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Kodi Mulungu ndi wotani? - Phunziro #1
Kodi Mulungu
ndi wotani?
Purpose of the Lesson
• Begin to understand who God is and what He is like
• Realize that God has always existed and always will
• Accept the Bible as the source of authoritative answers
Help participants become familiar with their Study Book by pointing
out the special study helps in the back of their books.
Dear God of the Universe, we want to study the Book You wrote because
we want to learn about You. Open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts
so we can under¬stand the things we read. We come to You in
Jesus’ name, amen.
Guide’s Comments
To help us benefit from this Bible study, there are some Guidelines
which we will follow. They are located on page 6 in your Study Book.
Ndondomeko yophunzilira
Maphunziro awa ndi mawu a Mulungu omwe cholinga chenicheni
ndi kuphunzira zimene baibulo likunena komanso limakhudza
bwanji miyoyo yathu. Buku lophunzilira komanso Baibulo ndi
zida zokhazo zimene tigwiritse ntchito pamaphunzirowa.
Poyamba tiyankhe kaye mafunso amene ali mu mabuku ophunzilira
tisanayambe phunziro liri lonse. Iyi ndi njira yokonzekera
phunziro liri lonse zomwenso zipangitse kumvetsa kwa kukambirana
kwathu. Tipanga phunziro loyamba limodzi. Maphuzirowa ayamba
munthawi yoyikika ndikutha pakati pa ola limodzi ndi ola limodzi
ndi theka.
Pakuti tikusiyana kochokera kuphatikizapo matchalichi timverana
ndi kulemekeza maganizo ngakhalenso zikhulupiliro za aliyense.
Mmasabata ochepa akudzawa. Tikufuna tiyambe maphunziro atsopano
a baibulo kuchokera ku bungwe la Stonecroft. Ganizirani anzanu
amene mungawayitanire maphunzirowa. |
Who is God? This question has intrigued people
for centuries. They have searched deep into history, hoping to unveil
“the ultimate controller of the uni¬verse.” They try
to discover who God is and understand how He works.
The purpose of these lessons is—
• to learn what the Bible says about God;
• to realize how exciting life can be when we know God and
live in fellowship with Him;
• to apply what we learn and develop a deeper, more meaningful
relation¬ship with God.
To stimulate our thinking, consider the following:
God Is
The Bible simply states that God is. There is no attempt to prove
that He is. There is no great argument or explanation. Anyone who
picks up the Bible and reads its first words can know without a
doubt that God exists. God, the true and Almighty God, is. He is
the One who has caused everything else to come into existence.
Mulungu wakhala alipo,
Ndipo adzakhalapobe!
Kupezeka kwake kwa muyaya kumatchulidwa mwamphamvu
mmawu awiri kuti:
Mulungu Ndi.
How do you react to that statement?. . . . . (Discuss. Acknowledge
and encourage their thoughtful responses.)
Mulungu Wamphanvu zonze, opezeka paliponse nthawi
ili yonse, amene amadziwa zonse, ali pano.
Adzakhalapobe, chifukwa - Mulungu Ndi.
“Koma opanda chikhulupiliro
sikutheka kumkondweretsa, Pakuti iye wakudza kwa Mulungu ayenera
kukhulupilira kuti alipo, ndikuti ali obwezera mphotho iwo
akumfuna Iye
—Ahebri 11:6 |
Our New Testaments express
the fact that “God is” by using another word instead
of “is.”
1. Werengani Ahebri 11:6.(Use
your Bible or Africa Bible Verse Handbook) Ndi
liwu liti limene lagwiritsidwa ntchito pofotokozera kuti Mulungu
Ndi? (exists) |
God has always existed and He always will.
People exist and you exist. Your physical body has a beginning and
an end. But God does not have a beginning or an ending. To say,
“God exists” is correct, but to say “God is,”
has a more definite meaning. There never was a time when God did
not exist. He always was and always will be. Do you see the deeper
meaning in the statement “God is” than “God exists?”
It is always present tense or now with God.
Mulungu ndi Wolenga
Isanayambike nthawi, kunalibe kathu koma Mulungu yekha mu
ukulu wake analipo. Kunalibe kanthu –kunalibe mlengalenga,
kunalibe dziko, kunalibe dzuwa, kunalibe mwezi ngakhalenso
nyenyezi – kunalibe kathu. Mulungu analankhula ndipo
popanda kathu paja panabwera kanthu. Kulenga zinthu popanda
zinthu. Chikhalire-Mulungu ndi olenga ndipo palibenso wina. |
What do the Old and the New Testament say
about God the creator?
2. Werengani mavesi awa ndipo
mufotokoze mmene mukumvera mmmawu anu choonadi chenicheni
chimene mawu amenewa akuphunzitsa.
Nehemiya 9:6
Akolose 1:15-16
Choonadi chenicheni chimene mavesi amenewa akuphunzitsa ndi:
(God is the Creator of all things) |
God is the Creator of all things.
