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Jerusalem Series - Introduction

Jerusalem Series Introduction
By Mike Bickle
International House of Prayer of Kansas City
Free Teaching Library
MikeBickle.org |
Welcome to this five part Jerusalem Series starting with a teaching
on Jerusalem, her glory, significance and struggle as well as God's
manifest glory resting on the city.
You will learn how zealour Jesus is for Jerusalem or Zion. Jesus
will return to Jerusalem to dwell or live there forever. Zion in
the Scripture almost always speaks of the city of Jerusalem. Jerusalem
is unique by the fact that Jesus chose to reign there forever and
even named it after the New Jerusalem.
2“I am zealous for Zion with great zeal...3 I
will return to Zion, and dwell in the midst...”
(Zech. 8:2-3)
Jerusalem is central to God’s end-time purposes. King Jesus’
throne and worldwide government will be in Jerusalem and the New
Jerusalem will descend to the place of the earthly Jerusalem.
17“Jerusalem shall be called The Throne of the
LORD, and all the nations shall be gathered to it, to the name of
the LORD, to Jerusalem.” (Jer. 3:17)
Much of this teaching will be used by the English speaking Pastors
in the Africa
Training Bible School.(ATBS)
Each of these ATBS Series includes an audio and handout or study
notes to be downloaded as well as a PowerPoint to make the viewing
more visual for the Pastors in Africa and the youth in their church.
Jerusalem Series
the entire Jerusalem Series
Part 1 Jerusalem her glory, significance and struggle
Part 1 Jerusalem her glory, significance and struggle
Part 2 Jerusalem God’s manifest glory resting on a city
Part 2 Jerusalem God’s manifest glory resting on a city
Part 3 Jesus zeal and commitment to Jerusalem
View Part 3 Jesus zeal and commitment
to Jerusalem online
Part 4 Jesus the Warrior King
Part 4 Jesus the Warrior King online
Part 5 Jerusalem the capital city of the New Earth
Part 5 Jerusalem the capital city of the New Earth