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Jerry Dirmann Ministries - Protecting your Heart
This week’s
destination Sexual Immorality:
Protecting your heart
Download Senior Youth Teaching manual
MATERIALS: Laptop and sound system to play music.
Multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint.
Photocopy: Double hearts for craft, (Scissors
are needed and Markers) Teacher Notes/Handout. Bible Verse Visual
Aids and student take home ‘Sword Play Memory Verse Track’.
Activity books for youth. Seven SOAP Daily Devotional Journals photocopy
a set for each teen to take home.
Download and print PowerPoint notes
Download and print Leadership Handout
Welcome Teacher/Trainers and students. Get a youth to colour the
Bible Verse Visual Aid.
Bible Memory Verse Visual Aid
1. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS: (10 minutes)
Give your heart to Jesus
Download Praise Music and lyrics
2. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
Heart of Worship
Download Worship Music and lyrics
a) Review
Last week we leant about Jesus being tempted. Jesus had all the
power in the world and Satan tempted him to show it off.
Optional: Download and view the Review Temptation Video
However Jesus didn’t. How did Jesus resist temptation? (He
used the Word of God against Satan)
Last week we leant about Jesus being tempted. Jesus had all the
power in the world and Satan tempted him to show it off, but Jesus
didn’t. How did Jesus resist temptation? (He used the
Word of God against Satan)
"TEMPTATION DRAMA” We are going to
get in groups and I want your group to make a very short skit of
common temptations that teenagers face.
You have 10 minutes to come up with your skit that you will then
share with the rest of the group.
Suggestions for skits as needed:
• Friends encouraging you lie to your parents.
• Cheating on a test or paper.
• Joining in on teasing someone at school.
• Stealing something ‘small’ at a store.
• Gossiping over Social Media
• Watching pornography
• Excessive use of video games
• Being rude to your teacher
Optional: Download the
Review Fruit of the Spirit 'Self Control' Video
b) Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Psalm 51:10… CHARGE!
Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit
within me.
Bible Memory Verse Visual Aid
Split the group up in four groups. Allocate parts of the verse
to each group eg
1. Create in me a clean heart,
2. O God,
3. And renew a steadfast spirit
4. Within me.
Have the groups say their allocated section doing different things
eg, stand up, spin around, hop on one leg, dance etc,
Download and give out the Sword
Play Memory Verse Tracks one for each youth
to take home to help them learn the Memory Verse
c) Teaching the Lesson - Protect your heart
Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system to play the Faithbuilder
Pastor Jerry Dirmann's Protect your heart audio
Set up the Multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint.
Download the PowerPoint
Use the Teachers Notes to assist with managing the PowerPoint (already
downloaded and printed)
• Review and discuss the seven SOAP BibIe Study Devotional
Journals from last week
We have been taught that genuine fulfillment and long term commitment
come from a hearts that have purity and righteousness in them, when
we take selfishness and perversion into a relationship and we will
not be satisfied.
We have come to ask God to help us to protect our eyes from crude
movies, internet porn, girlie magazines, ask God to protect your
eyes. Proverbs 4: 25 tells us to let your eyes look straight ahead,
and your eyelids look right before you. Ask God to put blinders
on your eyes, look at nothing or anyone with lust, make a covenant
with your eyes like Job did.
Don’t be like everybody else, You can’t be like everybody
else because then you will be like everybody else, you want to be
different, you want your life to be significant, fulfilled, enjoyable,
you want to be honoured, and noble, so you can’t let those
things in your mind, you have to look straight ahead.
Sexual imaginations result from opening the eye gate to sexual
Stop talking sexual talk, telling smutty, sexual jokes, sexual
gossip on Social Media, anything perverse put far from you. You
want to be free stop all those comments. You may think you can talk
that dirty talk and get away with it but God says “And he
who has a perverse tongue falls into evil.”
Open the alters for those young people who want repent and to ask
God to give them the strength that they need to resist temptation
and protect thier hearts.
CLOSING PRAYER: Heavenly Father we have come to
repent for all the smutty jokes, sexual double meanings, sexual
suggestions, flirting and sexual contacts that have sow seeds which
are growing into trees of sexual perversion. Help me to put a guard
on my eyes, my ears, my feet and hands. Protect my mind from sexual
imaginations, we pull them down in the mighty name of Jesus and
cover our minds with the blood of Jesus. Amen
Optional: Download a set of seven SOAP
Bible Study Devotional Journals- one for each
Optional: Download
the ‘Take
Home Quiz Activity Books’ for
the youth, give out at the end of this session
Optional: Download the ‘Sword
Play Memory Verse Track’ one for each youth
to take home.
Information sourced from Pastor Jerry Dirmann Founder and Senior
Pastor of The Rock
Visit his website for more great resources www.jerrydirmann.com/
Next week we start a brand new series The Marriage Series