Genesis, the first book of the Bible, tells us that God spoke things
into being. His words are powerful. He spoke and there was light.
He spoke and things appeared that never existed before. In fact,
all that exists is here because God spoke it into being or, as in
the case of humanity, He formed us with His hands. What a wonderful
God we have! He created everything that is—out of nothing.
Mulungu ndi wamuyaya
Mawu awiri aku "Mulungu Ndi” akutsimikitsa
kuti Mulungu ndi wa Muyaya. Umuyaya ndiwovuta kumvetsa chifukwa
cha nyengo imene tikukhala. Ndife akapolo a nthawi. Nthawi
imene tinabadwa inalembedwa mkawundula. Ndipo idzakhalaponso
nthawi ya kufa, Zimene tikuchita tili ndi moyo, kuyambira
pachiyambi mpaka pa kumapeto, zimayesedwa ndi nthawi monga
zaka, masiku, maora ndi mphindi. Nthawi zonse timazindikiritsidwa
za nthawi imeneyi. Choncho ndikovuta kuti timvetse zakukhala
kunja kwa nthawi.
3. Werengani mavesi awa ndi kufotokoza mmene mukumvera choonadi
checheni chimene mavesiwa akutiphunzitsa.
(Use your Bible or Africa Bible
Verse Handbook)
Masalimo 102:12, 25-27 …. (God
is eternal)
Mulungu sayendera nthawi. Alibe chiyambi ndipo alibe mathero.
Amakhala mu umuyaya. Sayendera nthawi.
Timakhala mnyengo zitatu - yammbuyo, yatsopano ndi yamtsogolo,
Takhala nthawi yam’mbuyo, tikukhala nthawi yatsopano
ndipo tidzakhala nthawi yamtsogolo, Mulungu analipo chikhalire
ndipo adzakhalapo mpaka kale. |
God has no beginning or ending.
We had a beginning, but the amazing truth is that we will never
have an end! Our physical bodies will die, but our souls and spirits
will live on forever.
The Bible tells us in Genesis 2:7 how God made humans to live forever.
It says when God breathed the breath of life into the man, he became
a living soul.
God made people so they could know Him. That is the purpose of
this study—to know God and learn what He is like. In this
lesson we have learned that—
- God is. He has no beginning and will have
no end.
- He is the Creator of everything in heaven
and earth.
- He is eternal—He always has and
always will exist.
Another important thing the Bible tells us about God is that He
is the only One.
If a response of Question 4 reveals unbelief
about there being one God allow the person to give the reasons for
the answer. Continue by reading the verses and do not argue.
4. Werengani mavesi awa ndipo yankhani funso lotsatilari. Kodi
mukukhulupilira kuti kuli Mulungu mmodzi? Perekani chifukwa
mmene mwayankhira.
Yesaya 44:6
Yesaya 45:5
(There is only one God because
the Bible says so, and because God says He is the First and
Last. There is no other God and never will be.) |
the Bible True?
Since we have been answering our questions from the Bible, you may
be asking yourself why the Bible is a dependable, authoritative
resource for our answers.
The Bible writers claimed that they were
recording the very words of God. The amazing thing is that, though
this is not a claim writers make, the 40 men who wrote the Bible
all claim divine inspiration. Over 3,000 times the different Bible
writers said, in one way or another, that they were giving people
God’s words.
The unity of the Bible is even more amazing
when we realize the men who wrote the Scriptures wrote from three
continents—Europe, Asia, and Africa. Their writing spread
over a period of 1,500 years. They were from different walks of
life and wrote in three different languages—Hebrew, Aramaic,
and Greek.
The Bible is in perfect harmony from beginning
to end—even though it deals with many difficult subjects.
Each part needs the other parts to complete the story. The Bible
is the complete revelation of how God has provided salvation for
all who will believe and receive His wonderful gift.
Mabuku ena a m’baibulo analembedwa
ndi aneneri. Awa ndi azitukimiki amene ankanena uthenga wa
Mulungu kwa anthu. Amanena zimene zidzachitike mtsogolo ngakhale
zaka zochuluka mtsogolomo.
Cholinga cha uneneri mu Baibulo nkutidziwitsa kuti Mulungu
alipo ndipo ali ndi cholinga pa dziko lino ngakhalenso anthu.
Pakunenera za anthu, malo, ndi zochitika zaka za mtsogolo,
Mulungu amakhala akutidziwitsa za cholinga chake pa dziko
mtsogolomo. Kupherezera kwa uneneri ndi chitsimikizo kuti
Baibulo ndi mawu a Mulungu |
In his book Evidence that Demands a Verdict,
Josh McDowell gives 61 different prophecies found throughout the
Old Testament concerning the birth, life, death, and resurrection
of Jesus Christ.1 The New Testament reports the fulfill¬ment
of each of these prophecies in detail. We cannot take time to look
at all of them now. However, there are two prophecies concerning
Christ given in the next two questions.
5. Baibulo limaonekera kudalirika pakuwona
kupherezera kwa uneneri.
