a. “Back Track” Review
Last week we learnt that "Goodness is doing the right thing
for the right reason." Kindness is more about our attitude
and goodness is more about the things we do for others. Can someone
testify any ‘good things that you did this week at home.
Use the French Review Cards to
test how well the children remember the Memory Verses.Make it
into a game. Have some little rewards for the children.
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Française les aides visuelles

b. Française - Étude du verset

“L’Eternel, l’Eternel, un Dieu
plein de compassion et de grâce, lent à se mettre
en colère, et riche en amour et en fidélité”.
Exode 34:6b
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Française les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers
b. Lingala - Étude du verset

"Yawe, Yawe, Nzambe na mawa mpe na ngolu, Nzambe oyo asilikaka noki te, atondi na bolingo mpe na boboto"
Kobima 34:6b
Facultatif: Téléchargez
Lingala les aides visuelles de la Bible en vers |
c. Enseignez la leçon (15 minutes)
Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #8 Français
Les Aides Visuelles Leçon #8 Lingala
DO: Set out all of the Football posters etc
before your students arrive plus the Fruit Review cards.
ASK: How many of you have a favourite football team? How do you
support your team? (Cheer them on) What happens when our
team loses? (We are sad) Do we start cheering for the other
side? (NO) Why not? (We are faithful to our team.)
SAY: No matter what, we will always support our team. We are loyal
to them. We believe in them. We cheer for them when they win and
when they lose! We are faithful in our support of them.
ASK: Can you find a Fruit of the Spirit listed on the Fruit Review
Card that describes our loyalty to our team? (Point it out if
they do not make the connection.) Can anyone describe faithfulness?
SAY: Faithfulness is a lot like loyalty…but goes much deeper.
If the Bible tells us we are to be faithful, we should search to
discover what that means! How can we discover more about faithfulness?
By looking in God’s Word! Let’s go to His Word now and
see what He will reveal to us about faithfulness.
King David says in Psalm 86:15,
“But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to
anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.”
God abounds with faithfulness! This means it overflows from Him.
(Demonstration by pouring water into a glass and allowing it
to overflow.)
In the Bible, there is a story about a very
old man who had faithfully served God all of his life. His name
was Simeon and he was looking forward to the coming of the Messiah.
God had promised Simeon that he would not die until he had seen
the Christ, the promised Messiah. Some time after the birth of Jesus,
Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple to dedicate him to God.
Simeon was in the temple. As soon as Simeon saw the baby, he knew
that Jesus was the Christ and that God had kept his promise that
he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. God is faithful
to his promises, 100%!
The Bible tells us in many verses to be faithful
to our God. One of the main ways the Fruit of Faithfulness is displayed
in our lives as believers is by our faithfulness to Him. So how
do we show faithfulness to God? (Worshipping Him, obeying His
Word, knowing His Word, praying to Him, etc.)
When you make a new friend, you have to spend
time and energy making the friendship grow. You have to cultivate
a friendship, like you had to cultivate your Moringa plant. You
had to water and protect the Moringa plant just like your friendship.
We are to cultivate faithfulness within ourselves.
This means intentionally being faithful to our family, friends,
and to God. This also means praying for faithfulness to overflow
in your heart, studying faithfulness in Scripture, and get to know
our faithful God who is our only perfect example!
Imagine a young girl stops talking to her
best friend. She stops spending time with her. At school, she talks
badly and lies about her friend whom she used to love. She ignores
her, betrays her, and is completely unfaithful to her. What would
you do if this were your friend? (Allow time for discussion.)
Read Romans 3: 3-4 - What
is God’s response to us when we are unfaithful? (He is
still faithful!) No matter what we do, our God will always
be faithful to us as His people, just as we would never stop supporting
our home team. He will always keep His Word; His promises will never
be broken. If we are to follow God’s example of faithfulness,
how should we respond to an unfaithful friend? (Continue to
be loyal, kind and faithful to them.)
I want everyone to close their eyes and think
about the words we just read. Which column describes you? Are you
faithful to your family, your friends? Or are you unfaithful? (Be
silent for 20 seconds or more.) Okay. Open your eyes. Even if your
life is now showing you to be an unfaithful person, you have great
hope! Christ died so that we may know God. As we know God more and
more, we are able to become more like Him. We begin to display the
Fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Keep spending time with our faithful
God! He will change you and form you into a person of great faithfulness
to Him and faithfulness to others! And no matter how unfaithful
we are to God, His faithfulness towards you will never ever change.
Everything He says, He will do. Every promise He makes, He will

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FRUIT Session #9 |
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Catastrophe Naturelle
Guéris un Cœur Blessé - Crise Corona