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Jerry Dirmann Ministries - Marriage Covenant
Marriage is a covenant, it is using an ancient and rich Biblical
concept to describe how God’s steadfast and exclusive love
for his people is a model for the loving union of a married couple.
In this Session, there is no audio, PowerPoint or Handouts because
the students are encouraged to watch a Marriage Covenant Video teaching
by Pastor Jerry Dirmann Founder and Senior Pastor of The Rock
Video. |
The Old Testament writers trace the relationship between God and
the chosen people of Israel by speaking of the covenant he offers
to them through Abraham, Moses. This covenant is an invitation to
enter into a relationship in which “I will be your God and
you will be my people” (Jeremiah 30:22)
(Exodus 19:5)
5 Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant,
then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for
all the earth is Mine.
A covenant is a commitment which God initiates. The Bible tells
a story of Israel repeatedly straying from the demands of this covenantal
relationship and God always trying to call the people back to their
original commitment.
Despite the fact that the people continually break the covenant,
God still promises them a new and everlasting covenant
(Read Jeremiah 31).
These prophecies are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. In his life, death
and resurrection, God manifests in a definitive way his desire to
draw us into a loving relationship with him and with one another.
St. Paul teaches that marriage is a pre-eminent symbol (or sacrament)
of the covenant which Christ has with his people. This is because
marriage is a commitment by which spouses pledge to each other all
aspects of their lives “until death do us part.”
Information sourced from www.foryourmarriage.org
(Memory Verse)
Bible Verse Visual Aid
Malachi 2: 14b
Yet she is your companion
And your wife by covenant.
Bible Memory Verse Card
Video teaching by Pastor Jerry Dirmann Founder and Senior Pastor
of The Rock
Visit his website for more great resources www.jerrydirmann.com/
Operation SolidLives www.oslonline.com