Mneneri Mika ananenera za malo obadwira a Ambuye Yesu zaka
700 Ambuye Yesuwo asanabadwe.
Mika 5:2
“Koma iwe, Betelehemu Efrata, ndi iwe wamng’ono
kuti ukhale mwa zikwi za Yuda, mwa iwe mudzanditulukira wina
wakudzakhala woweruza m’Israyeli; maturukiro ace ndiwo
a kale lomwe, kuyambira nthawi yosayamba”
Uneneri uwu unakwaniritsidwa pa Mateyu 2:4-6.
Kodi Ambuye Yesu anabadwira kuti? …… (in
Munthawi yayikulu mchiyembekezero cha Ambuye Yesu, Maria
amakhala kumpoto kwa Israyeli ku Nazarete. Betelehem anali
kum’mwera kwa Israyeli. Koma boma la a Aroma linalamula
kalembera. Aliyense amayenera kubwelelera kwa makolo ake kukalembetsa.
Yosefe ndi Maria anali ochokera banja la chifumu la Davide
omwe kwawo kunali ku Betelehemu – (1 Samueli 16:1).
Malemba anakwaniritsidwa Ambuye Yesu anabadwira ku Betehemu
osati ku Nazarete. Ndi Mulungu yekha amene amapanga zithu
kutheka. Mulunguyo anatheketsadi.
6. Davide ananenera za kupachikidwa kwa Ambuye Yesu zaka
chikwi Ambuye Yesu aasanabadwe.
Mwachitsanzo, Werengani
Masalimo 22:18
“Agawana zovala zanga, Nalota maere pa Malaya anga.”
Uneneriwu unakwaniritsidwa pa Yohane 19:23-24.
Kodi asilikali aja anapanga chiyani?....
(They divided his clothes into
four parts adn because His outer robe was one piece, they
threw dice for it)
Uneneri uwu unakwaniritsidwa ndi asilikali a chi Roma amene
sanadziwa nkomwe za uneneri wa Chiyuda. Sanakatha kulumikiza
ndi munthu amene anangompachika kumene. Ndi Mulungu yekha
amene anakanenera zimenezi ndikudziwitsa kuti uneneriwu wakwaniritsidwa.
7. Fotokozani mwachidule zimene Ambuye Yesu ananena zokhudza
chipangano chakale. Luka 24:27, 44 |
The time of the coming of the Messiah, His
death, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the destruction of the
temple were prophesied in the book of Daniel hundreds of years before
they happened. These fulfilled prophecies also confirm the fact
that the Bible is a divinely inspired book.
8. Kodi pa 2 Timoteo 3:16
pakuti chiyani za m’mene Baibulo limatitakasira miyoyo
(All Scripture is inspired by God
and is useful for teaching the truth) |
At the end of each lesson, there is a page on which we can make
notes. We can use this page to write things we want to remember.
Perhaps, as you study, you would like to
make notes about things God wants you to do. On this page, you can
also record ideas about how you will apply these biblical truths
to your life. It is your page—use it in the way that means
the most to you.
For example, we can write some of the things
we learned today.
What did we learn about God when we read
Hebrews 11:6? . . . . . (God exists or God is)
When we read Nehemiah 9:6, what fact did
we confirm?. . . . . (God is the Creator of everything in heaven
and earth)
God has no beginning or ending. What is another
word that describes His time¬lessness? . . . . . (Eternal)
The Bible repeatedly tells us how many gods
there are. How many are there? . . . . . (Only one)
One reason we can believe the Bible is true
is that one person who always spoke the truth confirmed the fact
that it was true. Who was that person in Luke 24:27?. . . . . (Jesus)
9. Kodi mawu akuti Mulungu Ndi akutanthauza
chiyani kwa inuyo pamene mwamaliza phunziro limeneli? …
(Accept all answers, but emphasize that
God has always existed and always will.)
Next week, Lesson 2 introduces the Weekly
Bible Reading. Each day, read the Bible verses that explain more
about God and answer one or two questions. Make a note of the new
things you have learned about God on the page at the end of the
In Question 1 of next week’s lesson,
you will be asked to write what you see when you think of God. Write
the first thing that comes into your mind. Write what is real to
you. What or who is God to you?
Some people think that God is—
• a great person far away
• nature
• a power or force in space
• a creator who made us and left us alone
• a bright, glorious light located in heaven
• a patriarch who sits on His throne in heaven and is frustrated
by all that is happening on earth
Next week, it will be interesting to hear
everyone’s answer to that question.
Atate wa muyaya. Ndikukupembedzani. Ndaphunzira kuti mulibe chiyambi
ndiponso mulibe mathero. Ndikuvomereza kuti inu ndi wolenga wamkulu
ndipo palibenso wina. Ndikupempha kuti mundithandize kuganiza bwino
za Inu pamene ndikuwerenga mawu anu. Ndapempha izi kudzera mudzina
la Yesu Khristu. Amen