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Teaching Library of Mike Bickle-

The Mike Bickle website, MikeBickle.org,
has recently been updated to include more than 2,600 audio
and video files of Mike's rich teaching history, including
streaming video, audio accompanied by handouts and study notes.
In addition, they have added the "All Categories"
page where you can search for topics and series included in
the site.
As always, Mike's content is free to access and download for
the benefit of the Body of Christ. We give honour to this man of God who's copyright is 'your right
to copy' for the Kingdom of God.
Much of this teaching will be used by the Pastors in the Africa
Training Bible School.(ATBS)
Each of these ATBS Series includes an audio and handout or study
notes to be downloaded as well as a PowerPoint to make the viewing
more visual for the Pastors and has also been adapted as a Youth
Discipleship Training for the youth within their
Churches in Africa.
Work in ongoing to translate this material into Swahili for Tanzania
and Kenya, into Chichewa for Malawi and French for the Pastors in
DR Congo.