantly, not in stages. When we realize our hopeless condition of being separated from God and pray for Him to save us, the Holy Spirit of God enters our life and gives us life that will never end.

When you trust Jesus as your Savior, what do you receive? We learn the answer in John 3:16. . . . . (eternal life with God)

6. Who is invited to come to receive the gift of eternal life? Read Revelation 22:171. . . . (The Holy Spirit invites everyone to come.)

Although the Holy Spirit invites everyone, not all become Christians. More than a person’s intellect is involved. To receive the salvation which Christ’s death provides, a person’s will is involved. No one else can make this choice for him or her. It is a conscious act of will.

When we surrender to the Lord, He takes our sin-filled life and, in exchange, gives us the righteousness of Christ. For this to happen, it is necessary for our will to be involved.

We are born again instantly when we receive Jesus Christ. But even though we are Christians, we do not always see clearly at the beginning of our new Christian life. Our vision is marred by sinful habits of thinking and behaving.

Our vision clears as we learn what the Bible says. We must choose to obey what we learn and apply self-discipline. We soon realize that learning how to live as a Christian is a process that takes time.

One of the benefits of Bible study is learning to apply God’s Word to our daily lives. The application of this study of the Holy Spirit has to do with our attitude rather than our behavior. Changing an attitude is usually more difficult than changing a behavior.

God is One

The names and titles of the Holy Spirit reveal His relationship to God and Jesus Christ. Read Romans 8:9 and locate two different names the Holy Spirit is called. . . . . (God’s Spirit and the Spirit of Christ) The Holy Spirit has several different names, but He is the same Spirit.

When we study about Jesus, we learn that one of His names is I Am, which
the Bible says is God’s name. Jesus said He and God are one. Turn to
John 10:30. . . . . This may be hard for our limited minds to comprehend. However, when we read verses that say the Holy Spirit and God are one, we are able to understand this because they are both Spirit.

The Bible teaches from the beginning to the end that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have the same characteristics. They are one and work together in perfect harmony and unity.

We have one God who has three different roles and with whom we have three different relationships.

To completely understand this concept is beyond our comprehension. God is infinite, but our minds are only finite. They are not big enough to understand all that God is. That is one of the reasons God sent Jesus to earth—to reveal God’s nature and greatness in a way that we can understand.

When we trust Jesus as our Savior, God gives us His Spirit to teach and guide us. The more we read and study God’s Word, the more we will understand the oneness of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit has all the divine attributes which God has. The next question reveals what those attributes are.

7. The Holy Spirit possesses all the divine attributes of God and Jesus. Three of those attributes are mentioned in the following verses.

Which of the following attributes do each of these verses reveal about the Holy Spirit?

Giver of life
Eternal existence
All-knowledge, omniscience (ahm-NISH-ents)

1 Corinthians 2:11 . . . . . (All-knowledge—omniscience)

Hebrews 9:14 . . . . .(Eternal existence)

Romans 8:2, 10 . . . . . (Giver of life)

God saved us through the Holy Spirit, who gives us new birth and new life. The Holy Spirit enables us to accomplish God’s plan for our lives. We do not know what God’s plan is, but when we invite Him to control our lives, He will fulfill His original, unique plan for each of us.

When we first become Christians, we are surprised to find that having Jesus in our lives changes our behavior and even causes us to think differently! We are eager to know what God says and what He expects of us.

Many times, we make the mistake of looking to other Christians and begin to
pattern our Christian life after theirs. Or we may be influenced by what Christian people expect of us.

Unless we go to God’s Word and learn what He says we are to do and how to do it, the original creative plan God has for our life is hindered. We must have a personal desire to grow in faith and obedience under the direction of God’s Holy Spirit. He will help us understand His Word. This will prevent us from patterning our life after what people expect, rather than what God expects.

When the Lord Jesus Christ is the center of our lives and we love Him with our whole heart, our thoughts naturally turn to God. When we are doing something that does not demand our full attention, our thoughts naturally go to prayer, or praise and worship songs. We think about our relationship with God or what we can do to serve someone whom He wants us to reach with His love.

Answers to Question 8 will vary. Give everyone an opportunity to express their answers.

8 a. How does being aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life affect what you say and do? . . . . .

b. How does being aware of God’s Spirit in your life affect your fellowship with God? . . . . .

Apply this truth to your life this week—be aware that God is with you. What unspeakable joy it will give you as you live moment by moment in fellowship with Him.

To review, consider what we have learned about the Holy Spirit.

From Question 1:
What other name did Jesus give the Holy Spirit? . . . . . (The Helper)
Who sent Him?. . . . . (God the Father)
What was He to do? . . . . . (Teach the disciples and remind them of what Jesus said.)

From Questions 4 and 5:
How was the Holy Spirit involved in our lives before we became Christians?. . . . .
(He convicted us of sin and showed us we need a Savior.)

From our discussion:
When does the Holy Spirit enter a person’s life? . . . . . (when a person receives Jesus Christ as his Savior)

From Question 7:
We learned that the Holy Spirit is a person who has the same attributes as God and Jesus. Name the three attributes we talked about. . . . . (All-knowledge, eternal existence, and giver of life)

The one and only living God, the Creator of heaven and earth, sent His Holy Spirit to actually enter our being when we receive God’s gift of salvation. As we close, we can thank God for giving us His Holy Spirit to guide us.

Closing Prayer

Father in Heaven, Thank You for the Holy Spirit. Help us hear Him when He speaks to us. We may not understand everything we have talked about today, but we know that all we have to do is believe. Help us to learn what we need to know as we study the next lesson this week. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen



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