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Jerry Dirmann Ministries - The way of Adultery
This week’s destination: Sexually Immorality–
The Way of Adultery
Senior Youth Teaching manual
MATERIALS: Laptop and sound system to play music.
Multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint.
Photocopy: Teacher Notes/Handout. Bible Verse
Visual Aids and student take home ‘Sword Play Memory Verse
Track’. Activity books for youth. Seven SOAP Daily Devotional
Journals photocopy a set of seven for each teen to take home.
and print PowerPoint notes
and print Leadership Handout
Welcome Teacher/Trainers and students. Get ten of the youths to
colour the Bible Verse Visual Aids.
Bible Memory Verse Visual Aid
1. ACTIVE PRAISE CHORUS: (10 minutes)
O Be Careful
Oh be careful little eyes what you see…
Oh be careful little eyes what you see…
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
So be careful little mouth what you say.
O be careful…
2) Oh be careful little ears what you hear…
3) Oh be careful little tongue what you say
4) Oh be careful little hands what you do…
5) Oh be careful little feet where you go.
6) Oh be careful little mind what you think…
7) Oh be careful little heart whom you trust…
Praise Music and lyrics
2. INTIMATE WORSHIP: (5 minutes)
Change my heart oh God
Worship Music and lyrics
a) Review
1. What was last week’s Memory Verse? (Mark 12:
30a And you shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your
2. What should you do if a perverted thought comes into your mind?
(Reject them, cast down imaginations.)
3. What is the wages of sin? (Death)
b) Sword Play
Ready…Swords up… Numbers 32:23b… CHARGE!
Be sure your sin will find you out.
Bible Memory Verse Visual Aid
Bible Jumble: Muddle up the Bible Verse Visual Aids and get the
youth to sort them out in the correct order. Do it numerous times
and get the youth to recite the verse each time until they have
memorized it.
Download and give out the Sword
Play Memory Verse Tracks one for each youth
to take home to help them learn the Memory Verse
c) Teaching the Lesson - The Ways of Adultery
Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system to play the Faithbuilder
MP3 The Way of Adultery.
Pastor Jerry Dirmann's audio The Way of Adultery
Set up the Multimedia projector and screen to show the PowerPoint.
The Way of Adultery PowerPoint
Use the Teachers Notes to assist with managing the PowerPoint (already
downloaded and printed)
• Review and discuss the seven SOAP BibIe Study Devotional
Journals from last week
Set up the Laptop connected to the sound system to play soft worship
music to set the atmosphere.
Close with a time of worship. Open the alters for those young people
who want to ask God to give them the strength that they need to
resist temptation and guard their heart, their mouths, their ears
and their eyes.
Our society has become desensitized to sexual perversion. King
Soloman says 27 times listen to me I want to protect you from the
worlds ways which lead to death. The web has been spun and the evil
woman will set her trap. Don’t lust for her in your heart,
do not let her flatter you. You have to take responsibility for
your heart. Walk away, don’t even look
Remember the Word of God is a light to your path, if you stop reading
the Bible or listening to messages you will go off course. The Word
of God is like a compass and it will get you back on course let
us spend some time before God privately confessing the things that
have got us off the track, now is the time to repent, let us pray
for strength to resist peer pressure and gossip.
CLOSING PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I’ve finally
come to my senses. I confess as sin my foolish belief that I can
make life work apart from You. I’ve arrogantly suppressed
the truth of how perfectly well You care for me. I’ve denied
Your fatherly love for me. I’ve sinned against You by believing
Satan’s lies, I have fallen into lusts of the flesh, please
forgive me and close every door that has been opened. Come Holy
Spirit and take your rightful place in my heart. In Jesus name.
Optional: Download a set of seven SOAP
Bible Study Devotional Journals- one for each
Optional: Download
the ‘Take
Home Quiz Activity Books’ for
the youth, give out at the end of this session
Optional: Download the ‘Sword
Play Memory Verse Track’ one for each youth
to take home.
Information sourced from Pastor Jerry Dirmann Founder and Senior
Pastor of The Rock
Visit his website for more great resources www.jerrydirmann.com/
Next session The
Place of Temptation